Saturday, April 1, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Substitute Teacher

Ok its been a min since I teach so I really forgot what its like when a friend of mine called me and ask me to substitute teach for him ....he was like please please please Brit i need you to do this this one time .........then he asks in the next breath if I could do this at least once a week ....I told him to slow his role we need to do this day and we will see how it go.....I got there two days later ....when I was in the room preparing for the kids to come in ....a teacher stuck her head in and said good luck and shook  her head that should have been some indication this was going to be some bullshit....When the class started to enter the classroom, I heard one of the students say at least she's cute .... wondering what my looks got to do with school ......once everyone was in the classroom, they were rowdy....I clap my hands to get everyone attention they still were loud as hell ....i yell please be quiet you know one of the girls shhhh me ......I was thinking she got me fuck up ....I will fuck her up ,.....I mentally had to close my eyes and breath hard .......opening them i tap the ruler against the chalk board .....and yell shut the hell up dam.....that seem to get their attention and they quiet down ....I start my lesson plan I was teaching walking down the row of students when I felt a hand on my ass ....grabbing his hand i ask do you want this hand .....

 Spotlight Items:

YoU by GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Lottie Outfit

comes with top, Skirt, and Cardigan

fit Belleza (Classic/Curvy) Erika, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, and Reborn

comes with a Hud for the top and Skirt of 15 different  colors, the cardigan is black 

I'm wearing cardican and the top and skirt in beige

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link YoU By GeMyles

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1

Body: Legacy 1.4 

Hair: Doux-Giggle Hair

Shoes: KC-Shany Heels

Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and Rossi Brat Choker

after that another student said she like my outfit ....anoher kid said u don't dress like a teacher ...rolling my eyes ...after that a student ask me to be his girlfriend ....ok ok I said we getting off topic......then that same student said she didn't feel like hearing this shit just as I was about to respond my friend which is the principal stuck his head in .......he ask if i was good ......I told him in front of the class looking at the same student You came in just kept me from catching a charge ......the lil girls suck her teeth ....I look at my friends and he ask the lil girl to step out the classroom ......after they was gone I went back to teaching but I was bored so I started talking to them about Tik Tok .......we show them a line dance and they laugh saying I was mad cool of my students show me his rap on his tic tok he was talented we decided to do a dance routine to him rapping ........we did it and i posted it was fun but of course I got in trouble ...Needlesss to say i think today going to be my last day ....

                                                   tHEME SONG:    WHO'S THAT GIRL -EVE

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Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...