Saturday, September 19, 2020



The other day I went to a training seminar ....We had a probation officer giving a speech after the speech he had the nerve to ask if any one volunteer wanted to wear an ankle bracelet for the next 24 hours ....just so we can experience what a what the prisoner goes through.....hell who want to experience that no one volunteer then the captain had to nerve to say British what about you ....I said "what about me" he said do you want to volunteer I said hell no the class laugh .....the instructor clap his hand and said British this will be fun ....I said for who....everyone was egging my on ......of course they egging me on.....cause their asses don't have to wear the shit they put it on me ..........I went home and said ill just chill for the rest of the day they will take it off tomorrow worries .....well you know that didn't happen...I forgot I had to make an important run .....thinking Hell .... I remember I got brought this secret stash to hide my credit cards when I leave the house cause I'm not suppose to use my credit cards i got the lil purse fit it around my ankle bracelet ........omg it fit perfectly I put it on and went and ran my errands phone kept ringing I answer it ......the captain said you are suppose to be home plus they said something is distorting it....told him I didn't know what he was talking about  ....the parole office told me your on the move making me look bad ....rolling my eyes I told the captain that I was headed home ...once I was home I decide to go in my backyard and on my swing  .......the next day I went back to our seminar.....the parole officer went to take the ankle bracelet off ....forgetting to take off my secret stash ... the probation officer saw my secret stash around the ankle bracelet ....he huff....i see why it was hard to pick you up ....I recommend that they should get those for the female and the male  prisoner ....they wont mind wearing it ....his face look frustrated when he said this "it's not suppose to be fashionable and fun ...rolling my eyes ....then he said I'm glad your on our side would probably frustrate me as your parole officer .....rolling my eyes .....grabbing a muffin to finish listening to his lecture....thinking I probably would smiling slightly 

[High Key] Secret Stash
for the (Left or Right) leg
Comes in 8 different designs
420, 666, Bijoux, Crown, FuckU, Music, Palm and Stake 
and each different design has a color hud of 4 colors and a 2 color hud for the buckle and the zipper are gold and silver 
Im currently wearing the music 

you can pick this up at the Audacity Event  by clicking the link Audacity Event
also and Check out the mainstore [High Keys]

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