Wednesday, September 2, 2020



The other night I fell asleep and had a dream ....I was wandering around a forest.. when I spotted this giant rose.... I've never seen a rose that so big ... I got a bit closer just to get a better look... when I smelt this foul stench. I got goosebumps as I felt eyes staring directly at me  but when I looked around there was nothing in the area but this beautiful red rose. ...Taking a brief glance around me I leaned in to touch the huge petals, as I  grasp one the ground shook and I fell

to the ground, when I open my eyes, a glass jar encased me by each side....I jumped up and started banging the side of the glass yelling "what the hell?" even my punches did nothing to it ..... As  a shadow towered over me I looked up to see a giant leaning down  saying in a booming voice..." you are the beauty that I have been waiting to find, now that I have found you.... i will keep you here admiring your beauty forever .. aren't you so lucky? ..... he must be  tripping I thought..  or maybe he's playing... cause he got the wrong one... My strength start to  weaken and I grew tired... I woke up the next day... hungry as hell ... I knocked and kicked at the glass trying to get that oversized oaf to notice me..  after a hour he leaned down and said " how does something so small , make so much noise ??..... Finally he gave me a bit of bread and had me climb up the rose  to drink  out of a big glass of water... as I finally start to climb down he  says "time to feed the flower " and dumps the whole cup in the  glass ... getting me soaking wet ... like I'm not in the damn glass with the flower idiot...... Running out options other then being tired and wet I finally asked him his name.

 He said Wapaloo .....Wap what .....and got me thinking of the wap song... and my clothes.. and thought .. I just call him Fred.  Fred I murmured.. do you think I can get out of here?? He said in his booming voice.. shaking the glass around me ..that his name is not Fred..... I yelled......well I'm stuck inside a glass.. and while I'm in  this glass you are Fred. He huffed  and stomped his feet as he said " I'm never letting you go " I whined... "but why?"  Fred I need a hot shower... I thought to myself he probably doesn't know what that is since his funk can even penetrate glass.. . I whined more ... that I also want a hot meal and I missed my family.. his response was that he was my new family... and oh hellllll naw that wasn't going to happen ... I sat in my small puddle and ignored him . He started clapping his hands and dancing as he sung the Ferrell song " happy" that would make me happy... later on that day I asked him would he ever let me out ... as he said no ... I started to sob and  one the rose  petals fell to the ground wilted and dead... I grabbed it to my chest and laid down ..wondering was this my fate... as Fred saw the rose petal, he got angry and he threw a fit... he kicked boulders and  broke and threw tree limbs and screamed out.. "Why do my rose keep dying ? I feed it , I take care of it and I admire it ." I looked up him and said " yes but you didn't let it thrive Fred... nothing can survived trapped .. it will slowly wilt and die and the beauty you once looked upon with fondness ..will crumble  right in front of your eyes . He said with tears in his eyes.. " then what do I do ?" ..... I  answered ..

" You have to let it go .. you  have to learn to admire the beauty from afar .. holding up the petal.. as I say or it will always turn up like this... something dead and unalive... no longer beautiful anymore ....he walk away sad .....he came back an hour later and said "I'm letting you go"....shit I hop up hearing that he groan and said "when I let you go will you return" now was that a trick question.....Hell no I thought but I said yeah sure .......He lift the glass from over me and I ran like hell .....Heard his voice boom " I change my mind came back here" feeling the earth vibrate under my feet he got closer he reach down to grab me and I woke up .....and look around ....seeing that my husband was knock out on the other side i laid back down and went back to sleep.

AMF:: Evil Queen Gown
come with a nine color hud for the dress, straps and pearls
im currently wearing it in the red 
fit Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy

go pick up this sexy dress at the mainstore by clicking the link  After Midnight Fashion


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