Sunday, September 13, 2020


 When Cinderella Really a Sista

Well I was resting after cleaning the whole house from top to bottom.......I think I only was asleep for about 30 mins when the two evil heifers bust in my room talking about they need help getting dress ....I woke up ill .....thinking these grown bitches don't know how to dress themselves ....snapping "what do you want?" of the heifer said "We been invited to the ball you don't have nothing to wear and you cant borrow any of our stuff so you can't go...looking at her...... now this heifer know I cant wear any of their shit anyway ......rolling my eyes then the other one had to nerve to say "Cinderella your room look a hot mess ....they was two mins from getting cussing out like either one of their ass every clean or know what a broom look like  ......they nag the hell out of me till I got up and went to help them get dress so I can get some peace and have the house to myself .....looking around for the evil step mom I call Ursula from the little mermaid ....cause she was mean, fat and always yelling plus she look just like her omg ...asking where she's at ...they said she was out making sure everything was perfect for them with a smirk .....while helping them get into a dress that's way too small and shoes that look like they hurt .... i help them anyway   ....for some reason they think they can wear a size 14 when actually its a 18 more like a 20 ...rolling my eyes again ...they hate for me to tell them that something doesn't fit I kept my mouth close  ....I just couldn't wait till they leave ....hearing one of the evil twins say "we gonna go to the Prince's Ball ....he's looking for a queen...then those heifer argue about who's  he's gonna choose between them ......thinking please choose one of them please ..pretty please prince i can have a life   .....we heard car horns and they left ....I was still tired and ready to go back to bed in peace .....I just doze off when I felt someone tap my leg  .....omg if they don't leave me alone I'm gonna snap was my thoughts ........ I sat up and saw this strange lady...... asking "who are you " she proceed to tell me she's my fairy godmother ....said I need to get dress and go to the ball ......she also stated that I  have every right to go to the ball ....laying back down and groaning " I cant afford that plus look at what I got on" she told me take a shower ....I look at her crazy at first then I took a shower wondering why am I doing what this strange lady told me to do but I had a good feeling about her ........ after coming out with my hair wet ......she snap her finger and this beautiful gown and those gorgeous glass slippers  was on my bed .....I got dress it was cute but my hair look a mess.....she then snap a finger and my hair was done ....I look in the mirror I smile hard never had I thought I could look like this .....being that the evil twins made it their  business to let me know how ugly I was ....then she said your chariot await have till 2 am to get this back here .......ill visit you at 2 am ok I agreed and we drove off here's where the story get crazy.......the rat face guy  that drove the chariot around got loss ......we drove around about an hour when we stumble across this sign that say THETA DELTA ALPHA MET GALA BALL he look at the map this is not the place....I got out the chariot and said I going in ....hearing him say this isn't the right ball ....rolling my eyes thinking we gonna be riding around till the morning so I wave him off

As I enter the ball I heard Cheryl Lynn with  Mary J and Will Smith get mixed in the song "Got to be real "  sound like the DJ was doing her I came in all eyes was on me .....I was nervous and shy didn't like the attention that was on me the ladies came up to me and said  I look nice and told me to have fun with a smile..... I dance and party with people I didn't even know but felt like I known them all my life if that make since. ... I talk to one of the ladies by the name of Ley.......she told me this was a sorority party .....pointed out different frat and soror 

Ĺaмвda rнo Ĺaмвda ѕororιтy ιnc.

Psi Kappa Phi Sorority

Queen Lace
𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊 𝙾𝚖𝚎𝚐𝚊 𝙸𝚘𝚝𝚊 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢
Delta Theta Nu Sorority
Beta Eta Rho Sorority
Kappa Xi Psi Sorority
Eta Sigma Delta Sorority
Omega Lambda Rho Fraternity
Telling me that her sorority was hosting this party .....she introduce me to the founder Diva and the president Cherry the was both was very nice which by the way I wasn't use to that ..I also talking to a queen by the name of Indya I felt like this was where I belong .. ..found out she was a queen of another kingdom...yeah baby I met a queen which was cool as hell .....they welcome me to the party and I had a ball literally..... I was having so much fun then when the clock strike 2 am I almost miss it.... I told them I had to go ..I ran out so fast I lost one of my shippers....talking about being pissed ....once I got outside my fairy god mother was waiting ......she told me that the rat face guy gonna take me home ....I interrupt her .....can I keep the chariot she nod..... I blurred out "I'm not going back there" ......she smile ...she said she knew I had it in me we hugged and I was out I didn't meet my prince that night but I did gain my independence something even better I left the ball with a beautiful dress and my freedom minus losing that one slipper you see I'm still pissed about that .... ....I didn't know what I was going to do but I felt good about it ......turn out I had skills from living in that evil house ....I could cook, clean and sew .....I use to design outfits for my lil furry friends all the time I had them looking fly lol .....I drove away and I found a nice place I made outfits for the town people ....later on open a lil boutique where the prince enter ....he was looking for a dress for his mother was love at first sight.....we fell in love and was married ......years later I end up joining that same Sorority ......oh I forgot to the tell you the evil step sisters and Usula come to the wedding and tried to become my family again ....not ....I had them escorted off the premises ......and thats how the story really end lol ......

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