Friday, March 27, 2020

My favorite drink


About two weeks ago, Me and my hubby went to this small amusement park...while we was there he got me a drink from of stands along with a hot dog .....omg that apple fizz thats the name of the drink was so dam good that i got another one before we went home......about  week later i have a craving for that same drink so i drove to the amusement park flirted so i can get in free just to get the drink .......i was so excited ......when i took a sip it was alright but it wasnt as good as the first time i had it...... dont get me wrong it wasnt nasty the last two had a lot of apple flavor it it .....i need to find out who made it the day i came ......oh well since i paid a 100L for the drink i cant complain

lets talk about the outfit can find it out Sense Event 
Outfit : Hexed - Legends Fitted T shirt dress( white) but they have it in red and black also different artist  200L  each and the fatpack 1,400L 
Hair : Truth -Vivid in grayscale i got the hair for free cause im part of the vip but they usually sell it for 300L each color 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Monkey Business


You know im always looking for a part-time job well a friend of mine call me and told me she know someone looking for someone to managing a Zoo and would i be interested.  i told her sure and to give her my number... she told me she would let her know .....two days later i received a call from a lady name Char ...we had a nice conversation she said i would be perfect for the job and that it was a pie job ......a day later i met her in person and she gave me my uniform and schedule and as she walk away she said oh and make sure you keep an eye on Jupitor hes tends to get out the monkey enclosure and very mischievous .....well the first day went by easy i was bored after i feed the animals  .....when i came in the next day i notice Jupitor was out of his cage instead of putting him back i let him hang out on my shoulder ....hell i can watch him better if hes with me i thought little did i know he had already cause havoc  .......while feeding the animals i notice some of them was missing .....went to put Jupitor into the cage when i notice a bunch of monkey gone .....fuck fuck fuck .....i cant believe this ...i ran around an ran into one of the baby cougars omg  he was so cute i put on one of the  outfit for dogs they have in the gift shop ....wanted to keep him until i saw his parents all territorial so i put him back in the cage both of them glad their parents didn't get out ....or i was out here ......anyway I ran around all day grabbing monkeys out of  the bird enclosure, giraffe, elephants, etc ..i had only an hour before it time the the zoo to open and the owner came back happy to say i got the last monkey back into the enclosure five minutes before the owner came back and it was time to open....i was so dam tired ....needless to say this will be my last day at the zoo no zookeeper ....when i told Char this was my last day she said she was sad i did such a good job ....thinking if she only knew

 Lets talk about my outfit:
Outfit:Scandalize Kya Romper (Brown) 288L 
Hair: Sintiklia Addison -B&W 300L 

also check out the sim:
Tradewinds Family Zoo
they have much animals come and check it out the zoo is beautiful and bring the family i may not work there but i love their zoo here the landmark

Saturday, March 14, 2020

No Secret Mission


Remember I was a cop well technically I still am .......I'm on leave to think about my action omg why do they love to have me think about my actions ......its simple i was arresting a perk when he called me a bitch i just showed him what a bitch really is ....ok ok he now walk with a limp but he will think about that every time he grab his cane to walk ....then internal affairs said i was costing the city money ...yada yada yada I'm on leave when my captain call me which i was surprise  and told me to go on a special mission and bring someone i trust probably my first indication its bullshit i called my bestie ....of course she was happy cause she heard she will get an new space age outfit out the deal off the subject the outfit was a bit seductive .....we was suppose to be looking for man he was hiding on another planet so we had to get prepared for the mission those neutron put in my head and everything ......we headed to space ....when we reported to the space boss they ignore us gave us those dump looking gun had i known that i would have brought my glock 45 and of course Holo was excited about the dumb gun sometime i want to just smack her .....but any who we was giving a computer and a location ......after the third location and finding nothing something was fishy .....i tap into the government files and found out they send me on this secret mission to get me out the way .....see a perk i sent to jail just got parole and wanted to come after me my Captain and he ask what was that about .....after fussing with me about tapping into government files he told me he feared for the perk ....really .....he coming after me so he would get what he deserve ...he said and that's why he sent me away need less to say they arrested the perk and he was sent back to jail and i came home sucking my teeth at least i got paid and went on vacation ...hell all they had to say is that they was sending me on vacation......oh and Holo she was keep begging me to go on another fake mission sigh got to love her

 ok let's talk about the outfit 
you can currently get my whole look at the Collabor88 Fair 
Outfit: R2 Fashion the Sayori outfit (pink/white) 188L which is really cheap also i got the boots from the actual store they call the hakuya  boots(pink) 149L  which is a really also a good price  
Hair: Tram Hair J0225 288L (natural colors) they have a custom hud so u can change the color to any color u want 

Friday, March 6, 2020

When we first met or was it


Ok you know I look for part time jobs from time to time …….well a girlfriend told me about this diner that was looking for wait staff...….hell I am a stewardess I wait on people on the plane so its no difference ....boy was I wrong but anyway ….I went to the diner and ask for the owner......the owner was this big fat greasy guy call Hal that had an body odor to him ….he came out looking a lil intimidating …...he look like he should be the topic of a lifetime movie ...let me stop getting back to what happen …..he came out I told him I was looking for a part-time job ….he gave me a uniform with another chick name on it and a menu told me to remember it ….I was like that even better cause if I mess up their

 order they blame it on some chick call Betty…..told me it was fairly easy all I had to do is abbreviate the sides on the burger like  a hamburger with lettuce, tomato, mayo, ketchup
and pickles would be a hamburger, l, t, ma, k, p  ….shit that easy I thought and  said to come back in an hour … I took my uniform and the greasy menu and left …….I came back with the uniform on …..shit I couldn't
 remember that whole menu so ill wing it I thought and ready to work …..It had been busy from the time I came in …...Hal kept yelling like he lost his mind …it was hot I was sweating and tired, I kept messing up orders …..I was about to quit when he came in …..he sat at my booth I was thinking oh great

let's talk about the outfit …..I brought it on marketplace …...Lorien Waitress outfit 150L it come with dress, hat, shoes, and even the serving tray have to bit of editing but for that low cost I would buy it again 

 here we go again …..I was tired my feet hurt …..I took his order he look up our eyes met and he smile at me ….dam he was fine something about that smile …..I blush a lil …...from that day on he would come in everyday I work …my co-workers would tease me your boys back in your booth  …..he finally got the courage to ask me out …..we went out and spend time from that day on …...wait was that the Alicia keys video I just finish looking at snapping out of my daydream …..told Hal this was my last day effected immediately ….that was my last day there

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...