Saturday, October 26, 2019



I woke up feeling ugly …..went and look in the mirror and hated the reflection that look back at me ......I can name a thousand things thats wrong with me … eyes too bigs, my nose to small, my lips look dumb on my face, my teeth too big ...yes I can find something
 wrong with my teeth ….my butt to big ...well scratch that my husband love my ass … thighs to big, my breast droop too much ….my stomach as a small pouch …..I can go on and on …...just hate the reflection that look back at me …..I have people who tell me im beautiful all the time …...I wonder what the hell they see that I don't see......I think I cried for about an hour complaining to god why would he give me those look … some point I dose off …...when I woke up ...I though what can I do to get myself out of this funk.....I got off the bed and look in the mirror and  remind myself that god has made me in is own image ......and god don't make any mistakes
 .......i decided that all my flaws is what god has gave me long as I'm a good person I shouldn't worry about my looks I was being ungrateful.....there people who fighting cancer, fighting a deadly disease, and dealing with much more that I am and I crying about my looks I felt ashamed at that time I look into the mirror and told myself girl your a bad bitch ….and I answer myself yes smiling hard in the gonna make sure I'm inside is beautiful and it would illuminated on the outside 

Let's talk about my outfit:
Hair: Stealthic Purity (B&W) 300L 
Outfit : Sandalize Hustle: Jacket 288L and bottoms 288L 

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