Saturday, June 29, 2019

Something close to my heart


 I would cook meals for my husband ……..and I would make dessert ….I realize I love baking ...baking became my passion I would make his ass a pie for dinner I would spend my whole day baking and would be happy as hell  …..I had my niece over  and she went home and she told my sissy how good my pies was why is this important cause I niece is very particular …….I bake so many pies that I gave my sister a couple of pies ….she told me how good my pies and that I
should open a store …...I thought about that....that's when Brit's Sweet Treat was born

 So I open Brit's Sweet Treat where I sell cake and pie by the slice with a beverage for the low price of 60L … you can come and enjoy the fruit of my labor ….oh and talking about fruit I grow my own fruit now I know I don't grow my own fruit but I do ….I want my pies to have fresh fruit in them with no pesticides. Im like Krispy Kreme when u see the hot sign on come in and check me out you wont be disappointed.

Friday, June 28, 2019

When you tired of uploading money to ur sl

Every week I was uploading money … I was thinking how do I get money without uploading that when I dawn on me that sl has a bank … I said to myself  self let's rob the bank so I mosey down to 1st Natio....wait I almost told on myself …..needless to say  I was successful wont go into the detail on the base that I don't want to criminal date myself ….all this money and guess what I'm still broke ….wellconly you know the real deal

This is right after I rob the bank I had to have a cigarette cause my nerves was shot and I  don't even smoke

me enjoying the fruits of my labor by bathing in it
Lets talk about what I wearing the store call Beautiful Dirty Rich the name is fitting for the occasions. The outfit call money it comes with the dress in different body, gloves, shoes earrings, necklace and even the glasses so I didn't have to accessories plus it was dirt cheat, I spent 120L for the whole outfit and it fit perfect you cant beat that …Well let me tell you about hair in the first couple of photos its from Sintkitla Mbali in black I do love this up do…..the last couple of pic the hair is from little bone the Mara hair in black its about 325L ….love me some little bones don't know if you knew this but they had the styling hud 1st before all the those other hair store had it …..Little bones is one of my favorite hair stores

Friday, June 21, 2019

Chilled Mode

At Peace:

I was tped at brother's spot call Sinful Divine …..what u say Dani...its call what  ….oh its call Serenity Divine I like my name better ...when I said it peaceful it so peaceful …...I was enjoying the sound of the water.....the lighthouse was so beautiful nice place to chill....wait what u say Dani....its private property ..then scratch that it's a nice place for me to chill

 Let's talk about my outfit …..everything I have on is from …..guess …..u guess it …..screaming my Saturday Sale.....
I have on the Besom Dadra Hair paid 50L for it
the outfit from Ilcocoil the tee outfit was 75L  and last but not least my shoes are from one of my favorite shoe stores KC Contour the usually have shoes on sale each week for 99L and they come with a nice variety of colors in the hud but the shoes im wearing was 75L for I rock a whole outfit for 200L you can't beat that

Sunday, June 16, 2019

When you waiting for the great Spirits to give you a message .......stil waiting

Waiting on a the great revelation 

I was told I have Indian in my blood be exact we are Cherokee Indian …… I decided to go down to the reservation and let the great spirits come give me a message ….I was sitting there for hours bored as hell just waiting … one point I saw a raccoon running across my path....was going to run after the raccoon cause I saw the movie Pocahontas but the raccoon didn't look too friendly.   After sitting there for 4 and hearing nothing but drums ….who the hell playing those dam drums ….maybe the spirits was to busy playing the drums …..i come to the conclusion that the great spirit was laughing at my ass for being so dam dumb

ok lets  talk about me what I have on ….my hair is from Moon hair ...its call the distance in black now it serve its purpose not my favorite hair but it only cost 50L so for the cost it all good  

Sunday, June 2, 2019

When you have to arrest the criminal and then find out she's ur best friend

I knew my best friend has criminal intentions 

Was walking down the street minding my own dam business when i see someone holding the guitar place up I'm piss cuss I was looking forward to my Kristy Kreme donuts and the hot sign was on …..but I caught the perp red handed so u made her put her gun down and get on her knees when she look up I realize it was my best friend really heifer …..needless to say i couldn't arrest her cause she like Kristy Kreme donuts too so together so we had to have donuts ….I made her take the guitar back tho

Lets talk about the outfit …..the outfit is from [PPD] Your Busted ...the outfit was 299L  now it worth it cause u get the sexy outfit plus the boots, handcuffs, guns, gun holster, and they even give you the shades to rock this outfit  …..oh and it come with the blonde wig with the cop hat attach ….my only issue was I wish the cop hat came alone so I can rock my own hair and the gun holster didn't fit well but I am a lil thickems so that might be my issue lol 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...