Thursday, December 31, 2020


 Celebrating a New Year

2020 was a hard year many loses , loses of love ones, loses of jobs  and even loses of marriages many people had it hard this year ......Me and my husband usually spend our new yeah eve on our couch toasting the new years in if we don't fall asleep watching the ball drop .....but this year we decided to have a small get together at the house ....just family cause Rona still out here reeking havoc we partied at home at some point my hubby took down my hair  running his finger thought my hair ..... I could tell he was feeling good whispering in my ears what he plan on doing to me after company leave .....we dance and drank .....don't remember when our company left cause we still was drinking and grinding on each other ......the next day we woke up wine bottles was every where ..hung over like hell definitely was a night to remember ...... I dont know what 2021 will bring me but I have a feeling its going to be my year.....Happy New Years from the Manno's 

YoU By GeMyles 
YoU By GeMyles Cristina Lace Dress
fit Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Maitreya , and  Maetreya Petit, 
has a 8 different color hud 
im actually wearing this in green 

You can pick this up at the Temptation Event @ Temptation Event
also check out the main store for more cute items @ YoU By GeMyles

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


My Friend Name Raine 

When we first got this cabin ......we had this baby deer that would wonder up to the door one day I was outside when this baby deer came right up on me ....I'm a city girl so I was scared as fuck .....he or she came around me and rub his or her head against me ....I was wondering is that some kind of mating call ...what the hell was I gonna do .... I just pat his head hoping I wasn't gonna have to fuck up Bambi .... everyday after that he would come up to my door .....or every time I would come outside he  or she would come up to me .......I name him or her Raine......well we haven't been to the cabin in a couple of years .....I kind of forgot about Raine ....well me and hubby decided to go to the cabin ......we was there a couple of days when I notice a deer coming up the the window .....I notice there was two deer's that was chilling on a rock ...I think their asses be sitting there talking shit both of them but they too lazy to get up I haven't seen them move since we been there when I went out to see where we can get some wood for the fireplace

Raine come near me he was hesitate at first and I wasn't sure if the deer have issues......but he came near me and I guess he remember cause he rub against me ......and start jumping around me like he was happy .....that's when I realize that it was Raine....... he has grown but look like he needed some meat on his bones he was a little skinny first I look the the two nosey deer's just to make sure they wasn't gonna attack me cause I didn't have my gun on me.....but they just watch me...everyday after that me and Raine hung out .. he would follow me around .....and let me make him festive for the holiday by hanging candy canes on his antlers.....even when me and the hubby made a fire .... ..yes deer need attention too.....oh and it was a boy ....cause he has antlers....Needless to say my old friend remember me 

YoU By GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Raelynn Dress and Boots

fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, Maitreya

comes with a hud of 10 different color


You can pick this up at the Beauty Event by clicking the link Beauty Event

  also check out the main store by clicking the link YoU By GeMyles

Sunday, December 27, 2020



I'm cold nature I wear socks all the time .....but I have a favorite pair of socks that I love to wear I know I'm not the only one ......they so cozy .....I definitely recommend them to anybody who ask also I gave several pairs out for Christmas, Birthday and any holiday and keep several for myself  down low I gonna give you the link so you can pick up you a pair 

Elise Mainstore

Elise Stella Gacha
fit Belleza, Legacy, and Maitreya
comes with 4 different uncommon, 2 different rares and 9 different common
I actually wearing these in the Maitreya in a rare 1
it's 50L per play  
 You go to the main store and play this gacha by clicking the link ...meanwhile check out the store while your at it Elise Mainstore

Thursday, December 24, 2020



Christmas coming and the hubby been talking about a piano ......i was kind against it cause he dont know how to play wasnt gonna have all that noise in the house.....I happen to be some last min christmas shopping and ran across this piano that was on sale the hubby and ask him what would he like for christmas ....he said really ive been hinting all month .... i want a piano .....while he was talking I was looking at this sexy piano ....I decide to purchase the piano .... they said they can deliver  the piano that day which was 2 day before christmas they said I couldnt get the piano till after christmas  which I wanted him to have it before christmas ......

