Thursday, July 23, 2020



I was on my way home from work when I stop at the wine store to grab me a nice bottle of wine .....haven't had a nice bottle of Moscato in a min.......I came home took a shower and put on this bra and panty outfit I got at the Audacity Event put the radio on that good ole R&B...... Have you ever been in the mood for a glass of wine I'm not a big drinker but every now and then I need a bottle of wine to unwind when I was feeling stress and tense when a lot of things going on at the same time I sat there drinking and listening to my audible book while Lloyd croon in the background I felt my body relax......that what a good bottle of wine will do for you .....remember in the last post where I couldnt sleep ....I didnt have any problems sleeping that night ........I should have brought that bottle earlier ....but never late that ever

ECD Cute Top and Panties
15 different saying for the top hud
Fit Beleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Tonic, and Classic Avi

 you can pick this up at the Audacity Event

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