Monday, October 12, 2020



People don't know this about my husband he has a green thumb....he as a whole farm cows, chickens and even pigs....also he grow our fruits and vegetable on his farm so I never have really go get any kind 
of food cause that's what he does to relax ......well from time to time I go help him on the farm .....  this particular day I decide to go to the farm and help him with it I brought an outfit ......that would look cute while gardening ....cause I cant mess with the animals well i do deal with the chickens that about it tho  I help with the garden and once I finish the gardening ....I usually mess with my hubby .....i start playing with the wheel barrow .....i would nudge it against him....then he chase me around the garden ....he took me for a ride in the wheelbarrow ....after horsing around i push him in the wheelbarrow then straddle him he said baby you are banned from the farm ....pouting why was my response ...he said "Cause woman your a distraction ill never get anything done so your banned"  

Vinc.::::Casual Outfit "Joy"
im currently wearing checked pink  shirt with the dark denim jeans 
  ::: VInc. ::: Casual Outfit "Joy" -MESH- is available in 6 Colors / Belleza ( Freya & Isis), Slink (Physique & Hourglass) & also Maitreya Lara Mesh-Body compatible

These are variety of colors  have Black/Blue,  Blue/Used, Checked Black/Used/ Checked Pink/Dark Blue, Red/Black, and White/Black

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Vivacious Inc

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