Wednesday, June 30, 2021



I miss my girlfriend we talk every week but nothing like spending time one on one I decided to rent a van to take the four hour drive to see my girl   ......on the way I saw the most amazing view ...I had to stop and admire it .....I  watch the ocean from afar ...I had heels on and sand and heels don't go together ......I stayed there about an hour .....and headed down to see her .......I spent a week with her ....but instead of driving back I turn in the rental and flew home 

Spotlight Item: 

Limited Addiction 

Limited Addiction-Lotd 153

top and skirt 

fit Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya

this comes in one color 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021



I wanted something sweet I headed to the donut shop to get me a dozen ...I was happy as hell cause the hubby was gone and I can eat as many donuts without sharing ...... I sit down  and my puppy decide he wanted to help me eat them ....whining and barking every time I took a bite I end up having to share after all hubby has her spoiled giving her food now she think she suppose to eat every time we eat shaking my head 

Spotlight Item: 

YoU By GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Esther Sporty Outfit

top and bottom 

fit Maitreya (petite) , Belleza, Isis, Altamura, Ebody (Classic, Curvy),  Freya, Legacy, Perky, Slink (hourglass, Physique), Tonic(Fine, Curvy)

comes in white and black  with 5 different sayings 

owned, bitch, babygirl, princess, and Ilove you 

I am wearing this in white with the babygirl saying 

Thursday, June 24, 2021



we start talking about this and that about an hour later he didn't even notice his time was up .......about 3 hours later we was still there I was laying in him arm just enjoying each other company .......when it start getting dark we went back into the house ....he went back into his office .....he came out about 30 min later with a smile on his face .....babe I needed that break .....I finally got what I need to get done ....kissing my cheek .....thinking he just needed that lil break 

Diva Empire
(DE) Kandi Outfit 
comes with bra and pants 
fit Freya, Hourglass, Kupra, Legacy and Maitreya
this comes in blue, pink, white, yellow, red and grey 
im actually wearing this in pink
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Diva Empire Fashion House

Xplicit  Furnishing 
Xplicit PIcnic Blanket
 Original Mesh Design • 298 High Quality Animations • Props menu • Auto- attach props
all the poses in the picture you can get from the blanket ....those and many more
you can pick this up the main store by clicking the link Xplicit Furnishing  

Friday, June 18, 2021


                                                                      A COFFEE  AND A DATE 

I went to get a coffee at this new donut shop that has the best coffee in town ....They have a customer name Gus that knows the menu better than the employees .....When I came up to the counter ...He look up and smile ....He said "I've been waiting on you " confused pointing to my chest you been waiting on me ....He smile and said "I've been dreaming of a woman like you" smirking my response was "oh really" he responded yes ....I'll treat you like a lady open you door and all that shit ....I laugh out loud just then the attendant ask for my order after putting my order in ...Gus compliment me about my beauty, said he love my outfit on me  ....he ask for my number ....showing him my ring finger ....after the attendant hand me my coffee ....i said my good byes to Gus ...smiling he said we had a wonderful first date

I turn back and my response was wait what ...he said I consider our talk our first date .....just then my phone rung ....answering it I told my husband about Gus and our first date ....laughing husband told me to tell Gus  I was taken ......walking out the donut shop I heard Gus yell ....Will you marry me ..Yelling I'm married Gus .....He said I was getting it out the way if you and the hubby divorce I want to say I got first dibs on being Husband no. ladies Gus looking for a wife well I think he is .... he's giving out wedding proposals so all my single ladies need to go to Burrow Co.  I'm sure he's hanging around somewhere laughing or at least get a great cup of coffee 

Spotlight Item
Buganvilla Store
Yami Outfit 
comes with a top and skirt 
fit Freya, Isis, Kupra, Legacyand Maitreya
comes with 31 different texture 
Im actually wearing the pop texture 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Buganville Store
Spotlight Item:
Tantrum Shoe
Spice Wedge 
fit Belleza, INITRIUM, Legacy, LoveMomma , Maitreya
comes with a 16 different colors 
wedge has 7 different colors 
2 color huds for sole 
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @Tantrum Store

