Saturday, May 23, 2020


The Dress

My bestfriend call and told me that she brought me a dress I guess you say what's wrong with that .... well she's so animated I mean very animated....she loves cats, dogs, bears, and all kind of stuff style is more sexy sheek and hers more like my little pony lol of course when she say she brought me something I was worried ....She was in the store called Hexed and got me this cute little dress ..I was like oh lord ......she came in and hand me this dress well we was headed to the Disney Tribute Park I went in my room and I pull it out ....I had to smile of course it was a panda dress ....Once I put it on it was really cute .... oh by the way I had fun dancing with  one of  favorite disney character .....oh yeah your welcome Holo 

 lets talk about this outfit:
You can get Hexed Newest Release  @ the Sense Event

The Kawaii Cuties Dress comes rigged for Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, and Legacy Female! I'm currently wearing the panda dress but they have 8 different more

There's 8 animal patterns to choose from! (Kitty, Froggy, Sloth, Koala, Panda, Bunny, Penguin, Dino) Each Set comes with 7 Different Colors Dress. Fatpack also available which comes with 2 bonus animal patterns in for you to mix and match!


Wednesday, May 20, 2020



I was in the house bored ......omg so I decided to go out and chill in the gazebo .......why do people think that if you bored inside you wont be bored chilling in the gazebo bored as hell .....but why I'm bored I'm rocking these fabulous shoes need of being bored and don't look good at it 

Elise-Rossana Shoes
The shoe has a 10 color hud 
has 4 color hud for the buckles and 4 color hud for  the sole 
I'm currently wearing the shoe in the color fushsia
the price of the shoes are 399L which are reasonable 
these shoes fit Legacy, Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink 
Make sure you run down and get you a pair

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Sparenity Springs 

 I made an appointment earlier that week to get an massage .....when I talk to the receptionist on  the phone she gave me the quote for the full package I thought it was a decent price so i book it ....I've been feeling really stress plus i had a crook in my neck I need someone to work out I needed an massage bad...I made the appt like that Monday for that Saturday ....all week I been anticipating this massage.....Now let me tell you I'm usually running late  but I receive a call from the spa about an hour before asking if I still wanted to come ....Hell Yeah I was thinking but I just said yes ....when i got there on time I might add the place was beautiful the decor......the receptionist by the name of Daliyah Cage greeted me .....after confirming my appt she had me to follow her

 First to get my muscle to relax she  took me to the steam room was pretty hot which you know it should be she gave me this ice cold water omg it was soo good ...after getting out the steam room Dahlia hand me this towel ....oh yeah love those thick towels they wasn't cheap at all...they paid a pretty penny for it they also got this nice robe and slippers that was of good quality too put on while i change into my bathing suit ......shit im taking this shit home with me ....souvenir I thought ......she came in after 20 mins and told me my masseuse was ready for me ....he introduce himself as Tyson Black .. I was thinking more like  Tyson Beckford looking his dark chocolate body oh and the face was nice too laughing .....i had to remind myself I was marriage .....I flirted a bit but I kept it chilled .....and he gave me a good massage I fell asleep several time...

now i didnt blog the outfit but if you want to know where i got them at post in my comments and i will come back and blog my outfits back to the story

hope I wasn't drooling  or snoring that shit embarrassing ....he massage me  from the rooter to the tooter ...ok don't be nasty talking about my arm, legs, neck and of course the back nothing else .....just nasty ... I think it was an hour hell it felt so good it might have been 15 mins cause my ass was knocked out ......but any way ..\

.Daliyah came back to escort me to my next appt ....she got my water the right temperature I  ready for my pedicure......when she came back she prep the area  then proceed to sit down I look at her nails then her toes ....don't look at me funny you  know you  don't want some one that nails busted to do your nail ... hers was on point so I secure that she would do a good job on mine ....She did the dam thang ...after soaking my toes they had those headed rocks ...... she proceed to rub my legs with those headed rock can I say I was in heaven in my sing song voice she gave me a glass of wine ....we was best friends after that my mind of course but anyway .......

