Tuesday, November 17, 2020


Feeling Special 

When I was young we use to go the the fair every year and get cotton candy and candy apples ....that was around September I think but I also remember my grandma would make them for us on birthdays, and holidays and special events.......she told us that she got them at the fair and that she save them for a special event .......thinking back those apples would have been rotten but we didn't know any better ...my granny would go to an apple orchard and pick out a bunch of apples 

she would make homemade apple sauce, fried apples, Dutch apple pies  and of course she would make candy apples .....candy and caramel apples but i preferred the caramel ....all my cousins love the candy apples I was the only one the like the caramel apple....so she made sure that I had a couple of caramel apples ......my cousins would fuss cause i was the only one with a
 Caramel apples laughing ....I felt loved and special till this day... when I eat an caramel apple to this day I think of my grandma and smile .....those sweet memories 

Divaz Empire

(DE) Unique Diva

comes with top and skirt

fit Ebody Curve, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Maitreya

comes with 5 different designs 

im currently rocking the black and pink 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Divaz Empire Mainstore
also check out the online store Divaz Empire Marketplace


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