Monday, November 2, 2020


 The Last Of  The Good Weather

Well its the end of October and its bout to be winter real soon but we had day that it was hot as hell outside I grab a bikini I pick up at Kalisha and went to outside to get the last lil bit of sun of the year I grab a book but decided not to read so I put on some sunscreen and just laid around then I talk to the hubby sent him a selfie so he know what he's missing I went to go swimming  but I just put my feet in the water cause I didn't feel like swimming so I just chilled and enjoy probably the last day of good weather ....

Kalisha Design
Kindra Bikini
fit Belleza (Isis, Freya, Venus), Maitreya, Slink ( Hourglass
comes with 8 different patterns 
also you can make you own color scheme or choose from 26 different colors 
you can control the shininess, glow and alpha and also you can turn the bright on and off 
im currently wearing the polka dot pattern in turquiose 
price @ 150L 

you can pick this up at the Infinity Event by clicking the link @Infinity Event
also check out the online store @ Kalista Design

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