I once went to this beach and remember that you could rent a row boat for a day or get charge by the hour .......it was such a nice day I decided to go rent the boat and go out on the water ....Well the plan was to row the boat out on the water maybe do some fishing ....now the funny thing was I don't have a fishing rod so were the fishing come from I don't know but go with me on this laughing .....you know that didn't happen right so I gonna tell you what really happen .....so I call the rental place to get the fees, took my shower and grab this bathing suit I got at the Audacity Event .....I know I know..... I'm trying to stop shopping well not really but it sound good anyway .......but anyway I headed to the beach ...rent the boat and went out just a little bit .....realize I didn't feel like all that rowing so I just pick a place and just enjoy the water ...now the sea was calm for a while but then the tide pick up .....the breeze coming off the water was breath taking ....I just got my hair done and for once I didn't mind it blowing my hair everywhere ......so although I was lazy and didn't go far from the land I really enjoy my day on the boat
Let's talk about the outfit:
KiB Design-Nara Swimsuit
Comes with a 15 different colors
fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, Maitreya, Physique and Venus
you can pick this up at he Audacity Event
Check out the mainstore @
You can currently get this swimsuit at the Audacity Event
Remember in the last post I was checking on a friend house ....well I got into an argument with the hubby and decide to crash at my friend home since she was away I unpack this outfit I got from Cakeday and some cute shoes I found at Elise ......I walk around and found this spot that had a fireplace and memory cloud my mind ...Have you had a memory that made you smile when usually it bring tears to my eyes .. Have you lose anyone that you love ....... ok when I lose him I thought I would never be able to go on .......this lose hit me really hard .....I thought I never would ever smile again ....I mean my heart hurt and thought it would never heal .......funny the love never really go away but the hurt slowly lesson don't want to fool you to believe it goes away completely but it does get better......those moments when something reminds you of him ....those small moments that you actually smile about a memory those are the moments that you cherish .....this is one of those moments.....thinking about his love ....hope he know how I love him
Let's talk about the shoes :
Elise -Virginia
the come in Maitreya and Belleza
the shoe has the (14) color hud
for the shoes, details, heel and bow in in 14 color hud and (3) color hud for the sole
I rocking the white .....detail in black and heel
you can get these shoes at the main store for 399L
gonna give you an example at the bottom but the look better on my feel lol
Catch at Lyft @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Misty%20Mountain/141/90/2852 t\
I was laying across the bed reading a book when my husband came in and ask me when was I going to do the laundry ......he complain that he has been wearing his overall for a week now .....I told him when I get some time ....he look at me with a drown ....what are you doing now he said ...rolling my eyes ....ok ok I'm going to wash the clothes ......he told me he already started he put a load in the washer ....oh lord I thought he don't know what the hell he's doing ....first he wash everything together white, colors, rags you name it its in the wash then he put to many clothes in the washing machine and way to much washing powders ....so I went into the laundry room look in the washing machine it was stuff of course ......put some of the clothes in the dryer cause all of it wouldn't fit .....when I went to put the dry on ....it wouldn't work ...tried it several time I was so fustrated....so I call the repairman but he couldn't fix it till Wednesday and it was Monday and I had wet clothes ....I had Manno to put me up an clothes line ....He fuss saying why in the world did I need one when I have a washer and dryer .....which made a good point but it reminded me of my grand ma so I wanted one ....Only problem with that was I only one one clothes line ....I put some clothes on the clothes line well my one clothes line and still had a bunch of wet clothes ....
.so I had to get my clothes together to go to the laundry mat ....while getting my clothes together I didn't realize how many loads of clothes I was going to have to wash it was like 7 or 8 loads .....thinking I'm going to be there till tomorrow ....load the car up and headed to the convenience store for quarters and the grocery store cause I know I don't have enough soap powder so I have to stop to get some more then I head to the nearest laundry mat....When I got there I was the only one in the laundry mat which was a plus
...I started all my load of clothes ...and pull out some snacks don't judge me ...and some magazines since I forgot my kindle .......reading the magazine did realize how boring it was to wash clothes .....especially at the laundry mat..... in the luxury of your home you can be doing other things while washing clothes but in the laundry mat there nothing you can do ......call the hubby to come join me .....he was called in to work sucking my teeth .....how is he gonna complain about clean clothes and then go to work ....ok the argument didn't make since but I'm bored to death ......I called my niece she was busy then I called my brother he was busy ...so I called my best friend she was bored so she she will came to help me ...In lehman's terms she coming to help me eat the pizza I have on the way lol ......but that's ok
during this commercial break lets talk about the outfit:
got the outfit at the Cosmopolitan Fair
adorsy -Stalia Denim overall in blue 299L
adorsy -Stalia top in deep red 250L
Hair by Tram 11110 Hair in black
my sneakers
Tetra -Air Sneakers in red
Resuming back to the story
She came in looking cute ...girl where is your shoes ...she said she didn't feel like wearing them,... who goes out without their shoes laughing ..She came in grab a coke and we ate pizza ....then we played with the carts racing them around the laundry mat like 2 kids and surprisingly she did help me with folding my clothes in the dryer .....I was the so bored before she came ...she made my laundry day so fun ...singing she the best best friend ever ....I definitely learn my lesson I wont let my laundry build up again like that....at least gonna do a load ever 2 wks ......who was I fooling they probably build up again but I will say I'm going to make sure that my washer and dryer is fixed lol
