Wednesday, September 30, 2020



Captain call me to go undercover ....He said I look just like the Female Mob Boss the name of Trina said that' she's the baddest chick.....said she ruthless .....she would gun you down in  the middle of daylight .....they want me to infiltrate the group and find out when this hit was going against another Mob Boss Big Sal .....I dress up just like her ....said I had to get those pacific shoes they was her trademark .....I had to order them from Elise ....smiling At least she has good taste when the shoes arrive ....I got dress and headed down  there ....I had to study her mannerism the good thing about her is she does really do a lot of talking ....she basically like to pull out her gun which is right up your alley .... I got dress and wired and hung out with Lowie, Frankie, lil Mookie. and Big Stanky we was shooting the breeze when Frankie call me a Doll remember she didn't like being calling I pull my piece out ...once the other calm me down and Frankie apologize ....Big Sal come outside for a min.....Lowie started the conversation "Saying he couldn't wait to get rid of him ....the rest chime in and started planning his murder ....I was like aww shit they really planning it in broad daylight the detail of when the hit was going down ...when and where and even how they was going to kill him and who was going after him .....later that day the perks was brought in ...of course I was brought in along with them but i got another good guy off the street.....oh and I kept the shoes 

Elise  Monica
fit Belleza, Maitreya, and slink 
it has a shoe of 10 different colors 
has a metal hud of 10 different colors 
and a hud of 3 colors for the sole 
im currently wearing it in black with the gold metal
it cost 399L 

make sure you go pick them at at the main store 

by clicking the link Elise

Monday, September 28, 2020


When u want something sweet 

I was out shopping when i had a taste for something sweet ......Its this guy that has this icecream cart that has homemade ice cream he make himself not sure if that true but he said it everything is organic so he ask me if he can take my order ....I said what do you recommend ....He said that strawberry tend to sell out ......So I order strawberry please .... then he ask if i want it regular or whip ..I said whip ....I saw him put the ice cream in the this machine ....then he ask if I want it in a cone or cup.....i said a cup then he ask what kind of fruit ....I looking at the blueberries so I pointed to the blueberries well I have to say it was really good time gonna get strawberry in my strawberry ice cream.....I found a new place now I have to a reason to go shopping ....ok I know your thinking  I'm just looking for a reason to go shopping and you would be right lol

[CInnamon Cocaine] Boba Whip

[CInnamon Cocaine] Boba Whip
they have Blue Vanilla, Coconut, Matcha, Matcha II, Pineaple, Strawberry, Taro, Vanilla, some comes with spoons and some don't 
Im currently using the strawberry 

[Cinnamon Cocaine] Luv Drip Sunglasses 
comes in Lemony, LIght MInt, Lime, Mandarin, Ocean, Ombre I,  Ombre II, Ombre III, Onyx, Orange, Pink, PInk II
 im currently wearing the Pink II
you can pick these two items at Harajuku
also check out the main store at [Cinnamon Cocaine]

this particular song doesn't fit my blog but i felt like some Pitbull 

Thursday, September 24, 2020



The other day me and my friend was on the phone having a video talk about this outfit she was looking at Divaz Empire ....said she thinking about going back there ....then we got on the conversation of our men....told her I was getting sexy tonight ..... told her  I just finish this chair dancing class and was going to try the routine on my man tonight she laugh ....did u go get some lingerie .....naw I'm not going to put lingerie on I got this cute lil sexy bra and boy shorts i got at Divaz that comes with a

shirt .....she's frown then we argue about if the lingerie would be more sexy ....I told her sexy is an attitude not what u have on  ...I took the phone over to the outfit i had laid out and show it to her .....oh that's cute  but is it sexy enough.....i smile hard ......girl gonna have him eating out my hand ....she said I hear you ......just then I heard my man come in hearing his keys hit the end table .......hearing he yell my name ....telling my girlfriend I got to go .....I came down and kiss him and whisper I got a surprise for you tonight ....he smirk and said oh yeah.......I wink and switch away knowing he watching my ass......once he  finish dinner I call down and ask if he ready for his surprise .......I met him at the bottom of the stairs took his hand ......I lead him upstairs and sat him on the bed turn on some soft music went in the bathroom to change told him to close my eyes .....