so it was going to arrived that day ....I call my friend Kalista and told her about the piano she said ....thats sexy should do some thing sexy ...i have this new shine .. I think your husband would love it .....i pick up this sexy lingerie and I stop pass and pick up the shine and .......he came in  and went straight upstairs .....i didn't even notice me or the piano at first he took a shower and came downstairs ....when he spotted me he put on this big ass smile on his face .....I said Merry Christmas .....he admire the piano and sat down and started playing the piano ..... I didn't know he could play like that i was against him having a piano when he can  play his ass off ......needless to say he enjoy both gift if you if you get my drift 

Kalista Design Mainstore 
Snow Christmas Bodyshine 
Fit Catwa, Lelutka, Slink, Belleza, Legacy, and Maitreya and Omega
comes with a move Light material 
comes with a facelight

You can pick this up at the main store its actually a group gift so go to the store join the group  and get this fabulous gift by clicking the link Kalista Design Mainstore 

also check out the online store by clicking the link Kalista Design Marketplace

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Giving Back 

It's a program call toys for tots give toys to help parents that may not afford toys at christmas....Christmas is special time for everyone.....every kids deserve to have a Christmas.  Christmas is magical for them...I remember Christmas as a child trying to catch Santa clause bring me my requested toys....every kid should have that experience .....My and my husband donate toys every year...we don't have kids but I think every kid should have that experience ...I go overboard laughing but its important to me for the kids to have the same magical feeling. 

Divaz Empire Fashion House 

Diamond Princess Bag

fit Belleza Freya,  Maitreya,  and hourglass

comes in 4 different colors 

im currently wearing the blue

you can pick this up at the stud finest toys for tots by clicking the link STUD FINEST TOYS FOR TOTS

Check out the mainstore by clicking the link @ Divaz Empire Fashion House

or check out the online store by clicking the link Divaz Empire Marketplace 


Friday, December 18, 2020

Brit Brat "Twice The Love"


I don't know if you know this but me and Manno has a winter cabin we usually go to during the winter  season ....well we just arrive there ......we live by the beach so its usually hot outside every now then we go to the cabin and enjoy the snow also to get romantic ..... particular day I call him the hubby outside I had made several snowballs ....when he got good and outside he felt a snowball fly pass his nose ....I heard him say what the hell....I was hiding behind the tree ...heard him call my name ....when he went to go back in I threw the snowball and hit him in the head ....heard him cuss ....holding back a giggle .....he came back outside and yell at the kids he thought was throwing the snowball ....we went back inside and yell my name ....I call out for help he came out and I hit him with the snow ball again .....he chase me and caught me ....we had a good old fashion show ball fight ......

after the fight he made me some coffee .......and we sat outside on this bench enjoying the snow till we couldn't take it anymore and sat by the fireplace I love winter well not the cold but these special moments 

After Midnight Fashion

::AMF:: Women Evil XMas Sweater

Fit Freya, Venus, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Physique 

Has a hud of 12 different saying

::AMF:: Will  Always Keep You Warm Couple Pose comes with bench and men and female pose with coffee  
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link After Midnight Fashion

Wednesday, December 16, 2020



The other day I grab a glass of wine and decided to wrap some gifts .....Every year I give out a bunch of gag gifts I  open a bottle of wine put on some christmas music on and started wrapping some gifts .....I got this cute quantine elf  I pick up a the Audacity Event ...i know a couple of co-workers that would  gonna love it and keeping one for myself  ......they love anything christmassy I tend to wrap better when i have a nice glass of wine or that what I told myself ..thinking am I the only one that does this .....after shaking my gifts trying to figure out what he got me .....hate waiting for christmas ....should I open it and rewrap it .....will he notice .....ok ok ill wait till christmas 

Vivacious Inc Fashion and Style 

:::Vinc.::: Casual Outfit "Tabita" 

comes with  top and jeans combo 

fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, PH

comes with 7 different design 

im actually wearing the Motive Love

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Vivacious Inc. Fashion and Style

[High Key] Quarantine Elf 

the Quarantine Elf has a hud for the box 

the box has 5 different design for box also it has 5 different colors for the bow and the ribbon 

You can pick this up at the Audacity Event by clicking the link Audacity Event

also check out he main store [High Key] Mainstore

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...