Monday, September 26, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 I Found Your Parents

About a week ago I noticed this mouse hanging around my door ...........each time I would go outside when it was time for me to come in the house he would try to come in ......that wasn't going to happen oh hell no ......One day I went downtown and saw the rat family .....Mr. and Mrs. Rat Professors ......I took a good look at them and realize that the lil rat that been hanging around my house must be their son....He must have lost his family.......the next day i took the mouse down to meet his parents ....they denies him at first ...told them that this mouse look just like them and I was going to tell the rat community that he neglected his kid ..they ignore me ....So I made it my mission to reunite them....every day I went down to talk to them about their son ....after a week I must have got on his nerves cause he agree to take him home 

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique Couture Kelso
comes with top, skirt and sleeves
fatpack fit Legacy, Reborn, and Maitreya
I am wearing this in a burgundy
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link YoUnique Couture

Head: Genus Head- Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair: Phoen ix-Malia Hair
Shoes: Tetra -Air sneakers in white
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and initiall-dia (B) Platinum necklace 

Update: I haven't seen the mouse much since they reunite.... I'm happy that he found his parents I see him from time to time I think Hes adapting well they even brought him a bow tie 

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Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...