Friday, December 24, 2021



Remember I was in London handling business ....well it seems that I won't be able to make it home for Christmas ......It seem that I won't be home before New year's ....I made the call and told the hubby my plans had change and gave him the disappointing news ....he had to fuss about 20 mins before he got off the phone ....hell i was disappointed also ....i wanted my Christmas gift and I was horny as hell ......the next day I got the call that they  move up the meeting and if get everyone to agree to our terms we can be home  by the weekend ....that motivate me to get the meeting sold so i can go home ......the next day we had the meeting and after hours of negations  we finally came to an agreement everyone was happy with ....I was so excited I pick up the phone to let the hubby know but I said I going to surprise him .....

I got home that Monday ......went and pick up this cute lingerie and as I was headed to my car I spotted some bad ass boots in the window of Tantrum to get them .....when I came home I pull out the presents I pick up for my baby and put on my lingerie with my boots  ........i was standing by the Christmas tree when my hubby came home ....He didn't even notice me.... he went straight upstairs and took a shower .....after his shower he came downstairs and was walking toward the kitchen when he spotted me .......he smile and kiss me .....he lean down and whisper welcome home....told him I have presents for him ....he grab my crotch ....I hope it's this as he grab me and took me in his arms......kissing my neck and said he need to unwrap his real present telling me i won't need all those clothes looking down wondering what clothes but said nothing then he said leave the boots on smirking 

Spotlight Item: 
Tantrum Store
Tantrum Boots 
fit Ebody, INITHIUM, Legacy, Maitreya 
comes with 17 different colors for the straps and body 
sole come with 3 different colors , 2 for the metal, 2 for the logo
You can pick this up at the Tres Chic Event by clicking the link Tres Chic
also make sure you check out the main store by clicking the link Tantrum Store

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair: Limerence Lillan Hair-Natural Beauty 
Outfit: (LSR) Sexy Zulima Christmas Suit  ( Bra, lights and panties) 
Accessories: Avada-Genevieve Earrings 

                                                All I wanted for Christmas is you -Mariah Carey 

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