Tuesday, April 28, 2020


One night I couldn't sleep so I decide have a drink on my beach...now I know It was at night but nothing wrong with rocking a cute shoe while you at it 
The shoe I'm rocking is from Elise " Dita"
it come with a color hud with a variety of 10 colors also change the shoelaces and the metal 
 come in Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, and Legacy and at a great cost of 399L 

 im wearing the purple with the white shoelace  .......but you change it to whateva color u would like

catch a taxi:  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Misty%20Mountain/176/98/2852

Saturday, April 25, 2020



I woke up and went out on my balcony.  It wasn't too  hot or to cold one of those beautiful spring day...standing on my balcony contemplating what I want to do that day

I went into my closet and saw this yellow dress and it seem perfect for the day ahead I had that good coffee ..you know you have to have a good cup of coffee to start your day off so don't trip I know I'm not the only one  ....still undecided on what I was going to do today i know one thing I wasn't staying in the house....So I finally decided to take a ride 

Riding around just enjoying the beauty of spring when I saw this beautiful field of flowers  .....I had to stop so I pull to the side and got out ......remember the movie the color purple ...Sugar said it pisses the lord off when u walk pass a field of purple and don't notice it ....wonder if he feel the same with yellow flowers didn't want to risk it so I ran through them ...even felt like singing ....of course I sang but it didnt have the same affect it had in the movie .... i didn't have a band and group of people to follow me but I song off key to nobody and felt good about it laughing  and even took the time to smell the flowers as the old folk would say .....I even pick some and took them with me

 lets talk about the outfits....everything I have on is from the Saturday Sale 
the first outfit I got at the (MasKara) tiffany set in different colors I have on the lilac in 75L
the second outfit i also got at the Saturday sale
 Outfit: Belle Epoque (Bahia) Leave in Yellow  75L 
Hair: Lamb Sunflower Balayaga 75L 

wondering around some more I saw some beautiful roses of all colors grab a basket left 10 where I grab the basket figure the basket couldn't have cost no more than 10 dollars ......and pick me some roses then I  wonder into this gazebo where there was a  white grand piano that needed tuning and a Harp that look magical ....was going to play the harp but decide against it ...I didn't want some shit  to pop out.....don't judge me I know I watch too much tv but just in case Im not here for that shit....I must have been there for hours ...once I arrived home my allergies was on fleek .....had my ass sneezing and my eyes puffy definitely a sigh of spring is here ....taking my allergy pill and drinking my tea ......it was a lovely day

Saturday, April 18, 2020


A hint of Spring 

 Hexed New Release Only @ Sense Event

The Spring Fling Dress

Rigged for Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, and Legacy Female

Each skirt color comes with all 8 shirt colors

Fatpack comes with all 8 skirt colors and all 8 shirt colors

Event Opens April 18th (Today)

Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DreamsLand/168/125/1508


Check this out 

Hexed Linked Women Necklace  also  it come for the men also 
Come in Black, gold and silver
it come with a hud with different names but I'm wearing the "Babygirl" 
also it comes with a bracelet with all 3 colors and a hud 
you can get this at the Audacity Event 
Spring Knitted Vest Le Loup 

⚜️Le Loup New Release Only @ Sense Event Today April 18th! 

⚜️For the very first time Le Loup is release a female and male Spring Knitted Vest and Shirt, rigged to fit Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy Female, Legacy Male, Jake, AND Gianni! 

⚜️Each shirt color comes with all 4 different vest colors which is hud driven not the mention the fatpack which comes with all 8 different shirt colors and all 4 different vest colors! 

