Monday, February 8, 2021



Talking to my niece on the phone ....she had me laughing about having a tea party so she can turn up ....ok I know I'm getting old when my niece talk about getting turn up ....So I decided to throw a tea party for my niece .......Spent the day getting it set up getting all the stuff animals  she has at my house I thought she might want to invite .....what to wear  i thought..... at first I was gonna wear some jeans and a top but wanted her to feel special....I pull out this dress i just pick up at  Divaz Empire....smiling hard I thought my niece would get a kick out of seeing me dressed up  ......after getting everything set up ....I call my brother and told my brother to bring my niece over ....Hearing my niece in the background say ask her what should I wear ....told her to get cute lol ....hanging up giggling 

kids are so funny ....wondering if I was like that when I was little .....when hear them at the door .....her dad said he will be back to pick her up in about 2 hours  she has a birthday party to go I took her around to this lil house I had the tea party set up .....I pick her up and told her to close her eyes when we was right in front of the tea party I told her to open her eyes .....she had the biggest smile on her face .... I then introduce her to her guest them difference names than the name she gave them ....she listen to me with a complex expression ...trying my hardest not to laugh ....she said Auntie that's not their names ....then she hop down and pointed to each stuff animal and told me their correct name .....we ate and had our tea ....then all of us agree to crown her Queen Boo Bear .....I was sad when she had to leave I wont lie ....later that day brothers called and had me laughing when she told all the kids at the birthday party that her tea party was turnt up......that made my day 


Divaz Finest Winter Coat

fit Hourglass, Kupra, Freya, Legacy, Maitreya

comes in 15 different colors 

Im actually wearing this in lavender 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Divaz Empire or if you dont feel like leaving your house check out your online store Divaz Empire Marketplace

Theme Song: Turn Down For What by DJ Snake, Lil Jon

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