Tuesday, November 30, 2021



It's the day after thanksgiving and it's time to put the tree up....and I wasn't in the Christmas mood at all so I put on this cute lil sexy elf outfit I brought a week ago .....still wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit .....I put on some new edition  and grab a bottle of wine .....took a sip of the wine and started to decorate the tree a bottle of wine later the tree was decorated and I was feeling good 


1313 Mockingbird Lane 

1313 Elfin' Hot-

comes with a Dress, Jingles, Hot Panties, Hot Slides , and Hot Warmers

comes with a hud of 5 different colors  and a hud for the cap of 5 different colors 

fit in Maitreya 

Im wearing this in a blue, white and jingle is green 

1313 Elfin Hot Hat 

comes with a hud of 5 different colors 

wearing this in the same colors 

You can pick this up at the Tannenbaum by clicking the link Tannenbaum

Monday, November 29, 2021



We  both  been so busy that I decided I wasn't going to do any work putting all work to the side ....I found a quiet spot at the park brought me a book and had plans to chill.......just as I laid my blanket down my phone rang ....Husband ask what  I was doing told him I was in the park .....he fuss and told me I still had a pile of work to do .....I told him that shit can wait I'm taking me a stolen moment .....he said I'm going to let you go next thing I know he was standing over me invading my stolen moment 


YoU By GeMyles

YoU By GeMyles Katrina Outfit and Heels

comes with  Crop top, top, pants and heels 

fit ALTAMURA, eBOdy, Freya, Hourglass, Isis, Legacy and Maitreya

comes with a hud of 10 different texture for the jeans 

You can pick this up at the Ebento Event by clicking the link Ebento Event

Thursday, November 25, 2021



Early this month I heard that one of my favorite authors was doing book signing at the local bookstore .....Man I was excited so you know me had to go get me a book signing outfit ...don't judge me ....I went shopping and didn't find anything that caught my eyes ....I know what you thinking I didn't find anything ...I know right but anyway.....I had this dress in my closet so I headed to Tantrum and found those bad ass boots that would go perfect with the dress I already had .....the day of the book signing i got up early ....had my coffee and headed to the bookstore ......I arrived at the bookstore an hour early......i had one hardback  book i had already wonder if she signed my cover of my kindle anyway I was excited plus i heard she was  going to read exerts from her newest book .....30 mins in I notice the bookstore wasn't that full ...thinking dam am I the only one that like her work

Spotlight Item

Tantrum Store

Tantrum -Ivy Boots 

fit Belleza, INITHIUM, Legacy, Ebody Reborn, Maitreya

it comes with a hud 19 different color for the boot, 15 different colors for the straps,  15 or the heel 

3 for the sole and 2 logo

I wearing this in a leopard in light pink and white 

You can pick this up at the TRES CHIC EVENT by clicking this link Tres Chic Event ...Get there before 10th 

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001 

Body: Maitreya  v5.3

Hair: No Match No Dynamic

Outfit: Xoe Dress in Pink 

Accessories: Avant Deleseah Earring and Initial-dia (b) Plantinum

When it was time for her to arrive the bookstore was still empty as hell and the author wasn't there .....I waited about 20 after the hour she was due to arrive before I went up and ask what the deal .....talking about feeling like a fool turn out she wasn't due to the next week ......oh well look like I might have to do this all over again next week and I  have to go and find me a new outfit ....I know what u thinking but it wasn't my fault i got the dates wrong well maybe it was but still a girl has to look cute 

the theme song: You wrote the book of love

Friday, November 19, 2021



I remember I was told by a guy friend  I can give you the moon and the stars .....rolling my eyes I told him that I was get the moon myself ....he didn't believe me so I prove it to him ....talk about a bitch being tired dragging the moon down so he can see it ....He smile and and said im impressed.....thinking I'm can obtain anything if I put my mind to it ....now how the hell am I gonna get it back up there

Spotlight Item:

Pink Cherry 

.::PC::.Casual Outfit "Rina"  

comes with top, belt and leggings

fit Freya, Isis, Legacy, Lara, Hourglass

comes in black, blue, Dark green, grey, ombre black/white, ombre blueish, ombre Rose/white, Petrol, Pink, Red and white 

Im wearing this in the Ombre Blueish

you can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link Pink Cherry

Saturday, November 13, 2021



I planned an lil massage for the hubby he's been really  stress lately so  I wanted to some thing special ...went to our favorite furniture store ...u guess it ...Xplicit Furnishing they had a bad ass massage table ....I couldn't wait to get it home.....set up the room and was ready for him to come home .....i lit the candles put on slow music and told him to lay down ....he smile ....whisper this is why I love you .....and  I smile ....sometime you have to know what ur man need .......and he thank the hell out of me smiling at the memory  

 Spotlight Item: 
 Xplicit Furnishing 
 Xplicit Massage Table Set 
  Multi- Speed • 204 anims • It's not mine enabled • Aeros & Physics • F/M/MF

Head: Genus Head-Baby Face W001
Body: Maitreya V5.3
Hair: Sintiklia Zuri Hair 
outfit: Kathleen's Strip Spa Towel
accessories: Avant-Deleseah Hoops and Initial-dia B Necklace 

                                                                Theme Song: 

Silk Sonic-Put a Smile on it 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without coffee....today is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...