I was laying across the bed reading a book when my husband came in and ask me when was I going to do the laundry ......he complain that he has been wearing his overall for a week now .....I told him when I get some time ....he look at me with a drown ....what are you doing now he said ...rolling my eyes ....ok ok I'm going to wash the clothes ......he told me he already started he put a load in the washer ....oh lord I thought he don't know what the hell he's doing ....first he wash everything together white, colors, rags you name it its in the wash then he put to many clothes in the washing machine and way to much washing powders I went into the laundry room look in the washing machine it was stuff of course ......put some of the clothes in the dryer cause all of it wouldn't fit .....when I went to put the dry on wouldn't work ...tried it several time I was so I call the repairman but he couldn't fix it till Wednesday and it was Monday and I had wet clothes ....I had Manno to put me up an clothes line ....He fuss saying why in the world did I need one when I have a washer and dryer .....which made a good point but it reminded me of my grand ma so I wanted one ....Only problem with that was I only one one clothes line ....I put some clothes on the clothes line well my one clothes line and still had a bunch of wet clothes ....

.so I had to get my clothes together to go to the laundry mat ....while getting my clothes together I didn't realize how many loads of clothes I was going to have to wash it was like 7 or 8 loads .....thinking I'm going to be there till tomorrow ....load the car up and headed to the convenience store for quarters and the grocery store cause I know I don't have enough soap powder so I have to stop to get some more then I head to the nearest laundry mat....When I got there I was the only one in the laundry mat which was a plus

...I started all my load of clothes ...and pull out some snacks don't judge me ...and some magazines since I forgot my kindle .......reading the magazine did realize how boring it was to wash clothes .....especially at the laundry mat..... in the luxury of your home you can be doing other things while washing clothes but in the laundry mat there nothing you can do the hubby to come join me .....he was called in to work sucking my teeth is he gonna complain about clean clothes and then go to work ....ok the argument didn't make since but I'm bored to death ......I called my niece she was busy then I called my brother he was busy I called my best friend she was bored so she she will came to help me ...In lehman's terms she coming to help me eat the pizza I have on the way lol ......but that's ok
during this commercial break lets talk about the outfit:
got the outfit at the Cosmopolitan Fair
adorsy -Stalia Denim overall in blue 299L
adorsy -Stalia top in deep red 250L
Hair by Tram 11110 Hair in black
my sneakers
Tetra -Air Sneakers in red
Resuming back to the story
She came in looking cute ...girl where is your shoes ...she said she didn't feel like wearing them,... who goes out without their shoes laughing ..She came in grab a coke and we ate pizza ....then we played with the carts racing them around the laundry mat like 2 kids and surprisingly she did help me with folding my clothes in the dryer .....I was the so bored before she came ...she made my laundry day so fun ...singing she the best best friend ever ....I definitely learn my lesson I wont let my laundry build up again like least gonna do a load ever 2 wks ......who was I fooling they probably build up again but I will say I'm going to make sure that my washer and dryer is fixed lol

.so I had to get my clothes together to go to the laundry mat ....while getting my clothes together I didn't realize how many loads of clothes I was going to have to wash it was like 7 or 8 loads .....thinking I'm going to be there till tomorrow ....load the car up and headed to the convenience store for quarters and the grocery store cause I know I don't have enough soap powder so I have to stop to get some more then I head to the nearest laundry mat....When I got there I was the only one in the laundry mat which was a plus

...I started all my load of clothes ...and pull out some snacks don't judge me ...and some magazines since I forgot my kindle .......reading the magazine did realize how boring it was to wash clothes .....especially at the laundry mat..... in the luxury of your home you can be doing other things while washing clothes but in the laundry mat there nothing you can do the hubby to come join me .....he was called in to work sucking my teeth is he gonna complain about clean clothes and then go to work ....ok the argument didn't make since but I'm bored to death ......I called my niece she was busy then I called my brother he was busy I called my best friend she was bored so she she will came to help me ...In lehman's terms she coming to help me eat the pizza I have on the way lol ......but that's ok
during this commercial break lets talk about the outfit:
got the outfit at the Cosmopolitan Fair
adorsy -Stalia Denim overall in blue 299L
adorsy -Stalia top in deep red 250L
Hair by Tram 11110 Hair in black
my sneakers
Tetra -Air Sneakers in red
Resuming back to the story
She came in looking cute ...girl where is your shoes ...she said she didn't feel like wearing them,... who goes out without their shoes laughing ..She came in grab a coke and we ate pizza ....then we played with the carts racing them around the laundry mat like 2 kids and surprisingly she did help me with folding my clothes in the dryer .....I was the so bored before she came ...she made my laundry day so fun ...singing she the best best friend ever ....I definitely learn my lesson I wont let my laundry build up again like least gonna do a load ever 2 wks ......who was I fooling they probably build up again but I will say I'm going to make sure that my washer and dryer is fixed lol
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