Every week I was uploading money …..so I was thinking how do I get money without uploading that when I dawn on me that sl has a bank …...so I said to myself self let's rob the bank so I mosey down to 1st Natio....wait I almost told on myself …..needless to say I was successful wont go into the detail on the base that I don't want to criminal date myself ….all this money and guess what I'm still broke ….wellconly you know the real deal
This is right after I rob the bank I had to have a cigarette cause my nerves was shot and I don't even smoke

Lets talk about what I wearing the store call Beautiful Dirty Rich the name is fitting for the occasions. The outfit call money it comes with the dress in different body, gloves, shoes earrings, necklace and even the glasses so I didn't have to accessories plus it was dirt cheat, I spent 120L for the whole outfit and it fit perfect you cant beat that …Well let me tell you about hair in the first couple of photos its from Sintkitla Mbali in black I do love this up do…..the last couple of pic the hair is from little bone the Mara hair in black its about 325L ….love me some little bones don't know if you knew this but they had the styling hud 1st before all the those other hair store had it …..Little bones is one of my favorite hair stores
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