then she took me to get my manicure ...... I pick out my color .....after soaking my nails, and pushing my cuticles back and she didnt even push them too back to far where that lil knife stab you ....I dont know what its call but you know what I mean  ...ladies you know what I'm talking about when the stab you and you want to smack them ...well that didn't happen ....she even gave me an a cute design ...i was like yessss she did that  ....after my nails dry she took me to get a snack .......omg hell they could have just put me in the room in the beginning yall know I'm a foodie  ....nice selection of food ...i was convince I had died and went to heaven ......needless to say I was a happen camper   Ask if i could move in she laugh she said she didnt think so  it was time for my spa day to come to an end on my way to leave I happen to look at the picture of the owner ......It was Cherry Brooks my sorority sister ....I remember a while back her mentioning it to me .........fuck fuck fuck ....I had to tell the receptionist I left something so I can sneak her robe and towels back ....not a good look to have her come to my house and see her merchandise in my bathroom ....oh well I call her later on that day and told her how much I like them and the spa ....she told me she will drop off the robe to my house on her way home spa day ever

Call Cherry Brooks (Cherokee1716)
to book your appt .........or if you in the area drop by to schedule the appt

Friday, May 15, 2020


Flying High

The Captain call me and ask me to go undercover at a marijuana distillery ....He said word on the street that they selling more then marijuana .....He said he needed me to get information don't shot anyone he said ...rolling my eyes .....just get info when I arrived to work I thought I was going to be working in the warehouse ...of course not that would be too easy ....I was assign outside in the  garden talking about the biggest contact job was to water the garden and pack up the weed in those little packets......also they had me planting strawberry and all kind of fruit well not planting more like monitoring them planting lol  .....use them in the marijuana ....the had this joint call strawberry sting ...this weed has a hint of strawberry ...they was passing the joint around cause it was one of their newest product....was weary of of hitting the joint cause I was on the clock...but didn't want my cover blown so I smoke the joint shit I figure it was product testing right ...job related of the owner took a liking to me ....he flirted all the time I tried to fish info from him but came up short ......He ask me out everyday and I politely turn him down.  So when he ask me again to go out on a date with him I reluctantly said yes   .....while on this date I slip him some truth serum in his drink  while he went to the bathroom ...was waiting on pens and needles for him to drink the drink ...he finally drink the drink and started to talk....when I said he

 Lets talk about the outfit during unschedule commercial
All the I have on I got at the  Audacity Event

Introducing his an her True Colors Bandanas which comes in eight (8) different colors plus 5 bonus textures in the available fatpack!

They are completely resizable to fit any avatar! Drop in and get yours


B.N Bea Shorts
come in 8 colors 
Im wearing the black shorts 
Check out the store by clicking on the link

Sinsation Top 
Come in 9 different style
I have the 420 on
now back to the story
talk I mean talk ..his ass wouldn't shut up he talk about everything ....omg I wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up but I need my info the end of the date I had info on what drugs (Cocaine and Heroine) and  when the date of the next shipment time and what the kind of truck that they would be driving  and even the name  and all the people who was involve in this.....needless to say we was able to come in and bust them of the drugs well not the marijuana cause that was legal .....i quit a week later didn't want to look like I was in on the bust ....taking me some of that strawberry sting with me .....hell hope they don't make me take a piss test anytime soon

Normally I leave song but thought this would make you laugh

Monday, May 11, 2020


My Favorite Swing

I have a favorite spot...i often blog there and chill ...i went to a opening to a party and sat on this swing and fell in love ...hunt down the owner and beg him to tell me where he  got it .....i put it in my favorite spot to say i was in love ...then i  put this outfit  on i got  at Audacity Event was this comfortable soft 2 piece ......i felt sexy in it ....i definitely recommend it 

