Saturday, July 18, 2020



The captain call me and said I need you to go undercover in Indianapolis  ...we have a drug ring  that need your help to bust up ...and you are just the person for it .....I'm going on vacation next week so don't disturb me ....sending you the info by messenger ....right now all we need for you to do is to follow the perk and get intel on him ......he love beautiful woman so if you can get close that would be even better .....but be careful he's very dangerous ....excited to get back on the job

 About an hour later when I went to the door I receive the package from the messenger ..... it had airplane tickets and a bag ...looking through the info .....something seem strangely ...this doesn't look right trying to call the captain but I was sent straight to voice mail the officer that put the packet together and  told her she must have sent me  the wrong package .....she assist it was .....but this is to India .....Captain said Indianapolis .....she snapped telling me she knows what she was doing .....she must forgot I don't mind smacking a bitch ......told her to bring down that octane down to my liking cause  I don't have a problem with coming to the police office ...she calm down and assure me that I had the right package I look over the package again didn't seem right ....tried to call the captain one more time went straight to voice mail again I look at my ticket and got out my passport and shook my head....India here I come after a long flight I finally arrived and got settle ...the next day I got  in touch  with my contact...which when I call the India police they didn't seem to know what the hell I was talking about.... told them I was there to go undercover the chief said until he can get to the bottom of the issues he gave me some tour spots to check out i put one my saree and hijab and went sight seeing ....India was beautiful

 ...its wild they had elephants just chilling i remember one guy ask if I wanted to take pictures with the elephant ass was hesitant as hell wasnt keen on standing near something that trunk can knock the hell out of me .....but he seem friendly ...the next day i want to some kind of temple ...had this colorful couches .....and throw pillows all on the ground .....I've done hooklah before but it was kind of cool to do one there day for I think I seen all the beautiful sights ..not that I wasn't ready to see more sights I was just ready to get back to work

Taking to commercial break to talk about the outfit
 {AS} Amika Accessories: Vine White
it come with hijab
hair w/ color hud
jewelry with chains
all this for 199L
you can pick this up on marketplace

Comes in just one color white and gold 
comes with whole saree outfit
fit Maitreya 

Back from the commercial break :
the Chief finally call me ...told me there was a big mix up .....and that I need to call my captain ...rolling my eyes the bullshit .....calling the captain he got to yelling soon as I got on the phone ......How the hell you get Indianapolis mixed up with India he yell  ....wait this is not my fault I question that ...even call you and u sent me straight to voicemail so naw that all on yah  and dont yell at me ...Captain must have lost hims mind ....i need him to find it soon tho ......he said do I know how much waisted money we use sending you  there .....again that not my fault old girl assure me that I had the right info I'm not trying to hear this .did the throw her ass under the bus yep and ran over her while I was driving it ...he apologize and told me to take a week off once I get home but he need me to go to Indianapolis ......well I told him see him make that two week cause I need a week to at least to get my pressure under control ....he huff and mumble ok ....pack my stuff up and was headed home I fairly enjoy their culture and eating new food but as the saying go ....there no place like home.

 you can pick this up at the Audacity Event by clicking the link Audacity Event

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