Sunday, August 29, 2021



We decided to take a trip we me to the Riviera we had been planning this for almost a year so I was excited when it finally got close to the time for us to go on our trip....I got some sexy outfit at one of my favorite store Queenz I had already packed ready for my trip ashamed to say I had my suitcase been pack two weeks before the trip ....about 2 days before we was due to leave the hubby job called said they need him to work on something important that was urgent ....

When he told them He was about to go out of town the ask for him to postpone it ....told them he had to run this by his wife and he will call them back ,,,,now I listening to his part of the conversation so I know some bullshit about to come out of his mouth .....He turn to me and said listen before you say something ...I smirk He said we might have to postpone the trip they have an emergency I need to take care of....told me they agree to pay for the arrangement next time and all the yada yada u know I wasn't hearing that.....I said ok ...well in 2 days I'm boarding my plane to go to the Riviera you can choose to go or you can stay here and work but know my ass will be on that plane ...I kiss his cheek and headed upstairs ......two days later we was on the plane headed to the Riviera ....there a couple of picture of the view 

Spotlight Item: 

Queenz Store

Q Passion 

fit Kupra, Ebody, Freya, Legacy, Maitreya 

 comes with 12 different colors

 I wearing this in burnt orange 

you can pick this up at the Big Girl Event By clicking the link Big Girl Event

it will be there till Sept 11th so hurry up and go get it 



One morning I woke up and for the life of me I couldn't get back to sleep.....I tried hot tea....counting sheeps nd a numberous different things to try to get back to sleep but none of them work i decide to look out my window ....when I realize the sun was coming up ....never took the time to check out a sunrise .....I was amaze how god allow such beauty

Spotlight Items: 

Myle Harvy Couture

(MH) Couture by Design Alicia Lingerie 

comes with a bra, panty, suspenders and heels

fit Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, and Maitreya 

Comes with a hud of  white, black and red 

I'm wearing this in white 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Myles Harvy Couture by Design

Saturday, August 28, 2021



My husband got a new ATV we was suppose to ride around together ....but we keep missing each other ...we had made plans to go for a ride this coming Saturday ...well Saturday come around and he has to go into work to a couple of hours said he would be home by 10 am ....I waited and waited next thang I know it was almost 3 .....I was piss I was looking forward to riding around with him on the I said forget that ....I grab the keys and and a ball ....riding around the land ....when he finally got home it was about a quarter till six.......he immediately apologize and ask what I did all day cause he has been trying to call but didn't get an answer told him I was riding his ATV ....talking about piss he was sooo mad ....told me he wanted to ride his ATV first .....I roll my eyes ....and told him too bad you should have been home ....and went upstairs for a hot bath

Spotlight Item:

Pink Cherry 

 .:PC::. Summer Outfit "Maya"

fit Freya, Isis , Legacy, Maitreya, and Slink (HG)

comes in top and shorts 

comes in black, black/white, black/blue, darkgreen/black

grey/black, Petrol/black, red/black, white, white/black, white/Lilac and white/pink 

I wearing this in Petrol/black 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Pink Cherry

Tuesday, August 24, 2021



I rode pass a fruit stand and decided to stop.....they owner was selling watermelon 2 for one and they look nice and big I brought several ......once I brought them I cut the watermelon.....did you think I was talking about something different ....get your mind out the gutter ....we talking about really sweet watermelon 

Sunday, August 22, 2021



I've been so busy I haven't had time for the beach .....I had some work to do but i decided to put that to the side and go down to the beach ....its sad we live right on the beach and I never get to go out to the water .....I went down to the beach and took a dip .....I told myself I was only going to go down there for an hour know that didn't happen right lol ......I end up staying down their the whole day just relaxing ...the hubby came down to get me and end up relaxing with me ....sometime we work too hard not to take time out to enjoy the simple things 

Spotlight Items: 

Tantrum Store

Tantrum-Melinda Heels 

fit Belleza Maitreya, INTHIUM, Legacy

color hud of 16 colors for the top ribbon, bottom ribbons, and padding, a color hud for the heel of 17 different color for the heel and a color hud of 3 colors for the sole 

I wearing this in skull print 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Tantrum Store

Friday, August 20, 2021



Remember the owner of the strip club well we kept in touch .....I think he like me but that's not happening but he's cool as hell .....well he told me he was thinking about putting those dance cages that he found at Xplicit Furnishing.....he sent me a link to look at the cage ....told him I thought it look nice about a week later he called me excited telling me to come see the cage in person .....then he started talking about hiring dancer and he needed help finding outfits I think he was talking more to himself them me ...told him I had some runs and stop through on my way home.....I was walking pass Myles Harvy when I saw this outfit in the window .....I took a picture and send it to the club owner ....he call me ....that shit hot where did u find that outfit at ....told him the location and went in ...end out buying the outfit for personal use .....i stop pass the club and show him the outfit he comment dam you man is lucky as fuck smirking  ...ignoring him telling him the price and bingo ....he had the outfit for the dancers ....

