Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

 Can You Stand The Rain

I went on a helicopter ride....when I got on the helicopter it was sunny outside all of a sudden a storm came out of nowhere .....we ran into some turbulence and he had to lower the helicopter next to the tier so I could jump off...... the min I jump off the helicopter went left and it exploded ....I scream from the explosion .....my god that could have been me .....stuck in this storm with the tide crashing hard against tier.......and the tier rocking i could hardly see for the rain hitting my face ......through the rain I see a slight light .......walking towards the light  I realize it's a light house .....climbing the light house I'm almost slip several times .......but I made it upstairs ....my only thoughts was I made it through the storm........

Spotlight Item

Lilleth MIlls Original Mesh Clothing

LM- Poised

comes in a shirt

fit Freya, Hourglass, Kupra, Legacy and Maitreya

they have 6 individual texture for purchase and a fatpack of 7 different hud 

im wearing the cupid in yellow this is also in the main store 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Lilleth Mills Original Mesh Clothing

Head: Genus Head- Baby Face W001

Body: Maitreya V5.3

Hair: No Match-No _Code

Pants: Miss Chelsea Ulla Jeans Classic

Shoes: KC Couture-Lipa Heels

Accessories: Avada Genevieve Earrings and initiall-dia (B) Platinum necklace

Update I was rescued the next day......I found out that the pilot did escape he was brought in unconscious as his body wash ashore ..........he was brought in and in stable condition ..aint God good 

You Know What the Theme Song: 

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Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

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