Friday, September 30, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Every year around October I feel my body change hard to describe ......I remember my grandma telling me about me having special power...... I just thought my grandma was tripping.....but every year about this time my fingers tingle ......I would have these dreams of me and my grandma doing spells maybe they wasn't dreams It was memories one day I decide to go outside in a full moon ......and chant what I remember in a dream .......I feel my hands tingle felt my body get warm .....felt my body rising ....I was like this is crazy ......It low key scared me but a week later I tried it again ....I remember this book that my grandma left me was full of spells  and a letter from my grandma....tell me she love me and to embrace my inter power and use it for good

Spotlight Items:

YoU by GeMyles

You By GeMyles Cecelia Halloween Outfit 

comes with Dress, Sleeves, and Panty

fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, Kupra (Bimbo and Low) Maitreya (Petite), Physique and Venus

comes with  a hud of 15 different texture

I'm wearing this in a red 

You can pick this up @ the WIP EVENT ....The  event starts Oct 2-Oct 22nd make sure you tp WIP EVENT 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


Different Stages Of Brit

In life, I will realize that there is role for everyone I meet......Some test you, some will use you, some will love you, and some will teach you.  But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best in me. They are the rare and amazing people who remind you why it's worth it.

The happiest people don't have everything.  They just make the best of everything, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest up to God.

Spotlight Item

B2K Design

Top and Skirt Juliane-Black

comes with top, panty, and skirt

this comes in Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink

this comes in red and tan also 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the lnk @ B2K Design

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Brit Brat "Twice the Love"


I woke up early Sunday so I decided to go to church........I look through my closet to look for something to wear....I put on several outfits but I wasn't satisfied......I look through my closet and spotted this outfit I brought from Lilleth Mills Clothing Store ......I look at it wondering why I brought this dress....thinking I don't look good in polka dots but I decided to put it on anyway .....I was like ok this is cute ....I found my outfit then I look through my shoes and found a pair of heels I picked up at Tantrums Store I put on my heels and was satisfied with the whole look......I look at the clock and I still have an hour before I can head out to church so I decided to take a nap ........i woke up 2 hours later ....I guess you know I didn't make it to church .....No need to waist a good outfit I had my husband take me out to dinner ......

Spotlight Items: "Fashion Shout-Out"

Lilleth Mills Original Mesh Clothing

LM- Paula

comes in a dress

fit Freya, Hourglass, Kupra, Legacy and Maitreya

comes in 6 different textures for the fatpack and but you can get them individual 


I am wearing this in pink polka-dot 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link  Lilleth Mills

Update: Needless to say, I didn't make it to church the next two Sundays but I did watch it on tv ...that counts right 

Spotlight Items: "Shoe Fetish"
Tantrum Store
Tantrum-Evette Heels
fit Ebody, Ericka,  INITHIUM, Legacy, and Maitreya
the shoes have a hud for the body, padding, heels, and sole of 16 different color textures
I wearing this in pink 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Tantrum Store
Head: Genus Head- Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair: Stealthic-Caress 
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and initiall-dia (B) Platinum necklace

                                         Looking for you-Kirk Franklin

Monday, September 26, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 I Found Your Parents

About a week ago I noticed this mouse hanging around my door ...........each time I would go outside when it was time for me to come in the house he would try to come in ......that wasn't going to happen oh hell no ......One day I went downtown and saw the rat family .....Mr. and Mrs. Rat Professors ......I took a good look at them and realize that the lil rat that been hanging around my house must be their son....He must have lost his family.......the next day i took the mouse down to meet his parents ....they denies him at first ...told them that this mouse look just like them and I was going to tell the rat community that he neglected his kid ..they ignore me ....So I made it my mission to reunite them....every day I went down to talk to them about their son ....after a week I must have got on his nerves cause he agree to take him home 

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique Couture Kelso
comes with top, skirt and sleeves
fatpack fit Legacy, Reborn, and Maitreya
I am wearing this in a burgundy
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link YoUnique Couture

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Are You Hurt 

Recently I brought this well ....about a week later I see a couple of chipmunks playing around this well.....each day i go outside I see the chipmuck chilling around this well.....i guess they made it their home .....I kind of think it's cute ...well one day I came out I saw one of the chipmunk fall off the well ....He wasn't moving so I pick him up .....I touch his stomach and he still didn't move ....I wasn't about to do mouth to mouth so i rush him to the vet ......I grab a shoe box and place him in it ....we got to the vet and the vet said he was ok she think he was playing possum .....he got there and  his head pop up like nothing was wrong with his ass......i was relieve and piss all at the same time laughing from that day on I think a relationship of friendship happen ....he would come to me when I was outside .....I name him Alvin.....i know it's not original but who cares sue me......

