Friday, July 31, 2020



I woke up and decide to make my hubby a big breakfast .. I go in the refrigerator and nothing in there but the Chinese food we ordered the other day I went upstairs wash my hair in this red rinse and grab this cute lil sundress I brought at After Midnight Fashion grab my cute sandals and was headed to the door when I heard ....My hubby look up from his coffee ...dam you look cute ....where are you going so dress up ...rolling my eyes going to the grocery store so I can cook breakfast...babe it noon was his response ...I said brunch then ..... headed to Walmart to get some grocery ......spent an hour looking a clothes before I went to the grocery section .....then I went to self check out .....I think since you have to ring out your own shit you should at least get an discount since food so dam high........but anyway got home and didn't feel like dinner end up ordering from grub hub well at least we have food in the refridge

HAS 6 different pattern hud im currently wearing the rose pattern 
fit L perky, alice, Ebody, Freya, Isis , Legacy, Maitreya
Slink, Slink (H)

you can pick this up at the Mainstore by clicking the link 

Thursday, July 30, 2020



I had the day off so got my Savage shirt I got at the Sense Event and pair of jeans and headed out to do errands...A song came on the radio and I turn it up ....Ladies have you every had a song that reminds you of a moment in time .......this song had me thinking of my grandma....I remember when I was young my grandma had this ole school  record player ......... it use to play vinyl records.   I remember she would put on some Sam Cook other times  she would play the O'Jays  and   Glady Night and the pips and we would dance ....I think that where my love for old school R& B come from .....I was walking and notice this album shop on sl boulevard 

I look in the window and saw rows of vinyl records and a record player on the counter ....I dam near ran in the record store ....Why was I so excited.....i sat in the album shop for hours ....just listening to old school music on the old record player until it was time for them to close I had home i put on my earphones and singing along thinking of the time when  me and my brother  would sneak  and play those old school albums the ones that was use the most would have scratches on the album my uncle had a 8 track player but didnt feel the same ...then there was cassettes then the cd's came out kind of remind me of those albums mini versions of item ......

but now you can download music so although music has come a long way there are often times I would hear an O'Jays song on the radio and think of me and my grandma dancing in her living room ...needless to say i never got those errands done ....just incase you was wondering lol 

Let's in the outfit 
[H]  Alter Ego
 comes in  9 different saying 
Bitchy, Bougie, Classy, Ego,  Moody
 Nasty, Ratchet, sassy and Savage 
 Each saying  has a color hud of 8 colors 
 fit Legacy, Freya, Maitreya, Hourglass
you can currently pick this up at the Sense Event 

also check out the main store at 
thought this was a cute song for the shirts since the shirt matches the saying 

this song remind me of that old school song 



The other day my husband gave me a when he gave me the gift it was suppose to be a gag gift ....but I thought it was cute....he said a co-worker had one on and thought it was cute to give me one as a joke ......first of all what he doing looking at that chick finger that's all be better be looking at  getting my pressure up .... ok I'm getting side track ...where was I ...oh yeah he gave me a gift  it was a lil cute coffee ring ...i put it on and love it....

now I have to let you know how much I love coffee i think it started when my grandma gave me some coffee when I was a baby was mostly milk and sugar but I would ask for my cokee as the say i would call it that where my love of coffee started  .... so I love coffee....i don't think my day go right if I miss my daily cup of coffee....I hate to tell you this but I once readied  this article about coffee in some magazine saying if you bathe in coffee it would leave you skin soft as a baby .....something about the toxin in the bean or something like that I ran some hot water and add boiling water and add a big thing of coffee in the tub .....once it got to a temperature that was comfortable i sat in the tub... now the article said you have to sit at least 15 min since I was going for the new born soft look I figure I would sit in the coffee for about 45 mins....well that shit was wrong ...hell my skin was softer before I got into the coffee then I think I was wired all day  and my skin felt like sand paper 3 days .....maybe the caffeine soak thought my skin my mind at least ....well later that week my girl Desire call ....ask me what I was doing ...... told her I was headed to this new Starbucks they build by the beach .......she said she would meet me there .....when she arrived she had on the same shirt I had on..we was twinning lol

..She laugh at the shirt you got that at the Saturday sale as she hug me.....cute ring ...i smile see I wasn't the only one  that like the ring.....after getting my white chocolate mocha and she got a blonde cappuccino we grab a seat and talk about a book she just finish reading i recommend ...laughing and talking with my girl ....we had the best time  ...Maybe I should create a coffee club and ill be the president cause I have the ring lol 

 has a color hud of 10 color hud for the ring 
 also has a metal hud of 8 colors 
 and a pastel colors of 8 different colors 
 fit Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Vista
Im currently wearing in white with the gold metal 
the cost is only 199L 

