Monday, August 31, 2020



Recently I decided I wanted to go on a bike ride the weather was breezy and nice outside  ...So I went out to the beach when I heard my husband calling my name.....i heard him saying where are you going .....I told him I'm going for a bike ride ....I got on and almost fell when he came behind and to make sure I don't fall ... he then told me to move out the way wanted to see if he still have it  so he rode around with me in the handlebars ....well in the basket ass was stuck when I tried to get out laughing  then he got off and hand me back the bike by then I got the other bike that was in the garage ..some how the dog got lose and decide to run behind me .....He yell did u go shopping again that top look new ....naw was my response he didn't have to know that I just brought this at Dead Doll ...snapping out of my thoughts I heard him say you look cute blushing I said thank you he wave to him I went riding around on my bike was a nice day ...did you know when you ride you haven't  rode a bike in a while your legs are sore as hell later....

Lets talk about the top that my husband thought I was cute one me :

Dead Dollz-Jolie Sweater
im currently wearing the sweater in fuchsia 
but they have the sweater in 24 different colors
fit maitreya only  
the fatpack come in all colors for 1500L 
each individual sweater cost 200L 

if  you want to pick this the sweater up head to the mainstore by click the link Dead Dollz

Sunday, August 30, 2020



The Pimp Smack 

This is the activity when u want to back hand someone  when they get smart or brush something off your shoulder 

lets talk about the ring

Elise Cat Lover

has a pad hud  of 10 different colors 

as a 10 different color gem hud 

has a hud of for colors for the paw, index, middle cat, middle paw, and ring fish 

it fit Belleza, Legacy, Slink, Maitreya

im currently wearing the ring in silver and purple pad and gems 

you can pick this up at the mainstore at the low price of 299L 

What this 

This is when you cant believe this 

Hands Up

You do this to after you wash your hands or your hands still wet after getting your nails done 

One Hand Up 

you use this hand to get the hair out of you face 


This is hidden you face because your embarrass, blushing or laughing  or playing hide and seek with your cat that doesn't want to participate 

grab a taxi to Elise Mainstore

Friday, August 28, 2020



The Captain called me and  wanted me to check out this photo studio ....its been reported that they taking picture of underage the chief told me he schedule me for a photo shoot ....So when I arrived the photographer told me to change into this cute lil white number than gave me this cute shoes ....I ask him where did he get them at ....he said Kalisha Design I said ok cool...thinking i have to check them out .... I look around while the photographer was busy ,...saw this office decided to check it out ..... I saw a bunch of picture books so i started looking though his picture for child pornography ......I did see several kids pictures but none was nude ...... wasn't a lot of  picture of kids by themselves but most was with  the family .....he does  good work as I look through some the pictures .....I heard him coming I hurry up and put everything back like it was and left the office ,,,..He  came in the studio and said he had to an emergency and that he had to reschedule the shoot till tomorrow ......He said I can get dress and just let myself out he said the door will lock on its on when I leave ........This is the perfect opportunity to  really took the time to look through his stuff ....I look through  file cabinets, drawers even closets  but I didn't find shit then I can across this lock box ....found the key .....and when I open it had his personal items and a small thing of volka......but nothing about kids ....I call the captain and told him he was legit ....ask him where did he get the tip from .....said a lady called in on him......The captain told me to cancel my photo shoot I was like not ....the next day I came in did my photo shoot while he was taking shoots I started asking  question like if he had some unhappy customer ...he laugh hard told me about a lady was mad cause she wanted a discount on her picture...said he gave her the price list ahead of time ....he said he never told her she would be getting a discount said she was going to report me I laughed it off ....he told me the camera love me .....girl you giving me Foxy Brown I smile ......glad I didn't have to arrest such a talented photographer 

Lets talk about the shoe 
Evora Shoes
come with a color hud of 6 different colors
fit Belleza(Freya, Isis Vnatural) Maitreya, Slink (Hourglass, Physique)
I'm currently wearing the shoe in white

update on the story ....Remember the lady that was unhappy she was the one that send in the bogus  report I arrest Karen them dam Karen ......she had several charges on her .......justice was serve 

Check out them on marketplace Kalisha Design

Tuesday, August 25, 2020



I recently move my office you know what that means guess it ....I have to decorate my blogging office .....I need my desk, plus a lounging area and some plants and flowers around my office plus a coffee station probably need a wine station also but ill stick to coffee for right now ......well I've been tping to different location picking up items for my office when I went to the Audacity Event were I found t this plant that would go perfect with the plants I ready pick up.....i stop pass and grab some lamps and things for my new office ......well took me an couple of hours to get my office the way I like it the hubby gonna have a fit once he see the credit card but he told me to move my office so that mean I need to redecorated right ....right that my story and I'm sticking to it  

