Thursday, April 29, 2021



Our Anniversary was the other day .......we both been working a lot  ..he's been busy and I have been on assignment so he just been passing each other ....When I'm coming he's going or vice -versa .....We barely see each other for more than 10 mins ....We barely got to kiss each other ....He was suppose to work Saturday so I was surprise to see him come through the door .......I was laying on my couch watching tv  and I  had on my tee and undies when he came through the door .....He said babe go get dress we going to dinner .....I didn't feel like getting dress it was one of those days know one of those day you just don't feel like doing anything .....After hearing him yell my name I finally got up .....Took a shower and put on this dress I brought At Diva Empire Fashion House .....I curl my hair and he headed out to dinner ...on the way i thought I saw something as we rode pass the park nosey ass ask my husband to stop I got out and start walking ....he trailing behind me .....

Next thing I know he grab my hand I look at him and smile ....he pull me close and and said  today would have been a good day for a picnic ...i  agreed ....we walk and talk  while holding hands ... we both laugh at something I said when he look at me and Said babe I really miss you.. ....I lean in and kiss him  when I was about to start walking again ...he pull me into him I miss us ......see sometime you can stay so busy  becoming stranger in your own home .....we just reconnected reminded each other the love that was there ....before we left he told me that dress look pretty on you  ...and you one beautiful lady and glad your mine I couldn't help but to blush 



Nova Dress

Fit Ebody Curvy,  Freya, Hourglass, Kupra, Legacy,  Maitreya

this comes in black, brown, green, hunter, orange, pink, red , tan, teal, white 

im currently wearing this is white 

Head: Genus Head - Baby Face W001

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"


I visit my old stomping ground and ran into two girls I use to go to school with .....of cause one of them said I look the same ....we reminisce on when we use to go to school ....told me I look good and they see I still have style one said cute outfit ....I said thanks ....thinking like I'm going to lose that but any how they kept talking.....some how we got on the subject of when I use to cheer .... see I use to be co captain of the cheerleading team ....they talk about how we use to do different cheers  how we would do splits and cartwheels and of them use to be on  the team with me  ..I told them it was nice shooting the shit and it was nice seeing them again I walk away I heard one of them talking shit bet her ass cant do any of that shit now

I turn around a walk back  told them I bet them 100 I can do  anything they throw at me   .....they look at each other then they agreed to put their money where their mouth is ......let me see the money first I said ....I pull out my hundred ......and the pull out theirs ....what you want to see first ....did my handstand ....did a couple of cartwheels and round off  and end it with a split .....did one of our old cheers for old times sake ....grab my money and walk off ....yelling yes girls I'm still a bad bitch laughing all the way down the street .

Bad Foxy Set 
Sunshine Full Set
top and pants
fit Maitreya (Perky and Petite) and Legacy
the top hud has 17 different colors with the details of 12 colors 
the pants has a hud of 17 different colors  it also have a hud for the garter and details ....with 12 different color to detail the outfit from the cuffs to the straps ....I had so much fun playing with this hud 
Im currently wearing the light turquiose  with the white trim 

Monday, April 26, 2021



My sorority is throw an event each year for charity ...This year we are doing an Cirque Du Soleil ...So my founder brought in professional to help us with our performance.... ....Me and 3 other girls gonna to do the aerial ring  along with several dances ....when I say the practice was hard.....the had us practice with mats under us ....we all fell a couple of times ....which the rings was lower to the ground but the day of the performance the would be raised .....but the pro ensure us that we will have it perfect before our final performance .....we practice for like a month the third week we had that shit .....we did several performance .....we had some day of the performance I was nerves as hell .......before we did our performance I told myself  to act like I'm practicing .....the pros told us to take our time we had a whole song to work the rings remember we have our founder doing a dance so although they will be looking at us ....the will be looking at the stage also ....that kind of put our mind at ease ....when i say we did the dam thang .....we did .....We had a great night and we raise alot of money for charity .....Trisomy ....if you wondering the sorority TDA Theta Delta Alpha ....its a shameless plug I know laughing 

Limited Addiction
Avery Set 
comes with Dress and Arm Warmers 
fit Kupra, Legacy,  and  Maitreya
Comes with a hud for the dress, hood, arm warmer  and arm warmer strip of 25 different colors 
Im actually wearing this in a beige with a pink strip 

Thursday, April 22, 2021



Remember when I brought the office furniture for the hubby office well when we looking at the furniture i remember I saw some living room furniture that would look nice in his office ....I went back to Xpilicit to see if they still had the furniture they did I purchase it....they was suppose to deliver it Thursday but ask if they could deliver it early ....Two days early ....I arrange the time....the came on time and delivered the furniture ....I call the husband to tell him the furniture had arrived...I told him i just got to the office in time after taking my class .... He ask how my my class told him it was ok  ....well I went on and took an sewing classe I figure I should at least now how to work the thing .........the husband was out of town told me he justed landed and he'll be pass there in a few ..he came in the office  ......I got up and hug him ....he said your hair is yellow ..I laugh yeah I know ...match my outfit ......he said turn around ...Brit what the hell you got on new school clothes

He said turn around again ....shit I cute so I was glad to turn my ass around ...cause I been getting guys checking me out all day .....where the rest of the outfit he asked .....confused by this question ...I ask him what he mean ....Brit your ass is out ...pulling my skirt down mumbling no its not ....he yell u cant pull that skirt over that ass...then he fuss for about an hour ..talking about I'm showing his ass and that I'm going to make him hurt some nucket head at some point I just tune him out ....till I heard him ask If I heard him .....I said yes with an attitude and he went in his office .....later on that night I came in the bedroom ......he said .....come here i rolled my eyes ....he said for real come here ....he whisper in my ear .....You have to stay after school for detention licking my neck ....pulling me on his lap ....he said I don't like you wearing that out in public....but u definitely can wear it to bed ......smacking my ass ....