Jezloki ~Le Loup 

im rocking the grey ....now the short not include in with it 

Friday, April 17, 2020


My phone rang I look at my caller id ... It was the precinct knew it was the Captain  I wanted to answer the phone and scream "What"  but I got my attitude together and answer it yes Captain ...He started... because u did a good job on that last case I have two tickets to Japan for the weekend you even have a tour guide when you get there just ask for Hung she will meet you at the airport  ......wasn't sure if I was going to go at first cause my hubby was out of town on a business meeting  and I didn't want to go alone but I really wanted to go ...so I said fuck it and decide to go ...getting  excited wondering what I was going to wear ....... ....it was only for 2 days ....when I arrived I saw a cat holding a sign that say "British" looking hard is that a cat ....cant be....maybe its a really short person as I got closer it was a dam cat ..........sighing I'm British the cat introduce herself as Hung my tour guide ....thinking I'm cussing the captain ass out when I get back  ......Hung had a cab waiting it took me straight to the hotel then she told me she will be back tomorrow morning @ 8 am ...wait eight am .......im on vacation try noon ...she shook her head  as she headed to the door be ready by eight .......who stole that bitch catnip thinking her ass tripping I'm not getting out of bed at no dam  8 am ....well she was at my door at  8 am meowing ....did u read that right ...hell yeah you did.... she was meowing and loud after ignoring her it got quiet I was like good then  that heifer  came back with her cat posse  and they decided to do a cat duet when I say nails on a chalkboard would have been better trust me it would have finally got up and snatch the door open and cussed her ass out but she act as if I didn't say anything she proceeded to badge in  and help me dress ...  told me to put a kimono on .....we argue about what I was putting on but I wasn't gonna let not bossy pussy tell me what to do .....After dressing she took me around I have to say Japan was beautiful oh let me tell yall  about the block ....Hung came with the block i assume it was a stool cause she had it in her hand  along with her umbrella .......well as we start walking she put the block on the umbrella said the goal is for the block not the hit the ground ....ask if  i wanted to try told her naw  you got that do u know she played with the block the whole time  ......we had fun tho I hate to admit but that second day is when shit popped off .......she did let me sleep in till at least 10 the next day  ......she took me to get me zin said I was too angry said she was taking to me to do some  Koryu  but it was more like kung fu .........told her I wasn't in the mood but Hung had a listening problems ....sighing we went to this field where the instructor was showing moves ......he was cute so I join in ....it was all right then we went to get some food those dumplings was off the hook then she took me bike riding but her ass didn't ride ......wait all the shit Hung had me doing was physical .....1st walking, then Koryu , then riding a bike this puss not slick she better not be trying to call me fat ....ok after riding around Japan i was ready to go back to the hotel  but first I wanted to go to the sword shop ........I wanted to get the husband a Katana sword as a souvenir.....when we headed back it was getting late ....we walk down the street when three guys jump out and ask for my money I was tired and wasn't  up for this shit ....so I warn them I would whip their ass of course they laugh and I got pissed  .......so I just broke the sword in ........they all ran away with deep slashes but they lived  and where was Hung ........she was hiding behind a dam tree smh she could have at least threw the block at them

 lets talk about my outfit ......i got it all at the Neo Japan Fair
Outfit: Daiki Outfit (Kimono, choker and top) in red 225L 
i dont have the choker on
Madness headset in red 150L 
Kasamawashi Cat gacha.....75L 
Shoes: Toki Boots in black and red 250L 
Hair: Monso Ikki hair in black 245L 
Parasol Blade Set 249L 

...went back to the hotel pack my bags to go  back to the good ole USA .....as Hung drop me off to the airport she said she would look me up if she come to the USA ....thinking the hell but  I smile..... I like to say I didn't have fun but i really did have a good time and I'm still cussing the captain out

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


My Boo Bear

I was sitting home on a Saturday night bored i had brought some eggs earlier that day  and was going to color them for Easter .....i boiled them and started to color a few  ......when i heard the door bell ring ....i open the door when i saw this little egg on my door .... whats this picking up the eggs ...she pop up ...i laugh  it was my little niece aka Boo Bear aka Ka'miya  ......her little sweet voice ask "auntie what you doing"...i respond nothing then I ask her how you get here she said  i had my daddy to bring me over to so you an see my outfit .......i put her down and look her up and down ......peeking in her costume ...where your yolk i want a scramble eggs she giggle and i couldn't help but to laugh with her ...her laugh was so contagious hearing her sweet voice tell me i was so silly

 lets talk about the outfit .....well of course my neice is wearing a yellow dress and colorful egg
im got this at the Collabor88 Event 
Outfit: Ur Favorite One-MTM Jogger Set- 188L in orange or peach 
Hair: Truth Hair -Paradise in black 300L 
i pick her up and gave her a big hug.......i ask her if she wanted to help me color my eggs ...she scream yes ...she put her on the table and grab an egg and told her to choose a color she grab the yellow and started painting as she ask a thousand questions and talk about school i look at her ....sometimes we forget its the simple things that bring joy to a child ....i was reminded of that as we finish painting the eggs ....i might add we had paint every where but who cares

