Tuesday, November 30, 2021



It's the day after thanksgiving and it's time to put the tree up....and I wasn't in the Christmas mood at all so I put on this cute lil sexy elf outfit I brought a week ago .....still wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit .....I put on some new edition  and grab a bottle of wine .....took a sip of the wine and started to decorate the tree a bottle of wine later the tree was decorated and I was feeling good 


1313 Mockingbird Lane 

1313 Elfin' Hot-

comes with a Dress, Jingles, Hot Panties, Hot Slides , and Hot Warmers

comes with a hud of 5 different colors  and a hud for the cap of 5 different colors 

fit in Maitreya 

Im wearing this in a blue, white and jingle is green 

1313 Elfin Hot Hat 

comes with a hud of 5 different colors 

wearing this in the same colors 

You can pick this up at the Tannenbaum by clicking the link Tannenbaum

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001

Body: Maitreya V5.3

Hair: Mina (sigrid) and Doux (Peach)

Accessories: Avant Delseah Earring and Initial-Dia (B) Platinum 

Theme Song: This is one for me and you -New Edition 

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