Friday, January 29, 2021



They build this new candy shop and warehouse in our community that been the buzz of the town  ..... I stop to check it out on the way home from work.....they was giving tours for those who get the golden ticket plus a very special gift at the end .....I got several  bars of candy bars not for the golden tickets more cause I'm greedy.......  while in the candy shop thinking about what other candy  I wanted to purchase I decided to eat one of my candy bar....I  almost threw the golden ticket away  when I went to throw the rapper away....oh shit is that the golden ticket I said to myself was  .......jumping around excited  the cashier told me the guy around the corner name Charlie won a ticket and wanted someone to check out the chocolate factory with him .......He also said  he thought I was nice enough....I told him thank you I think but any who ...The ticket had the next day date on it ......The next day I got up excited to see if they  was given us a box of chocolate for the special prize because that candy bar was good as hell  ......remind me of those old fashion candy bars they make the kids sell at school remember those 

I went to Charlie house had to wait outside .....I think he didn't want me to see his house it was a lil shack which I don't judge......He's granddaddy decided to escort us well I think its his grandpops ....maybe daddy I'm assuming but who knows ......we all went to the chocolate factory where we met up with a bunch of bratty kids I wanted to punch in the face immediately  .....we all went in the factory and they show us the process of how their candy is made.....each time we was warn  not to touch something one of the those bad ass kids would and they was get carried off  ...also we was told never to go in an restricted area...... well we was walking and one of the lil fucker  excuse my language  as you see I'm still mad about that.... push me in a room that was off limits ....when I was trying to get back to the group that's when this short lil umpa lumpa looking guy grab my hand  ..... I told him I was pushed in and needed his help to join the group......He lead me out the door I was happy at first but we was going in the opposite direction of the group .....told him we was going the wrong way he kept grabbing me I snatch away .....a bunch of those umpa lumpa looking guys  came out of nowhere and surrounded me .....then one kick me don't know which one cause all those lil ass look alike.....well it was on and popping.....let just say lil lumpas was laid out everywhere  along with chocolate and candy ....I fuck several of their lil ass up ......they agree not to press charges and I end up working as a cashier for a week to work off my damages ....I found out later the company was left to that lil boy Charlie it could have been me sigh  if only 

YoU By GeMyles
 Rebecca Rock Chick Dress and Heels
 Comes with Dress and Black boots
Fit Isis, Freya, Curvy, Ebody, Hourglass, Maitreya,  Physique, Tonic (Curvy & Fine), Venus
 the dress has a hud of 10 different colors 
itself is trim in black 
I'm actually wearing this in gold and black 

You can pick this up at the EBENTO Event by clicking the link EBENTO EVENT also check out the mainstore by clicking the link YoU By GeMyles

The theme song for this blog is Candy Shop by 50 Cent

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


What To Wear  

The other day my husband called and told me to get dress he was taking me out .....I look through my closet I couldn't find anything to wear rather I wanted to wear ....As I was looking through the closet my sister in law call .....she ask me what I was doing and I explain that I looking for a dress she huff saying she got this dress she brought  that she cant fit cause she expecting twins... I thought about what she said sister in law has impeccable taste in clothes so I got in my car and drove the mile from my house .... when I got there I went straight to her closet .....she like me had numerous outfit with the tags on them ..... I didn't see anything that pop out at me was thinking I might have to go to the mall when I spotted this blue little number that was look like it might fit me perfect

 My sister in law is much  smaller than me .....I grab the dress and tried it on right in the closet fit perfectly .....then I started looking through her shoes ....trying  a couple of them on but remember I brought a couple of shoes i haven't wore yet sad to say I don't even remember what they look like ...I left a note that im borrowing the dress and went home.....found a cute pair .....and also I found a perfect purse I found I pick up at Tantrum ........Needless to say I was date ready and feeling sexy so of course I took selfies and sent them to my family and friends ...and your welcome 

Pink Cherry 
.::PC::. Fur Glitter Dress "Imogen"
Fit Freya, Isis, Legacy, Slink (HG), Maitreya
Comes in 9 different colors 
Im currently wearing this dress in blue 

You can pick this up at the main store for 199L each and the fat pack is 849L they also have try one on and then purchase it the link and head there to Pink Cherry

Tantrum-The Big Bag
comes in 10  different colors and a color hud for the metal in gold and silver 
with seven bento hold options....
I actually using several of the hold options 
i use  the both hand frontal hold  and also left hold

You can pick this up at the Unik fair by clicking the link UniK and Gem Fair  
 To check out more mainstore click the link @ Tantrum Main Store
Get Ready by The Temptation....My Theme song 