Head: Genus  Head-Baby Face W001
Body:Maitreya 5.3
Hair: Doux Ryancita Hairstyle 
Accessories: Rossi Brat Choker-Gold and Avant-Delseah Earrings

                                                             Treat Her Like A Lady by  Temptations 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


I decided to start my diet this week .....half way through the day I started to craze a burger .....I call my friends and she told me that the burger down the street has really good veggie burgers .....she told me that it wasn't that much difference ...I decide to go get me a veggie burger ....I order it took one bite and toss it that shit was nasty as hell I'm just gonna assume she never had a good burger.....I don't know what the heck she was talking about .....I decided to order me another burger was a double cheese burger with  lettuce, tomatoes and pickles which are veggies so its kind of like a veggie burger ......right ...I ate the burger omg it was soooo good oh I forgot the about the  fries ..but that potatoes which is a veggie so I'm good on that  .....Ok Ok I gonna have to start my diet next week 

Spotlight Items: 

Limited Addicted 

Lotd 148

comes with a hoodie and shorts 

fit Legacy and Maitreya 

come in one texture only 

Head : Genus Head-Baby Face W001

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 A Visit to Miss Minnie 

Their this lady that live  down the road name Miss Minnie  .....She out live two husbands all of her kids are grown and live out of state and she outlive all her from time to time I go check on her .....Miss Minnie babysit me when I was a kid .....she's like the neighborhood grandma.......For the most part its just her I stop pass and check on her .....sometimes I bring her something or I stop pass to see if she needs anything .....So this particular day I decided to stop pass to see her .......I knock on the door she didn't answer ...she usually home first I was worried looking down at my watch ...then it dawn on me that she walk everyday for 30 mins about this time....instead of going home and coming back I decided to wait on her .....Like clockwork I saw her coming down the street ....smiling and thinking I know she's gonna talk shit about my hair giggling

Spotlight Item: 
Tantrum Store
Tantrum -London Heel
Fit Belleza, INITRIUM, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink
Comes with a hud for 15 for the shoe and strap and heel .....also a hud for 6 different colors for the sole and 2 for the metal 
I wearing the shoe in a pink  
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @Tantrum Store

                         Bruno Mars-Just The Way You Are 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021



The other day I was at work horny as you remember the post where we was trying something new ....well my husband has been staying in the guess room since then....we talk but not really have a conversation ....he must have been thinking the same thing cause he called and  ask me what can he do to get back in the bedroom ....see we have a very active sex life .....I know he was missing me as well as I was missing him......he said ill do anything i miss my wife...anything i said he said anything ......when i came home I was sitting on my Lounger ......he came in and look at me ....said he was going to take a shower ....while he was in the shower I pull out a lil something special I pick for him...I hand him a man thong and a harness laughing

He look at me like I was crazy ....after fussing about the outfit he look down and notice I had no panties ....he smile he reach down to feel between my legs so I move ....I remind him not so fast and I reminded him  he said he would do  anything so i had he doing all kinds of chores .....I couldnt wait for my loving .....after he did all I ask with no complaints he decided to let his hand roam 

.....feeling his hands all over my sweet spot we got reacquainted  if you know what I mean ....giggle thinking about the look on his face when I told him to put on the thong and see in in that thong was such a sweet revenge in itself  ...

Xplicit Furnishing 
Xplicit Domme Lounge
 Original Mesh Design and Textures • 447 High Quality Bento Animations • Sits 3 People, (Dominant, Male Submissive and Female Submissive) • Texture Menu • Works with and without RLV • Multi-Speed Animations • It's not Mine Enabled • Aeros and Physics Enabled
I have this in a purple leather with a silver trim 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Xplicit Furnishing

{Myles Harvy} Couture by Design
{MH} Couture by Design  Kadence Outfit 
comes with a choker, corset, and skirt 
fit Classic, Ebody,(Fine-Curvy) Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Maitreya, Tonic (Curvy-Fine) 
comes with  hud of 10 different colors 
Im currently wearing this in black 

You can pick this up at the Darkness Event from June 5th-30th but go now by clicking the link @ Darkness Event 
Make sure you check out the main store by clicking the link @ YoU By GeMyles

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...