Recently I've been having a lot of extra time on my hand so my hubby suggest that I get a part-time job ….. reading the newpaper I saw an ad in the jobs section ….they had several positions I was qualified for but I saw one that peak my interests...…the ad said "Ghost buster needed/ will train the only requirement is u cant be scared of ghost" …..well that perfect cause I aint afraid of no ghost ……….so I applied I didn't even have to fill out an application ...they just gave me this heavy ass backpack and

the car ….I call them back and ask are you sure you sent me to the right house …….they check and double check ……….they said the house only had 3 ghost to get rid off....…just 3 ghost cool easy peasy I told myself so I finally got the courage and went inside …… walking around all kind of creepy shit was happening.... 1st it like 8am in the morning and the house was dark like it was midnight ...why the hell its so dark when it's sunny outside but it was dark as hell in that house do ghost pay bills just wondering but back to my story ….felt like someone kept touching me and one bitch kept whispering shit in my ear and most important they had more than 3 ghost they was at was all over the house just chilling ...but the requirements was 3 so 3 it is …….every time I heard a noise I pull out the backpack …..I think I sucked up 4 by mistake laughing but

to come get their shit ...they said I can come pick up my paycheck and said they decided to pay me ...what u mean decided...they got an extra ghost out of it

second outfit …
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