Thursday, July 30, 2020



The other day my husband gave me a when he gave me the gift it was suppose to be a gag gift ....but I thought it was cute....he said a co-worker had one on and thought it was cute to give me one as a joke ......first of all what he doing looking at that chick finger that's all be better be looking at  getting my pressure up .... ok I'm getting side track ...where was I ...oh yeah he gave me a gift  it was a lil cute coffee ring ...i put it on and love it....

now I have to let you know how much I love coffee i think it started when my grandma gave me some coffee when I was a baby was mostly milk and sugar but I would ask for my cokee as the say i would call it that where my love of coffee started  .... so I love coffee....i don't think my day go right if I miss my daily cup of coffee....I hate to tell you this but I once readied  this article about coffee in some magazine saying if you bathe in coffee it would leave you skin soft as a baby .....something about the toxin in the bean or something like that I ran some hot water and add boiling water and add a big thing of coffee in the tub .....once it got to a temperature that was comfortable i sat in the tub... now the article said you have to sit at least 15 min since I was going for the new born soft look I figure I would sit in the coffee for about 45 mins....well that shit was wrong ...hell my skin was softer before I got into the coffee then I think I was wired all day  and my skin felt like sand paper 3 days .....maybe the caffeine soak thought my skin my mind at least ....well later that week my girl Desire call ....ask me what I was doing ...... told her I was headed to this new Starbucks they build by the beach .......she said she would meet me there .....when she arrived she had on the same shirt I had on..we was twinning lol

..She laugh at the shirt you got that at the Saturday sale as she hug me.....cute ring ...i smile see I wasn't the only one  that like the ring.....after getting my white chocolate mocha and she got a blonde cappuccino we grab a seat and talk about a book she just finish reading i recommend ...laughing and talking with my girl ....we had the best time  ...Maybe I should create a coffee club and ill be the president cause I have the ring lol 

 has a color hud of 10 color hud for the ring 
 also has a metal hud of 8 colors 
 and a pastel colors of 8 different colors 
 fit Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Vista
Im currently wearing in white with the gold metal 
the cost is only 199L 

you can pick this up at Elise Mainstore by clicking the uber

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