Spotlight Item: Fashion Shout-Out

Myles Harvy Couture by Design

[MH] Couture Emery Outfit with Heels

comes with Bikini Top, Harness, Heels, Panty and Skirt 

fit Freya, Hourglass, Maitreya

comes in black it does had a hud for the bra for 10 different textures

you can pick this up at the Darkness Event @ Darkness Event

you can also check out the main store by clicking the link Myles Harvy Couture by Design

this fool wanted to hired me to help him with the club I decline and told him I needed one of those cages......about an hour later I heard my doorbell ring....I go to the door and guess what was there ...he sent me a cage ...I couldn't do anything but smile .....sent him a text thanking him and call the hubby and told him I have a surprise for him ......come to Brit Boom Boom Room after you shower ok .....he came in and smile .....i was sitting on the floor of the cage .....i hop up and start dancing.......he pull at my skirt ....-is that outfit new ...I smile yes .....this is sexy boo he said .....where you get the cage ....I act like I didn't hear his question .....I heard him yell British did u hear me ...I answer sighing I got it from the strip club owner....he suck his teeth ....he fuss if I have to kick his ass I'm kicking yours ...told you he wanted you he fuss...grabbing me and pulling me close nibbling on my ear and saying tell him you mine to get his own 

Spotlight Item: Must Get Item

Xplicit Furnishing 

Xplicit The Dance Cage

 Original Mesh • 83 erotic animations • Texture menu • Solo female dance, submissive sits, masturbation, sybian prop and stand• Couples sex menu • RLV

all poses are from the cage in this blog 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Xplicit Furnishing

Tuesday, August 10, 2021



I woke up thinking about my mom this particular day  ....been crying off and on all day I decide to get up and get some fresh air ...look in my closet grab this cute lil black outfit that fit my mood ....grab some shades cause my eyes has been swollen from crying all day .........I went out to my favorite area where these angel pillar ....most days I  get comfort from this lil spot but today I couldn't get it together .....while out there these butterflies came around me .... I start to swat them away but as much as I swat them away they would just fly around me ....I started to get irritated when one landed on my hand .....looking at the beauty of the butterfly some how gave me comfort..... then it hit me that my mother love butterflies and her favorite colors was blue .....I realize that was her way of telling me she's still there ....I realize that was a sign from her that moment I got comfort ....thinking she's always there in some way

Spotlight Items: 

(Cinnamon Cocaine)

(Cinnamon Cocaine) Billionaire Glasses

comes in Calabasas, Hollywood, laguna, Newport, San Diego, Sonoma, Barbie, Mailbu and Santa Monica

each glasses comes in different colors 

Im actually wearing the los Angeles that comes in black 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Cinnamon Cocaine

Spotlight Item: 

Limited Addiction 

Limited Addiction-LOTD 157

Left and right arm band, left and right bracelet, top and pants 

fit Legacy and Maitreya

it comes in black only 

you can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link Limited Addiction

Thursday, August 5, 2021



I don't know if you know this but I love to box plus its a good workout be surprise the muscles you work out when you boxing when I don't feel like hitting the gym I hit the ring ....My sparring partner call and said he couldn't make it ....I hung up disappointed my husband came in and ask me if I was ok ....told him that my sparring partner couldn't make it ...he volunteer to be my sparring partner ......I shook my head no ......not a good idea.....he taunted me scared I heard him say ....I smirk scared for you .....then lets do this ....I knew my husband was skilled in martial arts but shit I was skilled in hood so I wasn't scared at all .....Bae I don't think this is a good idea .....He was persistent so I agree

we was fighting ....I thought he was going to take it easy on me .....he hit me so dam hard I  got pissed I started to fight for real ... I was taking it easy on him... when he saw me frown he smirk that piss me off even more .....its on now ......we start fighting for real ...I was impress my husband a pretty boy so I didn't think he had skills felt good to know that my husband can beat someone ass .....don't get me wrong not saying he's a punk he just not really confrontational.......I punch him he was said oh shit I smile a little .....I punch the hell out of him ...He grab the bat and swung .....said he was checking my reflex ...I saw red and went in whipping that ass thinking he must have  lose his dam mind.. thinking he said bring it I did.....I knock him out with a swinging kick laughing ....after waking up ...he was piss with an headache ...He didn't say shit to me a whole day after that ....I felt bad at first but thinking about him on that bat I held back a chuckle ....told him it wasn't a good idea

Spotlight Item: Must Get Item

Xplicit Furnishing 

Xplicit Sparring Ring

 Original Mesh Design and Textures • 279 High Quality Bento Animations • Fight or Sex Mode • Texture Menu • Aeros Enabled • Multi-Speed Animations 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Xplicit Furnishing

all the poses with me and my husband are from the Sparring Ring

Spotlight Item: Fashion Shout-Out

Diva Empire House of Fashion

(DE) Jade 

(top and pants)

fit Kupra, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy and Maitreya

comes in Black, Navy, pink, red, white and yellow 

with different saying on each color

im currently wearing this in blue 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Diva Empire House of Fashion

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...