Sunday, June 16, 2019

When you waiting for the great Spirits to give you a message .......stil waiting

Waiting on a the great revelation 

I was told I have Indian in my blood be exact we are Cherokee Indian …… I decided to go down to the reservation and let the great spirits come give me a message ….I was sitting there for hours bored as hell just waiting … one point I saw a raccoon running across my path....was going to run after the raccoon cause I saw the movie Pocahontas but the raccoon didn't look too friendly.   After sitting there for 4 and hearing nothing but drums ….who the hell playing those dam drums ….maybe the spirits was to busy playing the drums …..i come to the conclusion that the great spirit was laughing at my ass for being so dam dumb

ok lets  talk about me what I have on ….my hair is from Moon hair ...its call the distance in black now it serve its purpose not my favorite hair but it only cost 50L so for the cost it all good  

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