Saturday, August 31, 2019

Founders Weekend

 Wine Gathering 

I'm part of a sorority "Theta Delpa Alpha" and we having founder day this weekend so Friday we had a wine tasting …….now I love a nice glass of wine …..the had pinot noir, cabernet, chardonnay and of course my favorite in my excited voice ….Moscato … I was tasting each wine …..while dancing with my soror sister …..

 lets talk about my outfit while I can
Hair: Doux Mecca (Basic Pack) 125L 
Outfit: -zk-Paquita Dress in Red for 268L
Shoes: KC Saniah Heels change in 99L 

When the wine tasting end one of my sorority sister help in the uber….once I got home I decided to open  a bottle of Moscato I had chilling in the refridge..I kick out my heels and turn on my stereo to some old school r&b …...singing some Sisqo  and drinking then I did something strange I start smoking a cigarette …..I don't smoke …...then Another Hamilton  come on and I really cut a fool after getting pissy drunk I start eating all the grapes wondering why grapes doesn't taste like wine  and then I end up in a box drinking the rest of the wine and couldn't remember how to get out of it was stuck in that bitch an hour before I climb out….later that night I pass out woke up with a hungover ….no more wine till next weekend and I mean it 

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