Monday, October 21, 2019



Ok so  you know that  I quit my last job...So its was back to the drawing board......i still needed a part time job so I went down to the unemployment office …..went through their files and saw a position for a stewardess …...the position was at sl airline …...I thought hell I can fly for free, travel all over the world and get paid for its the  ideal job right?...right ….I applied for the job and got the interview ….now in the interview the man told me to stand up and bend over which I thought was weird but I did it anyway ...then he told me I had the job..though he's not slick ….he  just wanted to check out my ass  .. why else would he keep  having me bending as he drop those dam pencils but whatever….. but I was excited it didn't matter that I had to pick up a pencil a thousand time sick pervert..i had the job …..I trained for 3 wks and then they gave me my uniform and my schedule for the next month  ….the job was going well …..i work there for about a month without any incidents ….well everyone knows you can fly your friend on the buddy pass so i invited my best friend on a trip to Cabo since I had a couple of days off.....we can have fun in the sun and spend girlfriend time together…...well I just sat down for a min ….next thing I know we was both asleep …..I dam near slept the whole dam flight ….my  best friend  woke up at some point said I was sleeping so peacefully  she didn't want to disturb me …...really bitch I'm at work not home I just look at her crazy ass  ………..needless to say I got in trouble … suspended for a 3 days to think about my actions . ….well I did just that I thought about my action all over Cabo ….while out on the beach ….I  had a ball in Cabo....I order wine on the plane ride back cause I was still thinking about my

actions  well that next week when I got my paycheck they took the price of the wine out of my paycheck ...didn't they tell me to think about my actions …..Wine help me think …..the wine was work related ….sucking my teeth but anyway …..cant wait till my suspension was over.....what I learn ….next time have your bestie take another flight...….did u think I wasn't gonna invite her again …….
{let's talk about my outfit … the first picture the outfit......its was on marketplace …..airline stewardess 15oL the outfit came with shirt and skirt and boots 
my hair from Mina …...Sigrid in black for 300L 
the second outfit in the lower pictures: got it at the Saturday sale …..both the top and pants are from Vagrant.....the scarlett top and sleeves in white 75l  and the Jenna Jeans in soft pink was also 75L  hair from Stealthic-Purity in (B&W) 325L}

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