Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


My husband sent me out to have a pamper day ......He told me to go get my hair done and a massage when I came in the room he had this cute outfit laying out on the bed he got from YoU By GeMyles nodding my head with approval ....thinking my hubby has good taste ........i headed to get pampered .....after getting my hair done and face beat ..........and let me tell you about the massage ......my body felt like limp and felt good ......I pull up and my phone rang ......my husband told me to meet him near the water ....he hand me a rose and had roses and tea light laid out ......it was so beautiful .....My husband look at me and told me "You are so beautiful ....I smile and hug him ...and said thanks handsome ......he grab a hold of me and ask if I like my surprise grinning I love it 

Spotlight Items:

YoU by GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Nuria Outfit

comes with top and pants 

fit Ebody (curvy) Belleza X(Classic and Curvy), Reborn,  Legacy, Maitreya,

comes with a Hud of 15 different textures 

I'm wearing this in white

You can pick this up at th main store by clicking the link YoU By GeMyles

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1

Body: Legacy 1.4 

Hair: WSG Julie 

Shoes: KC-Talea Heels

Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 This Is Paris 

My husband went to Paris on business and invited me ......I had been in the hotel all day while my husband conduct business i was bored .....I got up and got dressed ....I decided to go explored Paris ....I first went to a restuarant and got a glass of wine ....when I was in the pub I saw a lot of people smoking ....so I ask the gentleman beside me for a cigarette .....later on that day my phone rang and my husband ask me where was I .....He end up being around the corner ....first thing I heard what in the hell you got on ......looking at him like hes crazy my Paris outfit I got from Peperoncino

Spotlight Item
Peperoncino Store
*Thaty* by Peperonico
comes with Bra, Jacket, and String
fit Belleza,  Maitreya, Legacy and Slink 
comes with 2 different one with light colorrs and the other for dark colors they both have  15 different texture for the bra, Jacket and String
I'm wearing this in red 

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1
Body: Legacy 1.5
Hair: Wings-ES0308- black 
 Shoes: kc Raelle Shoe
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings

Friday, March 24, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


One of my homeboys call me and told me about this block party happening this Saturday in my old neighborhood .....he told me I should come through .....thinking about it I decided I would come through ....looking in my closet I spotted a dress I pick up at Lilleth Mills .....the day of the party I put my hair up cause I knew I was going to be dancing ...no need to have it down cause I was going to sweat out all my curls anyway ......I put on my dress put my lip gloss on and smile at my reflection in the mirror ...thinking Yess bitch u did that ......I headed the block party singing to an old school groove ....singing loud as I can "Don't stop till you got to stop, don't stop till you got to stop, rock with me what's it gonna be" thinking Koffee Brown use to be my jam ......I pull up with my music bumping and head nodding ....turn my car off and got off jamming to some Pitbull ......hugging folk I knew back in the day and shouting the breeze with some new guys that was trying to shoot their shot ......

Spotlight Item

Lilleth Mills Original Mesh Clothing

Lilleth Mills x FRESH

comes with dress  

fit Freya, Hourglass,  Kupra, Gen x, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn

This comes 14 different texture 

it has a special effect hud 24  different colors 

im wearingthis in pink

You can pick this up, at the main store Lilleth Mill Original Mesh Clothing 

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle Head

Body: Legacy 1.4 

Hair: Stealthic-Barbwire

Shoes: KC Talea Heels

Accessories:  Avada-Genevieve Earrings and Rossi Brat Choker

then my homeboy Meech that was djing the party shout out "We got Brit Brat in the house this is for you ....I hear Salt n Pepa "Shake that thang".... grabbing one of the guys in the street and start jamming .......after dancing to a couple of songs.... I went to get something to drink and something off the grill ......Lil Man which not that little at all .....I don't know why they call him that did his thang on the grill.....getting in my car to headed home I smile at how much fun I had at the party ....can't wait till next year. 


After Party -Koffee Brown 

Salt N Pepa-Shake your thang

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Brit Brat "Make-Up Tips"

Try this Make-up 

a purple eye and lip 

A burgundy lip----------------------------->
a brown lip and eye

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique Cosmetics Kyiv Diamonds
this is the Lelutka Head 
it comes with a palette of 10 different colors for the eye and lips .....you can mitch match.  
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ The Skin Fair
 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1
Body: Legacy 1.4 
Hair: Truth-Impulse
Shoes: n/a 
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings

You can pick this up at Skin EVENT by clicking the link @ Skin Fair

light brown lip and eyes

Darker brown eye and lip --------------->

Monday, March 20, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


I was in the pet store just looking at little kittens when I guy came up to me and told me he was breeding kittens and was selling them for 100 dollars I should have known something was suspicious cause the pet store was selling this partical kitten for 500 a pop ..... the same kind of cat that was ready to go home ....he said just give him  one more week he had to get them their last treatment of shots ....then he pulls out his phone and show me a picture of them they were so cute I gave him half of the money and told him I would give him the rest when I pick it up ....He gave me his address and I told him I see him in a week .....I got their and saw this cute little with kitten with multi- color stripes on her ....She was really small when I pick her up about 2 weeks later she was bigger than the average kitten and greedy as hell ......