you can pick this up at Elise Mainstore by clicking the uber

Friday, July 24, 2020



About two weeks and my husband was talking ....we discuss spending more time together  we usually passing each other ...either he's on the way to work  while im coming in  or vice versal .  So we dont get to spend much time together and dont let him have to go out of town on business or i get call away on a case  ...He came home a lil earlier  so we talk and we put our schedule together and realize we have the next weekend off ......He said ok boo we going to the beach ....i smile ....he look at me tired of your ass going to the beach showing my ass off without me with a smirk ...i smirk back ....I kiss him and was headed out to work .....a week later that friday i was in the bedroom when he came in .....Excited i said look boo I got this new bikini for the beach tomorrow .....he look at me and said bae im tired ....all I want to do is relax not doing nothing but chilling at the house maybe watch some tv ...I frown  but I thought we was going to the beach ......he yell Brit im tired ....i rolled my eyes ....that cool ...he said you have an attitude now .....i did but i said no .......i was pissed to the height of pisstivity a work probably not but im using it anyway but i said nothing ......i ordered dinner cause I didn't trust myself not to poison him ...I was in the kitchen at the island eatting when he came and sat beside me ....i got up and went in the den ...i cant stand his face .......ladies have you ever been so made his face get on your nerves well that where i was ...... didnt say shit to his ass all night do you know he had to nerve to try to get him some .....that shit wasnt happening .....i want some too but oh well .....the next day i  got up and had breakfast ...he ask me what the plan i said i was taking the dogs to the beach .....he said you are not wearing that bikini you showed me ......told him watch me rolling my eyes .....he said im not playing Brit ......i roll my eyes and paid no attention to anything he was saying my dog caddies and we was headed out to the beach was still mad as hell ......wanted to be there with him ......we as the played in the sand .....yes my old ass was playing in the sand ....making my dogs a fly house out of sand when i heard my name being called first i thought they wasnt calling me .....But then i heard my husband call me my signature name Brit Brat ....not many people call me that ...well my brothers, sorority sister  but that was my husband voice

AW-Kiyori Kini
top and bottom with/28 different color hud for the top and 24 botton color hud for the bottom
fit Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy, Physique, Venus

I walk toward him ....he smile ...dam your ass look nice ....didnt i tell your hard headed ass not to wear that .....he took me by the hand and I couldnt stop smiling ...that smile when the cutest boy in the school ask for your number kind of smile ....we ran around the water and we played then we just laid in each other arms till it got dark .....Later on as we headed home he call me on the phone .....he said you know i enjoy myself ....did you was my response ....he said yeah ......riding my car behind his ....i said .....the beach was really relaxing my response was I know ........then he said can i get some when i get home response was ill think about it  and hung up........smiling thinking you definitely getting paid tonight as i headed home behind him 
pick this up at the the Audacity Event

Thursday, July 23, 2020



I was on my way home from work when I stop at the wine store to grab me a nice bottle of wine .....haven't had a nice bottle of Moscato in a min.......I came home took a shower and put on this bra and panty outfit I got at the Audacity Event put the radio on that good ole R&B...... Have you ever been in the mood for a glass of wine I'm not a big drinker but every now and then I need a bottle of wine to unwind when I was feeling stress and tense when a lot of things going on at the same time I sat there drinking and listening to my audible book while Lloyd croon in the background I felt my body relax......that what a good bottle of wine will do for you .....remember in the last post where I couldnt sleep ....I didnt have any problems sleeping that night ........I should have brought that bottle earlier ....but never late that ever

ECD Cute Top and Panties
15 different saying for the top hud
Fit Beleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Tonic, and Classic Avi

 you can pick this up at the Audacity Event

Wednesday, July 22, 2020



Everyone should have a lil black make you feel sexy I don't know If you know this but black make you look slimmer ......

Now you should have a lil white dress ...they say white is for purity ....i dont know about that but i will say i need a halo cause i been extra good 

FF Outfit 118
come in three different colors ....(Pink, white, and Black)
this is a full outfit
Dress, shoes, necklace and earrings
fit Maitreya, Tonic, Slink, Belleza, Ebody ,  Legacy,  Altamura and  basic avi

Now for a pink dress ....Pink my favorite color anything pink is ok with me 

pick this up at the the Audacity Event  by clicking the link 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020



The other day I went to the store and pick up this lingerie at Insomnia .....I decided to wear it tonight ....earlier that day my husband call me flirting ...I got home earlier  and prepared his favorite meal then took a shower  then put on the cute lil lacy number ......put scented candle around the room .....thinking I'm getting get me some ......laying across the bed I start thinking about the way he make my body feel thats when  my body started to tingle.....Ladies am I the only one .....have you ever thought  about a love session and it make you smile and your lady parts smile also ....well that what happen .....once I heard him come in I ran his bath water .....I call to him ....Babe come take your bath ......he came in and smile ....u ran my bathwater .....I reply yep..I would wash you but I need to check on your dinner .....need to finish cooking your meal boo hurry up and get clean up so you can eat you can have dessert ....he ate his dinner ....Lobster, steak w/ shrimp salad and a bake potato.......He came upstairs to see if I want to watch a lil tv....once he came in the room I was behind the door ....I came up from behind and whisper ....I want you .....oh yeah smirk and ask what you want..... I place my hand on his package .......he lay me down on the bed....he said you look like dessert....needless to say we had a wonderful night ......nothing wrong with pampering your man 

 ECD Cute Top and Panties 
15 different saying for the top hud
Fit Beleza, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink, Tonic, and Classic Avi

go pick this up at the InsomniaStore by clicking the link 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...