Now you can pick this up at the Audacity Event
Ember Darla shirt and pants
comes in 10 different colors ....i wearing the soft blue
fit the ebody, slink, maitreya, freya, and venus
you can pick this up at the audacity Event

Sunday, May 10, 2020



My girl called me and ask me if I wanted to go out ....ladies I know you have those days you want to go out but don't really want to dress up .......told her I wanted to but didn't feel like the club scene ...she said she just got invited to this block party ....word lets do this ...hanging up the phone and running to my closet....just went shopping at Audacity Event so I grab this outfit smiling yeah I'm about to rock this all kind of look cute I would hear  just smile and told them where to pick it up

 you can pick this outfit at the Audacity Event:

come with 10 different colors I'm rocking the pink
fit freya, hr, maitreya, phys and maitreya
cost 299L each

You can pick it up at the Audacity Event

Saturday, May 9, 2020



I had a sweet tooth so I decided to head down to the bakery.  Looking at the selection they had a nice variety ....  I had order an expresso while trying to decide between a slice of cake or a cupcake .....when the person behind the corner ask me if I had decided yet ....I told her I want a couple of cupcakes......she smile once a month we put a cupcake cart outside its a monthly special  ...just then the guy was rolling it out  ......when the cart came out it was like this cute cupcake bike thingy ....shit I don't know what to call it but it was adorable i told the lady ill just get an cupcake from the lets talk about this cart had a variety of delicious cupcakes. Choc, vanilla, strawberry, red velvet and several more flavors ..when I was trying to decide which cupcake I was going to purchase  the cart guy again hell i don't know what to call him .......told me to watch his cart he will be back .....I said wait I cant .....well i can but this wasnt  a good idea ....first I love sweets so much that I open a bakery because of it ........he said you will be fine  he'll be right back just had to go to the bathroom i waited looking at the variety then i had figure out what  I wanted to purchase one of each flavor ......about 15 min later he still wasnt back ....he must have lost his mind .....I said to myself I'm giving him another 5 mins then I'm leaving this cart ......then i got this bright idea to take the cart with me .....u know that voice in your head tell you when you doing wrong well mine name Truth ....she often speak to me and warn me ....did I listen ...hell no she talks to dam much but I do admit she's right most times ....well this heifer told to to not even think about it .....too late I took the bike ...can i say that shit was heavy cause of the cupcakes .....started to leave that shit several time  but he will learn not to ask a random person to watch a cart full of cupcakes ...well while I was riding several  people  stop and ask me how much so shit I

Lets talk about the outfit:
you can pick it up at the Audacity Event
Suga Baby Maria Dress 
this dress come in 12 different colors im wearing the pink
fit for  Slink, Maitreya, Belleza
299L for this dress with the hud
head out to Audacity to pick up the dress by grabbing this link:

If you feeling this dress and would like to check out more of their stuff
Store: Suga Baby


Market Place:

sold them for 150L a cupcake .....told them to meet me at my old bakery spot ...made a killing and the cupcakes was good .....felt guilty so i took the cart back at night and park it in front of the bakery .... did I leave them the money ....hell no I didn't feel that guilty ......guess I have to find me a new bakery after this

Monday, May 4, 2020


My Favorite Chair 

I went shopping at Audacity Event and found this chair ...the chair is so comfortable and have a lot of animation ......its my favorite chair so go pick it up look down below and catch 
 -FL- Passion Sofa
Passion Sofa/ Chair Information

- 24 Textures
-   5 Texture Sets
- 15 Male and Female Solo Sits
- 12 Couple Cuddles 
- 10 Spanks Anim Sets
- 58 Couple MF Bento Sex sets
- Auto Gender Detection
- Auto Facial Expressions

If you want to get this chair you can pick it up at the audacity event 

Audacity Event:

\go check out the store and the marketplace:
FetishLife SLURL:

FetishLife Marketplace:

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...