Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Getting His Attention 

The night before I got dress in this sexy little number I got at Lilleth Mills my husband came home took a shower I snuggle up to him and suck on his earlobes he turn around and start rubbing on my ass .....next think I know I heard him snoring ......well I got up and put my Pj on and when to sleep ....the next day I got up before he did and got dress in that same outfit and went outside ......when I heard him stirring .......I pull out my iPad and sent a picture .........when I heard his phone ding I knew he got the picture .......next thing I know he was laying across the chair with me ....his head in the nock of my neck sucking on my neck ....running his hand over my body ......whispering in my ear I like this outfit ....you are wearing the hell out of it .....then he said his goal was to take it off me I smile 

Spotlight Item
Lilleth Mills Original Mesh Clothing
Lilleth Mills x FIT
comes with bodysuit  
fit Freya, Hourglass,  Kupra, Gen x, Legacy, Maitreya, Reborn
This comes 9 different texture 
im wearing this in a pink
you can pick this up, at the mainstore Lilleth Mills Original Mesh Clothing 

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle Head
Body: Legacy 1.4 
Hair: No Match-No Swipe
Shoes: KC Yoshee Ribbon Heels
Accessories:  Livia Heart Hoops

one picture is with the advance Lighting and the other is without both pictures are fire but the picture to the right definitely look better

Theme Song: Baby Come To Me-Regina Belle 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out "

A Place Of Love 

I had this dream I was in this mystical place ........there was this talking squirrel that told me I was the Princess of the Mystical Land .....he told me that I rule over whole land said my job is to keep the love in and fight off any hate ....he said that there a book of look that I need to read it would help me keep the hate out .......He also said I was assign a  hummingbird that will help me navigate around land ..the bird is like your right hand man.... .....he usually tell me when I need to use the book ........the funny thing about the land if you can feel the love it felt wonderful ......I even had a throne .....I woke thinking that was a weird dream but wouldn't  be wonderful if you can drag someone full of hate to place of love....maybe I can go back to sleep and find out where this place is cause I have a couple of people I need to drag there.

 Spotlight Items:

YoU by GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Elisia Outfit

comes with top, sleeve, skirt and panty

fit Ebody (curvy) Belleza Genx, Reborn, Kupra,  Legacy, Maitreya,

comes with a Hud of 15 different textures 

I'm wearing this in yellow

You can pick this up the Jail Event By clicking the link @  Jail February Event also check out the main store YoU By GeMyles

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1

Body: Legacy 1.4 

Hair: Limerence Delia Hair

Shoes: KC-Jane Heels

Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings 

Theme Song: Nothing Better Than Love by Gregory Hine & Luther Vandross

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

This No Love and Basketball 

Me and the hubby had a small disagreement, so I went outside to cool down I walk down to the rec center and went to the basketball court and wanted to shoot some hoops, so I went home and change into an outfit I pick up from Galagher and headed out.......I didn't realize he had saw me cause he was laying across the couch with his eyes closed.....I walk back to the rec center  I started shooting hoops by myself when I heard my name called ......he said let's play some one on one ....rolling my eyes for what this fool said  next If I win you give me your heart .....sucking my teeth you have my heart this is no love and basketball ......but we start playing one on one anyway  ......there was some tension at first then we started having fun.........of course he was cheating .......we ended our game with a kiss .....well maybe it was a little love and basketball 

Spotlight Item:

Galagher Store

Galagher: Mariana

Comes with a top and short

this come hud of 10 different textures.

I'm wearing this in red.

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Galagher Store

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle Head 3.1

Body: Legacy 1.4 

Hair: Stealthic-Havoc

Shoes: KC Alexia Sneaker boots 

Accessories:  Avada-Genevieve Earrings

Guy-I Like

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Save The Last Dance 

Me and the husband was watching tv.....we watch this lady do this sexy dance for her man ....he mention that he thought that was sexy ....he look at me and said why you don't do that for me ....rolling my eyes .....I told him that wasn't happening but in the back of my mind I already was forming an idea........Remember my friend that has the strip club I called in a favor .....On my next date night I made arrangements for him to meet me there ......we was at first watching the strippers then I told him I was going to the bathroom .....I got change and had the waiter to bring him to one of the private rooms ....it was dark when he entered ......I small light came on and the music hearing H.E.R. coon through the speaker and  started I did the routine a practice .......as I dance I saw him smile then smirk ......after the routine we grab me and slide his hand under my dress ......moving his hand he said babe that was sexy as hell and I blushed

Spotlight Items:
YoUnique Couture
YoUnique Couture Revnue 
comes with dress, sleeves and lace front Collar
fit-Altamura, Ebody, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Maitreya, Tonic
comes with a hud of 20 difference texture 
im wearing this in a all black 
You can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link @ YoUnique Couture 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 The Dream

I had this dream that was in the jungle I was scared and confused .......I realize I was alone and scared .......I didn't have any direction what in the hell am I going to I close my eyes and ask the lord for help .......just then I heard a voice ....he said i will never forsake you ....On this journey I got you .....just then I open my eyes and felt peace .....I look toward jungle and headed towards the jungle just as I entered the wood I woke up

Spotlight Item:
Pink Cherry Store
..::PC::.."Enja" Outfit
It comes in a top and skirt
This fit B. Freya, B. Isis, Legacy, Maitreya, S. Hourglass
This comes in Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey,  Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, and Teal 
Im wearing this in red
You can pick this up at me main store by clicking the link Pink Cherry Store

Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1
Body: Legacy 1.5
Hair: //G.-"Mikiana Hairbase and bun
 Shoes: Valentina Heels 
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and initiall-dia (B) Gold necklace 

Theme song: Through the fire -Chaka Khan

Monday, February 6, 2023

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 My Funny Valentine 

I decided to do some photo for valentine .....not the traditional photos but something risky and not in an explicit way ..........something a bit sexy...something kind of funny making him laugh........after I saw the picture that wasn't it so I back to the drawing board .......I will say that outfit was fire ....... 

 Spotlight Items:
YoU by GeMyles
YoU By GeMyles Addie Outfit
comes with top and pants 
fit Ebody (curvy) Freya, Hourglass, Kupra,  Legacy, Maitreya, Physique,and Tonic
comes with a Hud of 15 different textures. 
I'm wearing this in white. 
You can pick this Beauty January Event Beauty Event it's going to be there until Feb 11th 

 Head: Lelutka Evo Halle 3.1
Body: Legacy 1.4 
Hair: PL Matilda 
Shoes: KC-Leanne Heel
Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings 

My Theme Song is of course: My Funny Valentine -Anita Baker

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without coffee....today is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...