Saturday, October 30, 2021


It Don't Match 

My husband call me  excited telling he want to buy a recliner for our entertainment room .....He said he was at Xplicit Furnishing  looking around and and saw this recliner that he was interested in purchasing ....he gloated  its nice as hell boo ....he told me the price and said he was about to purchase it ....I brought some living room furniture not so long ago from there  brought it was in tan so I wanted  to make sure you get something that matches  or at least close ......I told him ill call him right back ....took pictures of the living room furniture and sent it to them ......then call him back ....telling him babe I just sent you the picture of the living room furniture make sure the recliner is close in color

Spotlight Item: Must Get Item 
Xplicit Furnishing 
Xplicit Dom Recliner Chair 
 Original Mesh • 362 animations • Texture menu • 8 love scenes • RLV capture menu • Dominant solo sits, couples and threesomes
You can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link Xplicit Furnishing

matter of fact sent me pictures of the colors they have ....I hung up and went upstairs pull out my computer and started doing some work .... I got side track by work forgetting  all about the pictures he never sent .....I doze off when I woke up..... I got dress in this dress and boot I pick up at YoU By GeMyles noticing my hubby keys so he was home when he notice I was up he call me down to see the recliner .....I came down and frown it doesn't match ......rolling my eyes ....he said babe its nice tho ....this is as close as I can get .....i went to walk away when I felt his hand pull me down in his lap.....feeling how soft it was was really was a awesome chair .....what the hell ...we end up chilling in the chair all night reading and listening to  r&b then I decided to seduce him ....well u know what happen after that 

[MH] Myles Harvy Couture By Design
[MH] Couture By Design Gerri Dress
Comes with Dress, panties and boots 
fit Perky, ALTAMURA, Freya, Hourglass, Legacy, Maitreya and Maitreya Petite
comes with a color hud of 10 different colors
I'm wearing this in a red 
You can pick this up at the Girl Heaven Event

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

BeWitched 2.0 

I have a confession ....I'm a witch but  not like the wicked witch of the west more like the witch on bewitch ... but I don't use my power that often ....Like I  hardly ever use them  ...but I still remember how to move items from  from one spot to another oh and I can fly sometime its the landing i have trouble with  ....I remember  one day I got mad with the hubby  he said something slick and I turn his ass into an toad .....I was so piss that I went to bed the next day I planning on  turning  him back but forgot the dam spell grandma knows every spell but I wasn't  suppose to use them on regular people so I couldn't call her.....didn't feel like the my uncle but he talked  my ear off for about an hour and still didn't tell me how to change my hubby back finally I had call my mother .....after she stop laughing she gave me spell to turn him back so I haven't tried that again ......but every October I have the urge to make potions .....mainly love potions .....I make 4 different love potions ...the green dont do much just make him tell you he love you alot ...the blue have him waiting on you hand and feet and cleaning .....pampering you ....I suggest this potion for the ladies ...its my favorite ....the red kind of turn him into a bugaboo but the pink have them dam right stalking you .....


YoU By GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Laurinda Outfit and Heels 

comes with tops, skirt, sleeves, panty liner,  and boots 

fit Freya, Hourglass,  Isis,  Legacy and Maitreya

this comes in black only but it does has a hud for the lace on the sleeves

YoU can pick this up at the Ebento Event ....hurry the event is ending soon so sending an uber by clicking the link Ebento Event

Friday, October 22, 2021



We just brought this gaming system ....I had been playing this game the whole day ......I kind of forget we had plan a date night .....He call and told me he was on his way home ask me if I was ready for our date ....I lied ....I was still I'm my pj playing that dam game.....So glad he call me cause I would have been busted ....Got up real quick threw my hair in a bun and grab this outfit i brought from You By GeMyle grab those pumps i pick up from Tantrum and was ready ......When we got home  I challenge him to a game but he decline ...He kiss me and told me not to be up all night ....guess what I was up all night laughing 


Tantrum Store

Tantrum -Felicia Heels

fit Belleza, INITHIUM< Legacy, Maitreya

Comes in different 15 colors for the body and straps and 3 for the sole and 2 for the metal 

I wearing this in a pink 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Tantrum Store


YoU By GeMyles Store

YoU By GeMyles Eustacia Outfit 

Comes with top, belt, pants, and shorts 

fit Freya, Hourglass,  Isis, Legacy, Maitreya

comes with a hud for the top 10 different colors  has a hud for the pants and shorts of 20 different texture 

 I'm wearing this top in pink and light denim

You can pick this at the Darkness October Event by clicking the link Darkness Event 

also make sure you check out more items at the main store by clicking the link YoU By GeMyles