(DE) Lazy La Diva 
come with shirt, bra, and shorts 
the shirt has a hud of 6 different colors 
the bra has a hud of 10 colors 
the shorts has a hud of 10 colros 
fit maitreya, freya, hourglass,  legacy, 
im currently wearing the black shirt with the pink bottoms and bra 
get this for 300L 

I grab a chair once i had the chair position in front of him I told him to open my eyes and I started to dance ....seeing the lust in his eyes he tried to touch my ass....telling him not to touch I dance and straddle  the chair ....he told me to take the shirt off ......taking the shirt off watching his package rise when I grind against the chair .....before my routine was over I felt him move the chair and grab me ....kissing my neck and groping my ass ......after that it was on like popcorn .....just say I had a Fabulous night ....the next morning he was downstairs cooking breakfast .....he said I like that outfit u got to wear that again ....thinking I told my girl sexy is definite a attitude.

You can do a lil online shopping ....the good thing about the online shopping you get the item immediately .....pick up this outfit along with other items by clicking the link DIVAZ EMPIRE

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Well I stumble across this lil noodle place in china town looking for this dress shop one day.....I never found the dress shop but i found this place that make the best lo mein on earth ....well you know I'm a foodie this place in china town they have  different Chinese food but he noodles are the best they make them fresh only thing this place is almost an hour away .....Today I was craving those noodles though .....So I got up and decide to go to the china town ...pull out this new dress I got at After Midnight Fashion and headed down  there in my drop top and headed to china town .....

AMF:: Fleur Dress
Comes with dress hud the dress hud has 10 saying hud along with a plaid hud of 10 different color hud 
i currently wearing the saying Depresso with the plaid and white and black at the bottom 
fit maitreya, hourglass, and legacy
priced at 150 L which is good as hell for all that you get 

Saw the same guy at the counter .....I call him Lee don't really know it that his name but he look like a Lee and he doesn't correct me ......Speaking in broken English he ask for my order after waiting for about 10 mins  ......I got my noodles omg soooo good so if you looking for the best lo mein you got to check out that lil spot in Chinatown. definitely worth the drive.

you can pick this put at The Darkness Event by clicking the link The Darkness Event
also check the mainstore @ After Midnight Fashion

Saturday, September 19, 2020



The other day I went to a training seminar ....We had a probation officer giving a speech after the speech he had the nerve to ask if any one volunteer wanted to wear an ankle bracelet for the next 24 hours ....just so we can experience what a what the prisoner goes through.....hell who want to experience that no one volunteer then the captain had to nerve to say British what about you ....I said "what about me" he said do you want to volunteer I said hell no the class laugh .....the instructor clap his hand and said British this will be fun ....I said for who....everyone was egging my on ......of course they egging me on.....cause their asses don't have to wear the shit they put it on me ..........I went home and said ill just chill for the rest of the day they will take it off tomorrow worries .....well you know that didn't happen...I forgot I had to make an important run .....thinking Hell .... I remember I got brought this secret stash to hide my credit cards when I leave the house cause I'm not suppose to use my credit cards i got the lil purse fit it around my ankle bracelet ........omg it fit perfectly I put it on and went and ran my errands phone kept ringing I answer it ......the captain said you are suppose to be home plus they said something is distorting it....told him I didn't know what he was talking about  ....the parole office told me your on the move making me look bad ....rolling my eyes I told the captain that I was headed home ...once I was home I decide to go in my backyard and on my swing  .......the next day I went back to our seminar.....the parole officer went to take the ankle bracelet off ....forgetting to take off my secret stash ... the probation officer saw my secret stash around the ankle bracelet ....he huff....i see why it was hard to pick you up ....I recommend that they should get those for the female and the male  prisoner ....they wont mind wearing it ....his face look frustrated when he said this "it's not suppose to be fashionable and fun ...rolling my eyes ....then he said I'm glad your on our side would probably frustrate me as your parole officer .....rolling my eyes .....grabbing a muffin to finish listening to his lecture....thinking I probably would smiling slightly 

