Monday, April 26, 2021



My sorority is throw an event each year for charity ...This year we are doing an Cirque Du Soleil ...So my founder brought in professional to help us with our performance.... ....Me and 3 other girls gonna to do the aerial ring  along with several dances ....when I say the practice was hard.....the had us practice with mats under us ....we all fell a couple of times ....which the rings was lower to the ground but the day of the performance the would be raised .....but the pro ensure us that we will have it perfect before our final performance .....we practice for like a month the third week we had that shit .....we did several performance .....we had some day of the performance I was nerves as hell .......before we did our performance I told myself  to act like I'm practicing .....the pros told us to take our time we had a whole song to work the rings remember we have our founder doing a dance so although they will be looking at us ....the will be looking at the stage also ....that kind of put our mind at ease ....when i say we did the dam thang .....we did .....We had a great night and we raise alot of money for charity .....Trisomy ....if you wondering the sorority TDA Theta Delta Alpha ....its a shameless plug I know laughing 

Limited Addiction
Avery Set 
comes with Dress and Arm Warmers 
fit Kupra, Legacy,  and  Maitreya
Comes with a hud for the dress, hood, arm warmer  and arm warmer strip of 25 different colors 
Im actually wearing this in a beige with a pink strip 

Head: Genus Head-Baby Doll W001
Body: Maitreya
Hair: Doux -Selena  (Black)
Shoes: KC Alycia Heel ( wearing this in pink )
accessories : Delseah Earring with the Rossi Brat Choker-Gold

you can pick this up at main store by clicking the link @ Limited Addiction

Spotlight on Allegra-Cirque Du Soliel

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