A friend of mine call me and ask if I would check on her house while she's out of town I said yes when she drop off the keys she said oh I need you to feed and walk the dogs .....rolling my eyes .....she's not slick she wanted me to do that all along ......she had me 3 labs ....they was so cute ....she live in the wilderness well maybe not the wilderness but that shit felt like it lol she kind of live in the country ....... I went into my closet and grab some leggings I got at the Darkness Fair .......grab a crop top and was out the door took my little yorkie with me ....do you know she sleep the whole way and while I walk the dogs her little butt was knock out ....I took a little break to have some ice-cream and here love come looking like she want some.....I guess you figure out that Love is my dog ..... just like a dog .....as I sit here enjoying the my girlfriend tea ....gonna eat up her food ......when she call to check up on the furry family i told her they was fine and that she gonna have to do some grocery shopping she get homes ...she just laugh and said figures ....gonna have myself a min vacation myself at her house lol
Let's talk about my outfit
Top: Vagrant Adeline Top in white I got from the Saturday Sale 75L
The pants is from one my favorite
Hexed- [H] SINsations Leggins
comes in 9 different patterns
Im currently wearing the star pattern leggins
you can get them at the Darkness Event for 150L
Recently I had to go to anger management because well .....that another story for another time ....but anyway they suggest that I take up a sport so I happen to looking on groupons where I saw a coupon for 30% off on paintball I smile ....yeah baby paintball ....Went to the newest sport store and drop pass the audacity event to pick up this paintball gun I seen that might match my outfit ....... I arrived at the paintball place ..paid the fee......they put us in teams of four .....I pick the pink team cause of course that my favorite color and I already have pink on ....it was 4 girls so we name ourselves Queen but they look a little nerdy after that we proceed to start playing ....I was tearing their ass up I took care of the competition all myself even my team mates that's when the manager came to talk to me cause my team mates had complain to him...... I went too far when I shoot the owner with the paintball .....needless to say he put me out for being to violent but how was I suppose to know he own the place .....I still had a ball tho
You can get the armband at the Darkness Event
Le Loup Spike Armbands for him and her
Im currently rocking the pink but they it in black, white and blue
They come in 6 different texts for males and females plus 4 different leather colors per text! Completely resizable and unisex! 100% original mesh!
The other day my husband call me to meet him so we can have late dinner date .... I was excited I was lounging around in my pj .....I jump up and look in my closet I found the perfect sexy dress I got for the Audacity Event ......looking the mirror ....yeah I look sexy .....cant wait for him to see me .....as I headed out
The other day I lay down looking to this roman movie when I dozed off .... In my dream I was near this sword of course i pull it out .....it was just standing there in the cement....and it was a cool looking sword so I pull it out...... the towns people was oww our princess is here I was like wait im not no princess ...My name is Brit ...but the assisted on calling me this Brina person....the towns people took me to this palace..... I got to the palace this tiger came up to me talking to me he was like Hey Brina I was scared as hell it was a dam tiger but he was acting like he knew my ass .....I said hey lil nice kitty...he laugh at me Brina im Bob......
lets go for our daily walk his ass want to walk and I was trying to get away from his ass but he wanted to walk .......I grab my sword ....I'll gut a tiger....so we was walking I mean the town was different nothing I never seen before .....the tiger was talking the whole time ....basically gossiping about the townspeople .....I finally ask him how are you able to talk he said its your dam dream you tell me.....he shut me up....He told me later I need to get ready to fight ....fight what you mean ....he said yes you have to defend the land ...wait what ....im a princess don't we have people for that .......he said you are the people ....dam I got to go out and fight well this suck .... they I was on my horse ready to defend the land when I woke up whew that was close
Let's talk about the outfit
First the head dress
Elisa Athena
Im rocking the the white feathers and gold metal
but it comes with a hud for the feathers (10) colors and metals (10) colors
you can pick it up at the Elisa store @ 249L which is an awesome price and it look awesome
Have you ever had a friend that just too serious .....he's a recruiter in the military and take his job too serious you cant even get him to crack a smile while he's on the clock so I called him to see what he was up too....he told me he was at work so I told him I'm going to come by ....he told me he will catch up with me later but you know I wasn't hearing that ........I went into my closet and pull out my outfit I got at Audacity Event ......laughing hard ......he's gonna get a kick out of this ....I headed down to his station ......greeted him with a salute .....he's expression didn't change then when he told me to grab a seat so I did .....he's face remain serious until I sat on his station he gave me a smile and shook his head....but he went right back to his serious face ....I hop down and heading to my car when i heard him say where are you going .....I said I just came to make you smile ...He then yell I like that outfit by the way ....i look back and salute with a wink he smile again ...I yell call you later ...sometimes you just want to make a friend smile
Let's talk about the outfit:
[Ari-Pari] Modern Camo Outfit
- Fitted Mesh Low Back Tee
- Fitted Mesh Leggings
- 12 Top (Solids) / 12 Leggings (Camo) Color Options via HUD