My phone rang I look at my caller id ... It was the precinct knew it was the Captain I wanted to answer the phone and scream "What" but I got my attitude together and answer it yes Captain ...He started... because u did a good job on that last case I have two tickets to Japan for the weekend you even have a tour guide when you get there just ask for Hung she will meet you at the airport ......wasn't sure if I was going to go at first cause my hubby was out of town on a business meeting and I didn't want to go alone but I really wanted to go I said fuck it and decide to go ...getting excited wondering what I was going to wear ....... was only for 2 days ....when I arrived I saw a cat holding a sign that say "British" looking hard is that a cat ....cant be....maybe its a really short person as I got closer it was a dam cat ..........sighing I'm British the cat introduce herself as Hung my tour guide ....thinking I'm cussing the captain ass out when I get back ......Hung had a cab waiting it took me straight to the hotel then she told me she will be back tomorrow morning @ 8 am ...wait eight am on vacation try noon ...she shook her head as she headed to the door be ready by eight .......who stole that bitch catnip thinking her ass tripping I'm not getting out of bed at no dam 8 am ....well she was at my door at 8 am meowing ....did u read that right ...hell yeah you did.... she was meowing and loud after ignoring her it got quiet I was like good then that heifer came back with her cat posse and they decided to do a cat duet when I say nails on a chalkboard would have been better trust me it would have finally got up and snatch the door open and cussed her ass out but she act as if I didn't say anything she proceeded to badge in and help me dress ... told me to put a kimono on .....we argue about what I was putting on but I wasn't gonna let not bossy pussy tell me what to do .....After dressing she took me around I have to say Japan was beautiful oh let me tell yall about the block ....Hung came with the block i assume it was a stool cause she had it in her hand along with her umbrella .......well as we start walking she put the block on the umbrella said the goal is for the block not the hit the ground ....ask if i wanted to try told her naw you got that do u know she played with the block the whole time ......we had fun tho I hate to admit but that second day is when shit popped off .......she did let me sleep in till at least 10 the next day ......she took me to get me zin said I was too angry said she was taking to me to do some Koryu but it was more like kung fu .........told her I wasn't in the mood but Hung had a listening problems ....sighing we went to this field where the instructor was showing moves ......he was cute so I join in was all right then we went to get some food those dumplings was off the hook then she took me bike riding but her ass didn't ride ......wait all the shit Hung had me doing was physical .....1st walking, then Koryu , then riding a bike this puss not slick she better not be trying to call me fat ....ok after riding around Japan i was ready to go back to the hotel but first I wanted to go to the sword shop ........I wanted to get the husband a Katana sword as a souvenir.....when we headed back it was getting late ....we walk down the street when three guys jump out and ask for my money I was tired and wasn't up for this shit I warn them I would whip their ass of course they laugh and I got pissed I just broke the sword in ........they all ran away with deep slashes but they lived and where was Hung ........she was hiding behind a dam tree smh she could have at least threw the block at them

lets talk about my outfit ......i got it all at the Neo Japan Fair
Outfit: Daiki Outfit (Kimono, choker and top) in red 225L
i dont have the choker on
Madness headset in red 150L
Kasamawashi Cat gacha.....75L
Shoes: Toki Boots in black and red 250L
Hair: Monso Ikki hair in black 245L
Parasol Blade Set 249L
...went back to the hotel pack my bags to go back to the good ole USA Hung drop me off to the airport she said she would look me up if she come to the USA ....thinking the hell but I smile..... I like to say I didn't have fun but i really did have a good time and I'm still cussing the captain out