[High Key] Secret Stash
for the (Left or Right) leg
Comes in 8 different designs
420, 666, Bijoux, Crown, FuckU, Music, Palm and Stake 
and each different design has a color hud of 4 colors and a 2 color hud for the buckle and the zipper are gold and silver 
Im currently wearing the music 

you can pick this up at the Audacity Event  by clicking the link Audacity Event
also and Check out the mainstore [High Keys]

Tuesday, September 15, 2020



The other day me and my best friends was hanging out after getting ice-cream and window shopping well Holo cheap as window shop I did get a couple of things at the Audacity Event..... when we ran across this jungle gym .....we was like two kids we ran up and start swinging from the jungle gym we first went across it as fast as we can ...we time each other to see who had the fastest time ...we only did it twice ...she won the first round and I won the second time ....we was tired after that don't judge us we just had ice-cream we both felt like we work that off lol .....then we literally just hung out laying around on the top of it.... we talk about the saying of the shirt ...laughing about a girl we both know ....have you ever met a person that always negative ....if you say the sun shining she would say its will burn you skin ....never had anything positive to say ....I told her my shirt is dedicated to her we both laugh....laying up there for hours just talking to love your best friend 

Tastic-Humor Shirt 

Fit Belleza (Freya, Venus), Maitreya, Slink (hourglass, Physique), Tonic (Curvy, Fine), Voluptuous

the shirt coming with a hud of 7 different says so if you dont like the one i have can choose from 6 other 

you  can currently pick this up at the Audacity Event

Sunday, September 13, 2020


 When Cinderella Really a Sista

Well I was resting after cleaning the whole house from top to bottom.......I think I only was asleep for about 30 mins when the two evil heifers bust in my room talking about they need help getting dress ....I woke up ill .....thinking these grown bitches don't know how to dress themselves ....snapping "what do you want?" of the heifer said "We been invited to the ball you don't have nothing to wear and you cant borrow any of our stuff so you can't go...looking at her...... now this heifer know I cant wear any of their shit anyway ......rolling my eyes then the other one had to nerve to say "Cinderella your room look a hot mess ....they was two mins from getting cussing out like either one of their ass every clean or know what a broom look like  ......they nag the hell out of me till I got up and went to help them get dress so I can get some peace and have the house to myself .....looking around for the evil step mom I call Ursula from the little mermaid ....cause she was mean, fat and always yelling plus she look just like her omg ...asking where she's at ...they said she was out making sure everything was perfect for them with a smirk .....while helping them get into a dress that's way too small and shoes that look like they hurt .... i help them anyway   ....for some reason they think they can wear a size 14 when actually its a 18 more like a 20 ...rolling my eyes again ...they hate for me to tell them that something doesn't fit I kept my mouth close  ....I just couldn't wait till they leave ....hearing one of the evil twins say "we gonna go to the Prince's Ball ....he's looking for a queen...then those heifer argue about who's  he's gonna choose between them ......thinking please choose one of them please ..pretty please prince i can have a life   .....we heard car horns and they left ....I was still tired and ready to go back to bed in peace .....I just doze off when I felt someone tap my leg  .....omg if they don't leave me alone I'm gonna snap was my thoughts ........ I sat up and saw this strange lady...... asking "who are you " she proceed to tell me she's my fairy godmother ....said I need to get dress and go to the ball ......she also stated that I  have every right to go to the ball ....laying back down and groaning " I cant afford that plus look at what I got on" she told me take a shower ....I look at her crazy at first then I took a shower wondering why am I doing what this strange lady told me to do but I had a good feeling about her ........ after coming out with my hair wet ......she snap her finger and this beautiful gown and those gorgeous glass slippers  was on my bed .....I got dress it was cute but my hair look a mess.....she then snap a finger and my hair was done ....I look in the mirror I smile hard never had I thought I could look like this .....being that the evil twins made it their  business to let me know how ugly I was ....then she said your chariot await have till 2 am to get this back here .......ill visit you at 2 am ok I agreed and we drove off here's where the story get crazy.......the rat face guy  that drove the chariot around got loss ......we drove around about an hour when we stumble across this sign that say THETA DELTA ALPHA MET GALA BALL he look at the map this is not the place....I got out the chariot and said I going in ....hearing him say this isn't the right ball ....rolling my eyes thinking we gonna be riding around till the morning so I wave him off

