Tuesday, September 15, 2020



The other day me and my best friends was hanging out after getting ice-cream and window shopping well Holo cheap as window shop I did get a couple of things at the Audacity Event..... when we ran across this jungle gym .....we was like two kids we ran up and start swinging from the jungle gym we first went across it as fast as we can ...we time each other to see who had the fastest time ...we only did it twice ...she won the first round and I won the second time ....we was tired after that don't judge us we just had ice-cream we both felt like we work that off lol .....then we literally just hung out laying around on the top of it.... we talk about the saying of the shirt ...laughing about a girl we both know ....have you ever met a person that always negative ....if you say the sun shining she would say its will burn you skin ....never had anything positive to say ....I told her my shirt is dedicated to her we both laugh....laying up there for hours just talking ....got to love your best friend 

Tastic-Humor Shirt 

Fit Belleza (Freya, Venus), Maitreya, Slink (hourglass, Physique), Tonic (Curvy, Fine), Voluptuous

the shirt coming with a hud of 7 different says so if you dont like the one i have on...you can choose from 6 other 

you  can currently pick this up at the Audacity Event

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