Monday, February 22, 2021


Cocktails With The Besties  

My girlfriend call me in tears.....said she just found out that her man had been cheating on her .....we talk for a lil bit and I told her I was on my way to her house ......she told me no that she wanted to get out of the house and ask  if it was ok to come to my house of course I told her yes....she said she will be here in 30 mins and told me to make her a drink and call the crew ......let me give you a little background  on their relationship  well they been together for 4 years  ......the was good in the beginning ....all of us girls would have a girls night at each other house once a month month it would be mine the next month would be Desire you get the pictures ......when we would go to her house in the beginning he would be friendly , fun and really nice ......we notice in the last year he was distance barely speaking, when he did he was short, he would be rude to her right infront of us, and one occasion he openly flirt with us right in her face she would laugh it off

[Cinnamon Cocaine] 

[Cinnamon Cocaine]Whipped Sorbetto

Comes in 6  different flavors  (Amarena, Cappuccino, Cocco,  Fragola, Rose, and Tangerine 

has the rezz and the add version of the drink 

you can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link [Cinnamon Cocaine]

We all seem to notice  the difference in his behavior everyone except her  or if she notice she never let on.......Not to toot my own horn but i make these balm smoothie drinks that she loves  so i decided to make these drinks .....after I call the girls and told them we had a code rotten........Guess you wondering what a code rotten ...well its a code us girls come up with ...its when one of the girls need the other girls to come and support husband call it a man bashing party lol ....I got my fruit out,  got my trusty blender and my ice ....milk and yogurt on stand by and the most important ingredient ....the liquor .....ok I had to make sure the drinks taste good so i had several drinks before they came shots .....and my wine was on standby but my girl usually want my famous smoothie drink....she came in and the rest of the ladies came right behind her ....we had drinks and talk, laugh, cry and sing .......for that moment she felt better ....we do our best just to support and let her work her feeling out cause in the in its her relationship 

 YoU By GeMyles
 YoU By GeMylesNora Split Tied Pink Dress and LB Heels
comes in black, pink, red and white 
fit Ebody, Physique, Freya, Hourglass, Kupra, Legacy, Maitireya, Tonic (Curvy & Fine)
Im currently wearing the pink with the black heals that comes along with the outfit

you can pick this up at the Beauty Event by clicking the link  Beauty Event
also check out more items at the mainstore

The theme song for this blog is: Take a bow by Rihanna 

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