Saturday, February 27, 2021


 Something To Snack On

I was suppose to go grocery shopping ......i put on this cute lil outfit I pick up at Limited Additions to go to the grocery store but i just didnt feel like it  ....I was hungry but nothing was in the refridgerator ....You know when you go in the refridge and u know there's nothing in it but you still look as if somethng magically gonna jump in it lol ... yeah i did that i hate to admit several times .....I spotted some nutella in the refridge  but I didnt have any strawberries to dip my nutella in ......  when u dont any strawberries ....whats the best next thang .....a spoon ....yes you heard me right ...nothing like a spoon and peanut butter or a spoon and nutella........sitting on the counter eating straight from the jar .....i had the nerve to lay across the counter hausband would have came down he would have had a fit ......he hate when i eat out of the jar ....But it was so good i ate the whole jar to put that on the top of the grocery list  ...

Limited Addition
Limited Addition Stacy Set
Comes with top, skirt and panty
fit Freya, Hourglass, Legacy and Maitreya
Comes with a 20 color hud with 5 for the metal 
im currently wearing this  with the with top and panty and light blue skirt 

Make sure you can pick this up at the event coming up in March will be at the event starting March 1st -31st be the first to get it by clicking the link Whore Couture Fair 

Meanwhile check out the main store by clicking the link Limited Addition

The theme song for this blog is : I love Nutella

Monday, February 22, 2021


Cocktails With The Besties  

My girlfriend call me in tears.....said she just found out that her man had been cheating on her .....we talk for a lil bit and I told her I was on my way to her house ......she told me no that she wanted to get out of the house and ask  if it was ok to come to my house of course I told her yes....she said she will be here in 30 mins and told me to make her a drink and call the crew ......let me give you a little background  on their relationship  well they been together for 4 years  ......the was good in the beginning ....all of us girls would have a girls night at each other house once a month month it would be mine the next month would be Desire you get the pictures ......when we would go to her house in the beginning he would be friendly , fun and really nice ......we notice in the last year he was distance barely speaking, when he did he was short, he would be rude to her right infront of us, and one occasion he openly flirt with us right in her face she would laugh it off

[Cinnamon Cocaine] 

[Cinnamon Cocaine]Whipped Sorbetto

Comes in 6  different flavors  (Amarena, Cappuccino, Cocco,  Fragola, Rose, and Tangerine 

has the rezz and the add version of the drink 

you can pick this up at the mainstore by clicking the link [Cinnamon Cocaine]

We all seem to notice  the difference in his behavior everyone except her  or if she notice she never let on.......Not to toot my own horn but i make these balm smoothie drinks that she loves  so i decided to make these drinks .....after I call the girls and told them we had a code rotten........Guess you wondering what a code rotten ...well its a code us girls come up with ...its when one of the girls need the other girls to come and support husband call it a man bashing party lol ....I got my fruit out,  got my trusty blender and my ice ....milk and yogurt on stand by and the most important ingredient ....the liquor .....ok I had to make sure the drinks taste good so i had several drinks before they came shots .....and my wine was on standby but my girl usually want my famous smoothie drink....she came in and the rest of the ladies came right behind her ....we had drinks and talk, laugh, cry and sing .......for that moment she felt better ....we do our best just to support and let her work her feeling out cause in the in its her relationship 

 YoU By GeMyles
 YoU By GeMylesNora Split Tied Pink Dress and LB Heels
comes in black, pink, red and white 
fit Ebody, Physique, Freya, Hourglass, Kupra, Legacy, Maitireya, Tonic (Curvy & Fine)
Im currently wearing the pink with the black heals that comes along with the outfit

you can pick this up at the Beauty Event by clicking the link  Beauty Event
also check out more items at the mainstore

The theme song for this blog is: Take a bow by Rihanna 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Brit Brat "Twice The Love "


It was a week before Valentine Day and me and my hubby was out looking for desk for his new office ......See my husband decided to start his own business ......after scouting a location we found an office ....we went to several furniture  stores to look for desk but he like the desk combo at Xplicit the most ......he thought it was a bit to pricey but he tend to be cheap on the other hand i say you only like once why not get what u want ......later on that night while laying in bed he was still talking about the desk .....

