Wednesday, September 29, 2021



We decided to spend a week at the Lake House ....I was sitting on the porch when a heard a faint cry ...I went to investigate ....I look around the house then I peek under the house and saw a some small eyes looking back at look back at me  .....I jump ....and back back hell I wasn't going under the house so whatever that was is shit out of luck......I little tiny raccoon crawl from under the house and start whining ....When I say tiny I mean tiny ....never seen something so dam small ....I look down at the raccoon as if the raccoon could understand and said "Where is your mother " he or she look up and kept whining ....

I look around trying to see if I can find her mother didn't want her to think I was messing with her baby....a protective mother fighting for her cub ....don't know body have time for that ......I check everywhere and didn't find her mother ...thinking I know this raccoon mother didn't leave her child on me .....I feed him some milk and place his lil ass right back under the house .......i check on him everyday .....a week past and she still haven't came to check on her child now Rascal yeah I name him....has made himself at home following around and even bring his lil ass in the house ......this particular day me and the hubby had a date night after the date ......I didn't see Rascal so I got concern ....I took the lantern and went out to check on him ....If the heifer of a mother came back with him then that good but she owe me money for taking care of her child ....fussing how you gonna come get your child after been gone a month ...who does that .....when I was headed home I saw Rascal sitting on a stairs crying  looking loss.....he saw me his face brighten up ....lean down so he can hop on my shoulder and we headed home ...guess who got to tell their hubby  we have a pet raccoon here come the drama laughing to myself  .....

Spotlight Items:
YoU By GeMyles
YoU By GeMyles Ximena Outfit and Boots 
comes with Dress, Neck Collar, panty, and boots 
fit Freya, Hourglass, Legacy,  and Maitreya
the Dress has a hud for the 10 lace texture 

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair:  No Match -No Contact-Black
Accessories: Avant-Delseah Hoops

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link YoU by GeMyles

The theme song for this blog is: Here I Come-Fergie

Sunday, September 26, 2021


My Love Vibe

The vibes when you meet me ...either you like me or hate me their usually no in-between .....I give off personality and some people cant handle that ....I am who I am .....I use to wonder what females don't like me ....which brought tears to my eyes a lot when I was young ....I remember one day I was in my room crying cause a girl at school wanted to fight me for no reason didn't even know the chick she said someone I didn't know said I say some about her yada yada yada  ... I walk away and the chick hit me so I turn around and whip her ass .......

My brother came in the room and ask why was I crying .....told him that I just got in a fight with a chick I didn't even know...and I ask him why people don't like me .....He look at me and told me like it was nothing's your swagger .....that quiet confidents.....your beautiful and you have personality don't try to be cool but you are can hold an audience without trying so wipe your eyes and stop crying over something you possess in yourself embrace it .....I didn't understand what he was saying at the time I don't give a dam.....I try to be the best person I can ......often people think when I'm crying I sensitive but in reality I crying to keep from snatching a bitch lol .....I love with all I have but once I'm done with a person .....and you can take that to the bank ..I use to be sooo blunt the point it hurt people feelings ....Have I lied to keep from hurting people feelings ...yes ....I use to say shit to hurt other feeling without regard I had to learn how to get my point across without hurting someone feeling's call tack.....but the one vibe I want people to get from me is I want to radiate love 

Spotlight Items: 

Pink Cherry Store 

::PC:: Lace Outfit "Shelly"

comes in top and skirt

fit Freya, Isis, Legacy, Hourglass, and Maitreya

comes in Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Petrol, Pink, Purple, Red and White

im currently wearing this in the pink 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Pink Cherry

Wednesday, September 22, 2021



The other day I was in my girl neighborhood I call her and she said to come by ....she was gonna open some wine and we was going to catch up .....Told her I would stop and get some snacks ......once i got there I knock about five times but she didn't open her door .....her car was outside so I call her ....she answered on the third ring and said to give her a min in a breathy tone  .....I sat on the steps waiting ....finally she open the door and her boyfriend came out with a shit eating grin.....smirking and yelling I know you didn't have me out here waiting  while you getting a quickie shaking my head .......

Tantrum Store:
Tantrum -Bibi Tenni Shoes
Fit Belleza, INITHIUM, Legacy, and Maitreya
Comes with a hud of 16 different colors for the body and toes and base of the shoe , two different texture for the sole 
You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Vanity Event

Wednesday, September 8, 2021



I was laying on the couch watching Ratatouille look so good in the cartoon I decide to make it.... the cartoon was a bit nasty having rats in the kitchen cooking but it was a cute cartoon I look the recipe up in the cookbook I also google how to make ratatouille look at several recipes it didn't look it look on the tv.....I said to myself I'm going to make it any way ..I went to the store and pick up the ingredients and proceed to made it ....oh I forgot to tell you its a bit of off the subject  but that my hubby brought me this punkie was a baby punkie ....I name it Pooch....I tried to put him down so I can cook but he kept whining I put him on my shoulder while I made the ratatouille while pooch was happy as can be.....I taste it it came out ok but its an vegetarian dish but I wish I had made a grill chicken breast with it I don't know why I didn't get any meat when i saw the ingredients .....I ate it thinking I was going to get ahhhhhh moment  but I didn't get the same experience the food  critic got but I would make it again 

Spotlight Item:
Limited Addiction
Limited Addiction-LOT-166
comes with a left and right bracelet,  left and right band, top , and skirt
fit Maitreya and Legacy 
comes in the one color that in the picture 

Sunday, September 5, 2021



I change the furniture in the entertainment room .....When the hubby got home and saw the furniture he was piss ..... ....he fussed we don't need  anymore furniture ......he fuss nothing was wrong with the old furnishing .....I'm doing to much he fuss ....went in upstairs and slam the door .....the next day I was in the entertainment room looking at tv he came in and plop on the new couch ....tried to make small talk but I didn't say much cause I didn't want to spark an argument ....knew he was piss about the new furnishing ...I really didn't attend on buying the furnishing but I sat on it and didn't want to get up we had recently discuss us refurnishing the room when I was looking around at Xplicit Furnishing I feel in love with the furnishing and it was so comfortable plus it was a good deal so I brought it ......

I don't feel like arguing that day so I didn't say much just knew he was about to start on the furnishing again ....and it wasn't going back ......he sat there next thang he ask why was I sitting so far away ....i scooted near and he pull me close ....he said this is some nice furniture I said thank you .....He ask me what I was looking at told him the show I was watching ....I felt him watching me ....I look over to him and saw him just staring at me ...what are you look for I ask ....his response was I cant look at my beautiful wife ......I tried not to smile but couldn't help it .... after we talk.... we spent the day cuddling and watching tv...well I was watching tv he was sleeping on my comfortable couch

Spotlight Items:
Xplicit Furnishing 
Xplicit Cox Couch Set
Comes with Couch, Armchair, table, lamp, plant, and rug 
comes with a rug hud of 6 different textures
comes with 6 different texture for the couch and armchair leather and fabric 
• Original Mesh • 632 animations • Texture menu • Sits 3 people (F, M, MF, FFM and MFM) • It's not mine compatible • Aeros & Physics Compatible
You can pick this up at the Shiny Shabby Event by clicking the link @ Shiny Shabby Event
also check the main store by clicking the link Xplicit Furnishing

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...