Xplicit Furnishing 

Xplicit Siri Couch Set

Comes with  Armchair, Couch (Pg and Adult Version)  Lamp, PIcture Frame, Plant, Rug

the rug has a hud of 6 different textures 

comes with 632 animation with new  bento animation 

auto attach props 

Couch updater 

i have the couch in white with gold button and grey pillow 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Xplicit Furnishing

or on MP @ Marketplace -Xplicit Furnishing

Spotlight Item

YoU by GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles  Juliette Outfit 

Comes withTop and skirt

Fit Freya, Hourglass, Maitreya, Isis, Legacy, 

Come with a color hud of 10 different colors 

im currently wearing this in the yellow 

Go Pick this outfit up @Girl Heaven Event

also check out the mainstore by clicking the link @YoU By GeMyles

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001

Body: Maitreya

Hair: Doux Indigo hairstyle

Shoes: Tetra- Air Sneakers

Accessories : Delseah Earrings

Leave the door open by Bruno Mars, Anderson Paak, Silk Sonic 

Friday, April 16, 2021



The other day I brought a dress from one of my favorite store ....I got the bright Idea that I can start designing and making my own dress and clothes ...I said to myself I'm gonna make me a freakum dress ...Now I can't even helm a dress but I was sure I could make a dress ....So I told the husband I was going to save him some money by making my own clothes from this point on .....He was happy and was willing to help buy the necessary supplies for me to start making my clothes laughing  ......The next day  I get my spare room set up to be my sewing office ....well I plug up the sewing machine......but could figure out how to tread the machine so I utube it ...that took me almost an hour ......for some reason I thought it would take me 15 min to make the dress.....

I call over a girlfriend that sew ...she fix up the machine cause of course  I had it wrong then she ask me where is your pattern .....looking at her dumbfounded she shake her head on me we went out to JoAnn to get some patterns ......she cut out the pattern and started on the dress ....well I just knew I could finish it up ....boy was I wrong .......that dress was jack up ......but I was able to make a flower I was so proud of the flower I decide to make a wedding dress now you know the dress came out a hot mess but for some reason I figure a wedding dress would be much easier laughing hard wasn't ......well sad to say I wont be making my clothes anytime so I grab my jacket and my keys and headed to Diva Empire Fashion House to grab me a freakum dress 

Spotlight Items

Diva Empire Fashion House

Diva Keeper-Dress

fit Maitreya, Legacy, and Hourglass 

Comes with a color hud of 10 different colors 

im currently wearing this in the  lavender

Body: Maitreya 5.3

Head : Genus Head-Baby Face Woo1

Hair: Barberyumyum B15 

Tantrum : Yasmin Heels 

You can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link Diva Empire Fashion House

or if you dont feel like going out ....check out her online store by clicking the link Diva Empire Marketplace

                                                               Freakum Dress-Beyonce

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



My husband was on a business meeting.....and I was yearning for him...I toss and turn ... when  he's not near me my energy is off .....he was suppose to come home tonight I'm waiting for his return ....waiting to feel his arms around me .....waiting to hear about his trip ....waiting to see his face ..waiting to hear his voice ..I'm just waiting ....finally he walk through the door trying my hardest not to smile .....its like this every time he leaves ....see you never know when that person may not come home so we have to appreciate what we got ....and love on them like it may be the last time you see them 

Spotlight Item:
[MH] Couture Gianna Top and Panty Set 
fit  Legacy, Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus), Kupra, Maitreya,  Slink (Hourglass & Physique)
has a color hud of 10 different colors 
im currently wearing this in grey

Xplicit Furnishing
Eve Lesbian Bed
bedside table included
texture  Menu 
580 animations multi-speed 
100 Bento 
modification/copyable ...can not transfer 
Lifetime updater 

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya 
Hair: Sintiklia Bethy (Black and White) 
Jewelry: Rossi  Brat Choker (silver)

You can pick this up the outfit at the Beauty Event By clicking the link @ Beauty Event

Also check out the main store by clicking the link @ YoU By GeMyles
 You can pick the bedroom setup at the main store by clicking the link @ Xplicit Furnishing
                                                 Theme song: I'm still waiting by Johnny Gill 

Monday, April 12, 2021



Nothing can put an outfit together than a good shoe .....I love a good shoe ....When I think I don't want any more shoes I see a pair I must have .....I know I'm not the only one ....My friends say I have shoe addiction but that's not true ......I have several shoes for certain thangs ,,,,,from tennis shoes to heels .....I have tennis shoes in all colors and heel the same way ....Maybe my friends are right ....I do have shoes that's my favorite.....and shoes I only wore once and some shoes I haven't wore yet ..... but I haven't found the right outfit to rock them yet ...well If I do have a shoe addiction I don't mind being hook laughing ....Well I want to share my latest shoe. 

Spotlight Item:

Tantrum Store

Yasmin Heels 

fit Belleza, Inithium , Maitreya and Slink 

this come with a color hud of 16 different colors for the shoe 

15 different colors for the heel 

and 7 different colors for the sole and 2 different color of the metal gold and silver 

im currently wearing this in the lavender with the black heal and brown spotted sole 

Body: Maitreya 5.3

Head : Genus Head-Baby Face Woo1

Dress: Diva Empire-Diva Keeper Dress 

Hair: Barberyumyum B15 

Pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @  Tantrum 


                                                         Murphy Lee -My Shoe 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...