YoU By GeMyles
YoU By GeMyles Caroline Lingerie
comes with a bra, panties and robe
fit Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus,) Legacy, Maitreya,  Slink (Hourglass, Physique),  Tonic (Curvy, Fine)  also classic sizes  XS, XXS, S, M, L, XL
has a color hud of 10 different colors 

You can pick this up at the Darkness Event by clicking the link Darkness Event also check out the main store by clicking the link YoU By GeMyles

so the next day i want back to the store and purchase the desk set .....had it delivered early on Valentine Day ......I decide to decorate his office .....later that evening i set off the alarm so he can come and check on the building ....when he enter his office I was there in this lingerie I pick up at YoU By GeMyles ....leaning against the desk .....he came over and kiss me I said surprise ....Happy Valentines  Day Baby .......u brought the desk boo i am sitting at his desk in lingerie and hes talking about this  desk ....i was actually working on something before an hour before i had him to come while he was admiring the desk i  continue to work on this project on his computers thing i know he was looking at my breast as i reach over him ...then I felt his hands on my one his hands travel up my that forbidden place .....I guess he finally notice my lingerie taking off the gown ......whispering in my ear about the thank the hell out if you ..

Xplicit Brooklyn Office 
this comes with a Desk and Shelf 
and lifetime  updater
301 animation with multi-speed animations
 texture menu and also Prop menu  
 furnitures is copy and modified  but no tranferable

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ XPLICIT FURNISHING 

Happy Valentine Day by OutKast 

Monday, February 15, 2021


 Hitting the Subway 

The other day my car wouldn't crank ..... I had a meeting to go to a very important meeting  ....I wasn't far from the subway station I could either call a uber or ride the subway......So I hit the subway .....the good thang wasn't anybody on the subway ........I was able to read some notes and chill till my spot ....the good news I got there on time .......and I was able to give my presentation ...they went with me I got the acct .....only thing I have to wait for the hubby to pick me up ...hate waiting think I'm going to hit the subway again and meet him at home 

Chixxie Chasity 
top and pants
fit Freya, Kupra, Maitreya, Legacy
Comes in 10 different colors 
im currently wearing this outfit in black

You can pick this up @ mainstore by clicking the link Chixxie Main Store

Tantrum Lipstick& Leather purse 
the purse has a hud of 8 different colors 
the metal of gold and silver 
the have 8 different hold 
I'm wearing it in black and pink with silver metal

 you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link Tantrum Main Store 

                                                    Subway performer Mike Yung 

Thursday, February 11, 2021


 The Runway 

A friend of mine name Hadid wanted me be in her fashion show to show her new line of gowns  ......well we hearse and we did the dam thang ....well the day of the event all kind of shit was happening and makeup was late I was put in the wrong gown .....we had a certain order we suppose to go down the runway that went out the door of the dresses got mess up  but at the end of the night the audience love the line ....whew ....she said we have to do it next year .....i was like let me think about this this what super models go through....whew chile....I did had fun tho 
Thalia Gown 
It comes with a choker, earrings, gown, gown flowers , and high heels 
the gown fit Freya, Hourglass, Lara, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Isis, Hourglass,  and Physique
The gown texture come in Black, Blue and Red 
there also a texture hud for the flowers on the gown
shoes come in Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink 
I currently wearing this in the Red 

You can pick this up at the main store by clicking this link @ Sentinus Design and Beauty