As I enter the ball I heard Cheryl Lynn with  Mary J and Will Smith get mixed in the song "Got to be real "  sound like the DJ was doing her I came in all eyes was on me .....I was nervous and shy didn't like the attention that was on me the ladies came up to me and said  I look nice and told me to have fun with a smile..... I dance and party with people I didn't even know but felt like I known them all my life if that make since. ... I talk to one of the ladies by the name of Ley.......she told me this was a sorority party .....pointed out different frat and soror 

Ĺaмвda rнo Ĺaмвda ѕororιтy ιnc.

Psi Kappa Phi Sorority

Queen Lace
𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚊 𝙾𝚖𝚎𝚐𝚊 𝙸𝚘𝚝𝚊 𝙵𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢
Delta Theta Nu Sorority
Beta Eta Rho Sorority
Kappa Xi Psi Sorority
Eta Sigma Delta Sorority
Omega Lambda Rho Fraternity
Telling me that her sorority was hosting this party .....she introduce me to the founder Diva and the president Cherry the was both was very nice which by the way I wasn't use to that ..I also talking to a queen by the name of Indya I felt like this was where I belong .. ..found out she was a queen of another kingdom...yeah baby I met a queen which was cool as hell .....they welcome me to the party and I had a ball literally..... I was having so much fun then when the clock strike 2 am I almost miss it.... I told them I had to go ..I ran out so fast I lost one of my shippers....talking about being pissed ....once I got outside my fairy god mother was waiting ......she told me that the rat face guy gonna take me home ....I interrupt her .....can I keep the chariot she nod..... I blurred out "I'm not going back there" ......she smile ...she said she knew I had it in me we hugged and I was out I didn't meet my prince that night but I did gain my independence something even better I left the ball with a beautiful dress and my freedom minus losing that one slipper you see I'm still pissed about that .... ....I didn't know what I was going to do but I felt good about it ......turn out I had skills from living in that evil house ....I could cook, clean and sew .....I use to design outfits for my lil furry friends all the time I had them looking fly lol .....I drove away and I found a nice place I made outfits for the town people ....later on open a lil boutique where the prince enter ....he was looking for a dress for his mother was love at first sight.....we fell in love and was married ......years later I end up joining that same Sorority ......oh I forgot to the tell you the evil step sisters and Usula come to the wedding and tried to become my family again ....not ....I had them escorted off the premises ......and thats how the story really end lol ......

Thursday, September 10, 2020



The other day I decided to go and cash in the gift I got for my birthday ...the gift was a ticket to swim with the dolphins........I was a bit scared of the dolphin  at first but was told they was friendly ....after the staff assure me that it was safe I got in the was two dolphin Jane and Jim I first swam with both of them .....but after awhile Jane went on and did her own thang ...

.Meanwhile Jim swam around me doing tricks while the staff encourage me interactive with Jim  .......he had swam around me and we swam together.  after swam together for about an hour .....Jane came and got her Jim swam away with Jane ....I finally got out the water ....put on my sunscreen....thinking back on how Jane came back and got her man ....I laughing out laugh thinking even in the dolphin world they don't play about their man.....

Body Shine Leave
this is for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza
Comes with Move light and and face light
also go into your preference and go into advance lighting  model  definitely make the shine pop 
actual good for swim pictures as you can see love this in pictures

go pick this up on the marketplace by clicking the link Kalista Design

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...