Spotlight Item:


Galagher: Talita

Comes with body and belt

this fit Genx, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn

this come with a top detail hud of 10 different textures and 15 different texture for the main top 

and the 10 different texture for the main bodysuit  and 10 for the trim and 10 for the belt

Im wearing this in yellow with white trim

You can pick this up at the  (Dollholic Event) Lm: Dollholic Event

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle Head

Body: Legacy 1.3

Hair: Stealthic-Flora Hair

Shoe: KC Talea Heels

Accessories:  Avada-Genevieve Earrings

I was playing with her and she pounce on me reminding me of Simba in the lion king .....and she nip my finger and that shit hurt ....and there was the time I was asleep and I woke up to a roar ....i was like "WTF was that I look over at Lady that what I call her  and she just look at me like I was crazy ...she would lick me and her tongue was ruff as hell ...so I decided to take her to the vet ....I was thinking she has a tongue disease ...or something .....I got her on the table .....The veterinarian came out and ask me where I got this cub from I told him I got my kitten from a guy ,,,,,,He told me this is a baby lion .....we goanna have to turn him to animal control.....I end up talking to the police that was on the case and help cracking the biggest exotic animal seller they been trying to get him for sometime .... they was trying to get evident on .......I help crack that case ....just by buying Lady .... come to find out lady was a boy so he was like a Simba after all .....I'm going to miss her, him whateva it was  ....we  was so furry when he sleeps on the bed .....dam only I would go to buy a kitten and got a cub. 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

Getting My Morning Coffee 

I woke up in a good mood .....I put on my radio and dance my way through my house..... after my shower I put on this outfit I pick up at Pink Cherry .... looking the in the mirror I was feeling myself ...thinking all I need is my morning coffee....I drove to Starbucks got out the car and was headed in when I heard catcalls from behind ....Hey Pretty Lady, can I take you out I heard a gentleman say .... smiling and I flashing my wedding ring I'm already taken I yell still walking ...he yells Hes a lucky man ......as I headed into Starbuck, I pull out my favorite cup...pink of course and bedazzle ...don't judge me .....Looking behind the counter for my favorite barista......Layaa...she make my coffee perfect ....not shading the other ladies but when she's off my coffee doesn't taste the same .....Plus she's really sweet ....Calling Layaa name she look up and smile and said I got you .... she came from behind the counter and hand me my drink and we talked .....I hug her and tell her I have to headed to work .....taking a sip of my morning coffee .... smiling I needed that as I walk towards my car.....Ready to start my day.

Spotlight Item:

Pink Cherry Store

..::PC::.."Miranda" Outfit

It comes in a top and leggings

This fit Gen X (classic/Curvy), K. Erika, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn

This comes in Berry, Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Lilac, Pink,  Red,Rose, Tan, Teal, and White

Im wearing this in Teal

You can pick this up at me main store by clicking the link PINK CHERRY STORE

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1

Body: Legacy 1.5

Hair: Nova Empathy

 Shoes: KC Talea

Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and Rossi Brat Choker

Theme Song: Pretty Lady -Jon B


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 A Change Of Scenery

I've been working from home, but I felt like the wall was closing in on me .....I need a change of scenery I remember our company had this meeting at this dope spot that employees can go for free....the charge a nice amount to the public ... so I grab my laptop and put my stuff in the oversize purse ......stuffing my laptop in the purse and some of the items I need to take notes and headed to the spot ....I open the laptop but the space was breathtaking .....I end up not doing a dam thing.....I stay out there exploring and chilling later on that night I had to finish my work cause nothing and I mean nothing got done out there .....maybe I just need to get out the house. 

Spotlight Item:
Galagher: Victoria
Comes with a top and pants
this fit Genx, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn
this come with a top detail hud of 10 different textures and 15 different texture for the main top 
and the 10 different texture for the main pants and 10 for the waist and 10 for the waist details
Im wearing this in black and pink 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link to Galagher also if you don't like to leave the house click the link to the online store (marketplace) Galagher

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle Head
Body: Legacy 1.4 
Hair: Doux-Apple Hair
Shoes: E.D.D.A:: Ina Sneaker
Accessories:  Avada-Genevieve Earrings and Rossi Brat Collar

Theme Song: Just Fine by Mary J Blige

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without coffee....today is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...