Wednesday, October 20, 2021



Have you ever put on an outfit that you felt sexy ass hell in .....I got this outfit at Queenz when I put it on I was feeling myself didn't help when my hubby came in the room and said you look sexy mami ....smiling at the thought ........I grab my purse and shades felt like my outfit was too cute to be in the house I went shopping ....and ran some errands .....all day I got compliments from ladies and guys checking me out ......I was flatter all day ...I sometime over analyze things......I got to wonder why I don't feel sexy in my other cute outfits ....then I realize that sexy is an attitude  not what u have on ....when u feel sexy u give off that vibe ...have you ever vibe off someone energy .......its true if a person give off good energy you tend to be happy around them ....I was always told to watch who u hang around cause misery  love company and that true today I tend to have positive people around me ....but I can say that outfit was sexy as hell laughing  

Spotlight Items

Queenz Store 

Q. Arrogance 

comes with a jacket, bra and leggings  

fit Ebody, Kupra, Freya, Legacy, and Maitreya

has a hud for the jacket of 22 colors, a hud of 11 different colors or the bra and pants and a hud for the metal of 2 different colors 

i wearing this with a burberry jack and pants and a black bra

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link QUEENZ Store

Spotlight Item: 

[Cinnamon Cocaine]

[Cinnamon Cocaine] Diva Glasses

this comes in several colors 

Coba, Coconut, Fairy pink, Fuego, Hisbiscus, Lime, Onyx, Orchid, Sunny, Tranquil, Tropic

I'm wearing this in the Onyx

you can pick these glasses at the main store by clicking the link[Cinnamon Cocaine] 

Friday, October 15, 2021


                                                                        My Special Gift

I have a favorite place in my yard my hubby decide to surprise me and get an outdoor swing ...We was laying in bed having an conversation about when I was young my granny had this swing outside his home .....told him how I love that swing told him I had plan on getting one when I grew older .....He ask me about the swing what it look like I happen to have a picture of me on that swing when I was a little girl i show it to him .....

Spotlight Item: Must Get Item
Xplicit Furnishing 
Xplicit Outside Swing
Original Mesh • 232 animations • Texture menu • PG/Adult setting via owner controlled menu • Multi speed animations
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Xplicit Furnishing

then  sometime later I went to find the picture and couldn't find it thinking  I must have misplace it particular day my hubby had me running all around town .....when I came home I was tired ....he said I have something I want to show you ........complaining ....can u show me later ...he assisted that he show me now I got up and he lead me to my favorite spot that when i saw the swing .....omg it was a replica of the swing my grandma had in her yard ........I cried I couldn't believe he do something so special ....the next day I  couldn't wait to chill on my new swing .....I got dressed and chilled on my swing all day.....My husband like that swing as much as I do ...we stay on that swing all the time 

Spotlight Item: Fashion Shout-Out
Pink Cherry Store
.::PC::. Studded Outfit "Skylar"- Rose/White
comes with top, leggings and belt
fit Freya, Isis, Legacy, Maitreya, Slink (HG)
Comes in black, black/white, blue /white, Copper/black, floral/black, floral/white,  grey/black, Lilac/white, Petrol, Red/black, rose/white, white, white/black 
 im wearing this in rose and white 
 You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Pink Cherry Store

Saturday, October 2, 2021



I have a inmate that was in has solitary confinement......I had to take him out to the yard so he can get some fresh air ....  I took him out and lock him in the outside cell ....this prisoner was fine as fuck...I mean really handsome and I was mildly  attractive to him but I had to remain professional ...every time I look up he was watching me .... So one day I ask him what he was looking at ... he tell me he cant help looking at me...said that he love to look at my beauty through all this ugliness ...said he dream of me being his wife ....I tried not to blush ...when i smile he said he love those dimples one day in the yard he kept yelling at me getting on my nerves ....I open up his cell and he back me up against the cell .....he sexy lips brush against my neck ...he whisper you smell good enough to eat....he smack his lips ....I want to taste you sooo bad... his hand wonder between my thighs as his finger my goodness .....I lightly moan ....I whisper stop he whisper in my ears ...I've been dreaming of this he said....feeling him enter me as I slide down on his pole he deep in me I hear my husband tell me to wake I gather myself I hear my husband say u must have been having a good dream cause u was moaning in your dreams ...thinking if only you knew 

Xplicit Furnishing 
Xplicit The Cage
 Original Mesh • 269 animations • Texture menu • Sits 3 people (MF, FFM and MFM) • 5 Scenes & Play Control Buttons • Props menu • RLV • Aeros Compatible
you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Xplicit Furnishing
all poses come from the cage 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...