Lets talk about the item
Famous Wall Wheel Plant
13 land Impact

you can pick this up at the Audacity Event by clicking the link 

Monday, August 24, 2020



 I went to the beach were I always go ....was laying across my donut  in the water when I decided to go swimming ....I have went swimming there a thousand time all I ever  run across is a couple of crabs if im lucky a turtle mostly fish nothing bigger than that tho ....well this time I was swimming I could have sworn I spotted a shark .....yes it was a shark talking about someone scared as fuck ....excuse my language I was terrified I tried to hide behind a lil water hill and he or she came pass me omg you think it was the yellow that attract the shark I know I should have pick up the Black when I was at the Sense Event....wondering if he like the color yellow cause dam I swim toward land the shark was on my ass .......I was like  why he cant be like the  shark in Shark Tales he didnt eat meat ...especially rump roast not his lunch or dinner for tonight the devil is a lie .....I watch jaws i know what they do to a  body .....naw I'm not going out like that .......why the shark messing with me  all these dam fishes down here he got to pick on me I swam to shore he was on my ass I was like dont fall you know like in the scary movie when the girl running and she fall and it get her .....why am i thinking about that right now .....finally i got close to the shore and ran like hell ....I mean I keep running like the shark was going to come on shore just in case .....never  did I say never .....I mean never ever will I go swimming  in the ocean again .....I dont think I going swimming in the swimming pool for awhile


Let's talk about the outfit:
[High Key] Maillot 
Comes in 14 different colors u can also change the metal and that comes in 4 different colors 
im currently wearing it in yellow 
fit Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Physique, Venus 

you can pick this up the Sense Event by clicking the link Sense Event
check out the mainstore @ High Key

Friday, August 21, 2020



I love nature I was outside enjoying the beauty of nature when a butterfly landed on my hand ......see i love butterfly .....feel like it was i was a caterpillar that merge into a butterfly ......i think they come in different colors and size but they are all beautiful .....just the aspect of the butterfly plus they dont bite if i had to be an bug butterfly it would be one hurts an butterfly u have to be just cruel to hurt an butterfly 

KiB Designs-Josie Summer Dress
comes with a 15 color hud 
fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy,  Maitreya, Physique, and Venus 
Im currently wearing cream color 
you can pick this up at the Audacity Event for 299L 

TMG-Somerset Brook
comes with moving trees 
include 82 animations
Measure 45m x 45 
just a 190 prims 
cost 550L at the Audacity Event

you can pick this up at the Audacity the link and head there Audacity Event

Sunday, August 16, 2020



Me and my husband went to the Hawaii on vacation and stayed at this resort ....well at the resort they had these fresh fruit stands by these fruit stand and the had finger food that was for the guess and they  display for the guest.....walking around i spotted my favorite fruit ....grab my glasses and put them on the pineapple ....Yeah I pimp out my pineapple ......then they had watermelon slices over by the bar you know my greedy ass ate the slice right ....I was nice and sweet I didn't even need anybody else put salt on their watermelon  ....the had made these bomb drinks they made with the watermelon....I'm gonna share some of the pictures well the pg version anyway ....dont judge me 

you can pick this up at the Audacity Event grab the ride and head there to grab this dress click the link and tp there right away Audacity Event 

Saturday, August 15, 2020



The other day I was walking downtown was hot as hell outside I glad I was able decided to wear this  cami I brought at High Key.....I stop to wipe the sweat off of my head .....I'm glad I just cut my hair .....but sweat pour off my head looking in the pet store window .....I decided to go and look at all the pets.....actually I went in to get out of the sun was nice and cool I took the time to look of the clerks was about to put back this Chameleon back in the cage  when she ask me if I wanted to hold it ......So I held it....ok I was thinking not to bad.....maybe I should get one ..said it out laugh didn't mean too ...why I say that ......she hand me another one......rolling my eyes ....then I ask to hold an parrot ....I call my husband to see if i can get another animal ....He yell Hell No Brit it already look like Animal kingdom around here ...He's so dramatic .....ok ok ..he still was yelling when I hung up don't bring another animal in this house I end up buying a couple of goldfish .....they not considered animals right 

lets talk about the outfit:
[High Key] Summer Cami 
Comes with a color hud of 8 different colors 
Fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Physique and Venus
im currently wearing the green

G0 pick it up the mainstore and check out more of their item by clicking the link  High Key

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...