The theme song for this blog: Saucy Santana by Walk 

Monday, February 8, 2021



Talking to my niece on the phone ....she had me laughing about having a tea party so she can turn up ....ok I know I'm getting old when my niece talk about getting turn up ....So I decided to throw a tea party for my niece .......Spent the day getting it set up getting all the stuff animals  she has at my house I thought she might want to invite .....what to wear  i thought..... at first I was gonna wear some jeans and a top but wanted her to feel special....I pull out this dress i just pick up at  Divaz Empire....smiling hard I thought my niece would get a kick out of seeing me dressed up  ......after getting everything set up ....I call my brother and told my brother to bring my niece over ....Hearing my niece in the background say ask her what should I wear ....told her to get cute lol ....hanging up giggling 

kids are so funny ....wondering if I was like that when I was little .....when hear them at the door .....her dad said he will be back to pick her up in about 2 hours  she has a birthday party to go I took her around to this lil house I had the tea party set up .....I pick her up and told her to close her eyes when we was right in front of the tea party I told her to open her eyes .....she had the biggest smile on her face .... I then introduce her to her guest them difference names than the name she gave them ....she listen to me with a complex expression ...trying my hardest not to laugh ....she said Auntie that's not their names ....then she hop down and pointed to each stuff animal and told me their correct name .....we ate and had our tea ....then all of us agree to crown her Queen Boo Bear .....I was sad when she had to leave I wont lie ....later that day brothers called and had me laughing when she told all the kids at the birthday party that her tea party was turnt up......that made my day 


Divaz Finest Winter Coat

fit Hourglass, Kupra, Freya, Legacy, Maitreya

comes in 15 different colors 

Im actually wearing this in lavender 

you can pick this up at the main store by clicking the link @ Divaz Empire or if you dont feel like leaving your house check out your online store Divaz Empire Marketplace

Theme Song: Turn Down For What by DJ Snake, Lil Jon

Thursday, February 4, 2021


 Project Queen

We are Robotic Corporation name Life Like Robotics ........we supply everybody from the military, to the government, and even sex stores  ...we supply each of them with a unique life like robot that can fight for the military to server as a maid or  even a sex slave whatever you might want in your robot comes already program you just unpack it and it does what you ask for it to do ......we just finish our military train bots and they had be shipped and sent out already.....We have several  sex bot coming down the line ....we actually have 5 sex bot we are working on Project Curvy, Project Pussy, Project Savage, Project Trick and Project Queen .....all have left the factory but one ....Project Queen

Project Queen has to be reprogram several times ......we had our top scientist and our software developer look over her programs each time they did detect a the definition of queen in her processing ....that was removed and reprogram to be a sex bot .....we sent a john in there to test her out ....all we can say at this time it didnt end well for him .....some how she got his gun and was fascinated with it .......she wouldn't put it down ....took her to the military training she scored higher than any of the other military bot that went through the training ....She could be an awesome military bot but she has been purchase already ......we have reprogram her,  we even took her completely apart and we was confident that the program was a successfully all data looks good we are ready to test her .........we sent another john in there at first she follow demand as he told her to lay on the bad she received pleasure but then he told her to give pleasure lets just say we are still investigating what might have went wrong ......It was decided we had to destroy her .....its set  for the the next day and then  the cover up starts  ...we tried several times to shut her down she was able to reboot when they went to take her apart she killed several guards before she was able to get away ...we unable to detect her at this time ....recently several criminals that did something against a female has been killed ...we think its Project Queen ...Our best resources is tracking her down as we speak 

Q. Hot Girl
comes with a Hoodie,  panties and Chap Heels 
fit Kupra, Ebody, Freya,  Hourglass,  Legacy, and Maitreya 
comes in 8 different colors 
its has a hud of 6 different saying that comes in black or white 
im actually wearing the lime green with the saying queens in white 

This can be pick up at the Cake Day Event Cake Day Event

Check out the mainstore  by clicking the link @ QUEENZ Also check out their online store by clicking the link QUEENZ (Marketplace)

Theme Song for this blog: Missy Elliot -Lose Control 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...