Saturday, April 11, 2020


I was in the yard just walking around admiring all the beautiful flowers on this spring day when i spotted some bunnies ....look again to see if my eyes wasn't playing tricks on me it was definitely bunnies they hop back into the woods beside my house as i got closer i notice some colorful eggs  ....curious whats this i say to myself as i lean down to inspect the eggs .....as i pick-up the eggs and  inspecting the different colors I

saw one of the rabbit come up to me .....put his paws on me i could do anything but smile ......i was very gentle when i pick him up ..... pat him then i let him go with his family that was peeking from the woods .......Happy Easter to everyone 


Love the water 

 if you like this item you can pick it up at the Audacity event
Outfit: Sasheba's Closet Beach hippie 
its a bathing suit and a cover up 
now as you can see you can wear it separate or together
comes in 5 different color  (purple, red, brown, green and im rocking the blue )

The cool thing about this cover up if that if you go to preference and click adance setting it make the cover up pop....really gorgeous ...highly recommended
instruction below

to check out more of her items :
Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/25859
Audacity Event : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WestCoast%20Stables/193/81/27



 you can get this shower at the Audacity Event 
FetishLife-Tolmas Shower 603L 
if you want to check out the store here the location 
FetishLife Furniture  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Classy%20N%20Sassy/128/136/1502
also check out it and shop around  and get that shower at 

ps: this pose in the picture above does not come with the shower

Friday, April 10, 2020

Going Undercover

Sexy Stripper Cop

I got a call from my my Captain ....that I'm still mad at by the way from a couple of blog ago ....well he call me and ask me to come to the police department ...at first i thought it was a set -up thinking have i done anything lately .......nothing came to mind so i headed down to the captain office ...once i got there with a box of donuts just in case i was in trouble ......i went straight to his office ...he told me to sit down said .....he needed me to go undercover said this was right down my alley ...said we need to get the son of a bi#ch ...said he need me to find the perk that's been raping and murdering strippers ...he has already hurt and kill about seven ladies and we need him off the street asap  ....you can whip his ass and this is off the record but do what you do best .....we really need you to start right away ....we already got your outfit....sucking my teeth ....here we go ....looking at the skimpy outfit .(side thought ...why Captain always get me shit that show my ass).....he gave me the file on him .......this should be easy your his type .....so im sure he will come after you .....just eager to get back on the job .....in my mind i had this extravagant gentleman's club ....when i arrived it was a hole in the wall sucking my teeth i got to dance in this dump  .....pissed Captain always leave out info .....well i started dancing ....it didn't take long before i spotted him ....i saw the perk come in ...He pull up a chair in front of my pole .....he watch me dance for hours ...something told me to call for back up .....he watch me  for 4 hours and only tip me 20 dollars cheap bastard .....he was creepy as hell....as i left the club i notice he was following me ....he came up and grab me from behind .....i slam me up against the wall .....tried to over power me .....i punch him...he was shock at the power behind the punch ....was able to grab my gun after kicking his ass then this fool pull out a knife ....i look at him like really who bring a knife to a gun fight got piss all over and again and we fought again ...pistol whip him for being dumb .... he was arrested without incident just a good ole ass kicking ....sad to say i didn't get to shot him would love to shot him in the balls ....wanted him to get smart but he wouldnt so i took in and got another criminal off the street ....Captain was happy but i need another vacation

Lets' talk about my outfit .....everything i have on is from the Saturday Sale except the pair 
Outfit: Spoiled Hit & Run bodysuit in Salmon in 75L 
also i got the Spoiled Walkie talkie with bento hold pose fatpack 75L
Hair: DOUX- Damiana  hairstyle fatpack  475L all together.... u can get the basic for 125 and the deluxe 350 L depending on the hair i get both 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without coffee....today is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...