Sunday, June 2, 2019

When you have to arrest the criminal and then find out she's ur best friend

I knew my best friend has criminal intentions 

Was walking down the street minding my own dam business when i see someone holding the guitar place up I'm piss cuss I was looking forward to my Kristy Kreme donuts and the hot sign was on …..but I caught the perp red handed so u made her put her gun down and get on her knees when she look up I realize it was my best friend really heifer …..needless to say i couldn't arrest her cause she like Kristy Kreme donuts too so together so we had to have donuts ….I made her take the guitar back tho

Lets talk about the outfit …..the outfit is from [PPD] Your Busted ...the outfit was 299L  now it worth it cause u get the sexy outfit plus the boots, handcuffs, guns, gun holster, and they even give you the shades to rock this outfit  …..oh and it come with the blonde wig with the cop hat attach ….my only issue was I wish the cop hat came alone so I can rock my own hair and the gun holster didn't fit well but I am a lil thickems so that might be my issue lol 

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