Friday, June 12, 2020


A Solider Smile

Have you ever had a friend that just too serious .....he's a recruiter in the military and take his job too serious you cant even get him to crack a smile while he's on the clock so I called him to see what he was up too....he told me he was at work so I told him I'm going to come by ....he told me he will catch up with me later but you know I wasn't hearing that ........I went into my closet and pull out my outfit I got at Audacity Event ......laughing hard ......he's gonna get a kick out of this ....I headed down to his station ......greeted him with a salute .....he's expression didn't change then when he told me to grab a seat so I did .....he's face remain serious until I sat on his station he gave me a smile and shook his head....but he went right back to his serious face ....I hop down and heading to my car when i heard him say where are you going .....I said I just came to make you smile ...He then yell I like that outfit by the way ....i look back and salute with a wink he smile again ...I yell call you later ...sometimes you just want to make a friend smile

Let's talk about the outfit:
[Ari-Pari] Modern Camo Outfit
- Fitted Mesh Low Back Tee

- Fitted Mesh Leggings

- 12 Top (Solids) / 12 Leggings (Camo) Color Options via HUD

Compatible Bodies:

- Slink Physique & Hourglass / Maitreya Lara / Belleza Freya, Venus & Isis  

 you can pick up this outfit at the Audacity Event:

or check out their mainstore

or hit the online store aka (marketplace )

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Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

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