Wednesday, April 15, 2020


My Boo Bear

I was sitting home on a Saturday night bored i had brought some eggs earlier that day  and was going to color them for Easter .....i boiled them and started to color a few  ......when i heard the door bell ring ....i open the door when i saw this little egg on my door .... whats this picking up the eggs ...she pop up ...i laugh  it was my little niece aka Boo Bear aka Ka'miya  ......her little sweet voice ask "auntie what you doing"...i respond nothing then I ask her how you get here she said  i had my daddy to bring me over to so you an see my outfit .......i put her down and look her up and down ......peeking in her costume ...where your yolk i want a scramble eggs she giggle and i couldn't help but to laugh with her ...her laugh was so contagious hearing her sweet voice tell me i was so silly

 lets talk about the outfit .....well of course my neice is wearing a yellow dress and colorful egg
im got this at the Collabor88 Event 
Outfit: Ur Favorite One-MTM Jogger Set- 188L in orange or peach 
Hair: Truth Hair -Paradise in black 300L 
i pick her up and gave her a big hug.......i ask her if she wanted to help me color my eggs ...she scream yes ...she put her on the table and grab an egg and told her to choose a color she grab the yellow and started painting as she ask a thousand questions and talk about school i look at her ....sometimes we forget its the simple things that bring joy to a child ....i was reminded of that as we finish painting the eggs ....i might add we had paint every where but who cares

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