Peperoncino Store
"Martha Outfit* by Peperonico
comes with top, jacket, and pants
fit all Belleza, Maitreya, Slink(ALL), TMP, Standardd Size
comes with hud of 5 different colors
I'm wearing this in a mix match .....white jacket and pants with red top
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Peperonico Store

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


I finally kiss the frog and when I woke up, I was human again......See I kiss a frog and became a frog .... went on different adventures with my prince ......Almost got eaten by alligators ......make a couple of fuzzy animals the last kiss I woke up as me again ......laying on this dam lily pad .......funny thing I wasn't naked in this sexy lingerie ........My prince said he dress me in this lingerie after we turn human, but I don't remember that shit .......just know he has great taste .......I look at him for the first time he was really cute ......yall have to remember he was a ugly frog thinking back I don't know what made me kiss a dam frog but I did .....I have to brush my teeth and schedule myself an dentist appointment.....He was fine though so I guess I will keep him 

Update: I'm still with him .....He won't go anywhere 
Spotlight Item
Lilleth Mills Original Mesh Clothing
LM Sleepy-Lace Collection
comes in 4 individual texture
comes with a hud of 10 different texture for the bra, top, panties, and shorts
You can pick this up by clicking the link 
I'm wearing this in a brown

Head: Genus Head- Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair: :::Phoenix-Noelle Hair
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and initiall-dia (B) Platinum necklace

                                                Neyo-Best thing I never knew I needed

Friday, September 9, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

Movie Night 

When I came home from my cruise, I decided to me and the hubby going to have a movie night ....we had a movie theater built inside our home ........problem was I was tired but I was determine to watch my scary movie.....I got up to get me some popcorn I jump as I heard the scream almost dropping  my popcorn  I don't think I was halfway through the movie before I sleep .....the sad thing about this my hubby never made it outside the bedroom ...he went upstairs laid across the bed and was out......

Peperoncino Store
"The Wall" by Peperonico
comes with top and skirt
fit all belleza, Ebody, Ocacin, Maitreya, Slink, TMP, Tonic, Voluptuos and standard 
comes with hud of Pink and turquoise
I'm wearing this is a turquoise
You can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link Peperonico Store

Monday, September 5, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Theta Delta Alpha Cruise

On the founder day we decided to book a cruise ......I check in and went to the room I share with my sorority sisters......after catching up with the girls I got dress to a formal party after the party we they had a movie night but I went to sleep I party hard at the party ......the next day I went to breakfast and chilled on the deck ,,,,,,did a little yoga....visit the hookah lounge ....took a nap woke up in time to check out the poem and live singing later that night I caught a movie the next day was check out but before I  left i check out legacy Hall I smile looking at the ladies of my line...felt proud to have memories....I was sad I really enjoyed spending time with the sisters ....I'm TDA for life 

Update: I haven't seen the ladies since the cruise ....missing them we have to plan something soon 
Spotlight Item

Lilleth MIlls Original Mesh Clothing

LM Jasmine Glitter-Collection

comes in a jumpsuit

fit Freya, Hourglass,  Kupra, Legacy, and Maitreya

Fatpack has 10 different textures that changes to top half and bottom half

6 individual textures

this jumpsuit is beautiful when you put it on but to see it pop click the advance lighting model in your preference 

You can pick this up by clicking the link

Friday, September 2, 2022

Brit Brat "Twice The Love"


My hubby took me on a trip ........outside out bungalow.....I went to the pool area which was beautiful was my favorite place when I was on vacation, I want to show you some of my vacation photos 

Spotlight Item: "Fashion Shout-Out"
Pink Cherry Store
..::PC::..Beach Outfit "Petrola"
It comes a bra, panty and Sarong
This fit Freya, Kupra, Maitreya, Reborn, and Slink
This comes in Black, black./print, Blue/Print, Green/print/Grey/print, Lilac/print, Pink/print, Rose/print, Silver/print, white, and white print
I'm wearing this in Rose print
You can pick this up at me main store by clicking the link Pink Cherry Store

Spotlight Items: "Shoe Fetish"
Tantrum Store
Tantrum-Janette Heels
fit Ebody, Ericka,  INITHIUM, Legacy, and Maitreya
the shoes have a hud for the body, padding, heels, and sole of 16 different color textures
I am wearing this in pink 
You can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link Tantrum Stores

Head: Genus Head- Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair:  Stealthic-Honey
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and initiall-dia (B) Platinum necklace 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...