Sunday, January 17, 2021


 You Riding In Those Heels

For Christmas i ask my hubby to get me a kick scooter ....taking the scooter outside I heard him say what did u want a scooter for .....told him I  need transportation from the house to my office ....he said your home office is walking distance Brit .....looking at me like I'm crazy .....why you cant walk just walk ...rolling my eyes this is easier ....he said I was going to break my neck in those heels .......he came out side said I have to see this for myself ...with confidents I got on the scooter starting to push the scooter and hop on .......he saw me rode off and went into the house .....halfway there I almost bust my ass but caught myself ...glad he didn't see that shit .....he was right but I wont tell him that shit least if I would have fall I would have been cute 



comes with a jacket and dress 

fit Kupra, Maitreya, Freya, Legacy, Hourglass, 

the dress comes in Red, Pink, Blue, Black, Yellow, and White 

the jacket comes in Dark blue, Grey, and light blue  

The currently wearing the light blue jacket with the yellow dress 

You can pick this up the mainstore by clicking the link Divaz Empire Mainstore
or check out the online store Divaz Empire Marketplace

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Ride It Like You Stole It 

Sharing time ....I went undercover ....I infiltrate this motorcycle club to bust the leader well anyway ....I discover I love to ride when I was in the club ........sometime about that steel on the highway ....freeing don't get much time to ride anymore ......that was the highlight of when I use to ride with the motorcycle ....when the leader say ride out we would just ride for hours ....I love it first I would ride with him then one day he taught me how to ride ..... that was the wrong thing for him day we got into an argument and I stole his bike ....he was sooo mad at me laughing .....I end up purchasing my own bike that next week .......I use to ride everywhere but one day the rode's was slick another car cut me off and I end up falling off my bike husband was sooo scared .....that he took my keys and made me agree to not to ride ......later on we sold my bike cause it was just sitting there I haven't rode in a while ....well the police department decide to let some of the police officer get motorcycle's .....oh hell yeah ....I sign up to ride even tho I'm a detective .......they let me take one out and test drive it .....yeah I rode it like I stole it ......honestly I didn't want to bring the bike back ... I think its time to get me another bike 

Pink Cherry 

:::PC:::Leather Outfit  "Belinda"

has a leather corsage and pants 

fit Legacy,  Maitreya and Slink Hg

comes in black, blue/black, grey/black,  pink/black, purple/black, red/black, and teal/black 

Im currently wearing the pink/black 

you can pick this up at the main store @ clicking the link Pink Cherry Main Store

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout_Out"


Ok Every Year most people make New Year Resolutions I'm no different ......One of my new years resolutions is to read more .... I listen to audible books all the time but I don't often pick up a book and read it any more so I decided to read a inspiration book as my first choice .....a lot of inspiring thing  was in this small book ....I'm a shame to say it took me half the day to read it...I  couldn't focus to save my life ....You know what that tell me I need to read more  and something that grab my attention....well I starting the year out right least I have one book under my belt 

Mayhem Ava Outfit 
come with a top and pants 
fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, and Maitreya
the top has a hud of 10 different colors 
the pants comes in 7 different designs 

make sure you pick this up at the Audacity Event or Check out their main store  by checking the Mayhem

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 True Beauty 

As you know I love natures ......I often wonder what the lord was thinking when he create such beauty ...I think he knows we have so much ugliness in this world he had to set it off with some beautiful thing.......I often tell you about the beauty but i decide to capture it so you can see for yourself .......I got a camera for Christmas and decided to take pictures see if I can capture it for you .....well every time I drive pass the park its too many people in the park but this particular day it was it was dam near nobody there so I park the car and grab my camera  ...........I was excited.....I took out my camera and went to snapping ......I will say my pictures was beautiful  but it didn't capture the true beauty  ....nothing like seeing nature up close and personal 

::Vivacious Inc.:: Fashion and Style 

:::Vinc.:::Casual Outfit "Tinsley"

comes with top and shorts

comes in these different looks below 

Black, Black/Pattern, Black/Stripe, Lilac/White, Red/Black, Rose/Black, White/Black, and White/Stripe 

fit Classic, Freya, Isis, Maitreya, PH, and HG

Im actually wearing the black and pattern 

You can pick this outfit at the mainstore by clicking the link will take right there ::Vivacious Inc.:: Fashion and Style

Sunday, January 10, 2021



I came home tired from work drop my keys when I heard my husband say ......what you got on ....rolling my eyes a dress was my response I went over and kiss the top of his head ......lifting up my dress and then smirking he said  ....oh you know I cant do just that just let me know and that message better be for me ....irriated ....I told him to shut-up and went upstairs ....i went into my bedroom to change my clothes when he came up behind me startling me .....he wrap his hands around my waist and kiss my neck whispering can you shut daddy up .......feeling his hand pull down the top of my dress and play with my nipples .....letting out a soft moan.....babe let me take those clothes off I said .....he whisper that's what I'm trying to do ....pulling my dress to the side to get to my sweet spot .....your love box sent me a message and I want to do just that ....and he did just that 

Elise Mainstore 
Elise _Cintia
Fit Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venu), Maitreya, and Slink
comes in leather with a color hud of 13 different colors 
 and  in satin with a color hud of 10 different colors 
 has 6 different saying with a color hud of 7 different color for each saying 
I'm wearing this in leather in pink with white writing 

You can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link @ Elise Mainstore


Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...