Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Giving Back 

It's a program call toys for tots ....you give toys to help parents that may not afford toys at christmas....Christmas is special time for everyone.....every kids deserve to have a Christmas.  Christmas is magical for them...I remember Christmas as a child trying to catch Santa clause bring me my requested toys....every kid should have that experience .....My and my husband donate toys every year...we don't have kids but I think every kid should have that experience ...I go overboard laughing but its important to me for the kids to have the same magical feeling. 

Divaz Empire Fashion House 

Diamond Princess Bag

fit Belleza Freya,  Maitreya,  and hourglass

comes in 4 different colors 

im currently wearing the blue

you can pick this up at the stud finest toys for tots by clicking the link STUD FINEST TOYS FOR TOTS

Check out the mainstore by clicking the link @ Divaz Empire Fashion House

or check out the online store by clicking the link Divaz Empire Marketplace 


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