Saturday, August 31, 2019

Founders Weekend

 Wine Gathering 

I'm part of a sorority "Theta Delpa Alpha" and we having founder day this weekend so Friday we had a wine tasting …….now I love a nice glass of wine …..the had pinot noir, cabernet, chardonnay and of course my favorite in my excited voice ….Moscato … I was tasting each wine …..while dancing with my soror sister …..

 lets talk about my outfit while I can
Hair: Doux Mecca (Basic Pack) 125L 
Outfit: -zk-Paquita Dress in Red for 268L
Shoes: KC Saniah Heels change in 99L 

When the wine tasting end one of my sorority sister help in the uber….once I got home I decided to open  a bottle of Moscato I had chilling in the refridge..I kick out my heels and turn on my stereo to some old school r&b …...singing some Sisqo  and drinking then I did something strange I start smoking a cigarette …..I don't smoke …...then Another Hamilton  come on and I really cut a fool after getting pissy drunk I start eating all the grapes wondering why grapes doesn't taste like wine  and then I end up in a box drinking the rest of the wine and couldn't remember how to get out of it was stuck in that bitch an hour before I climb out….later that night I pass out woke up with a hungover ….no more wine till next weekend and I mean it 

 Music by

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Shopping spree

S&S {Sister and Shopping } my two favorite thangs

I went out shopping figure I would pick up a couple of items …..I call my twins …..and yes I have a twin not identical we are fraternal... use to be mad we don't look alike but we definitely have the same style laughing .....that's something everyone  don't know about me …….when I call to see if she wanted to go shopping her phone went straight to voicemail ….figure she was busy with my niece and nephew she has two kids that keep her ass mad busy …….im getting off the subject …..where was I ...oh yeah well I was shopping when I look up she was at the counter with the same outfit I just brought looking to see if they have it in her size  …….I went up and hug her … let me give you a lil history about me and my twin …..she's the passionate one …..She's the one  that will give you the shit off her back not me I paid too much for this shit …….shes the one that have that would share her food im too greedy but don't get it twisted she will kick ur ass if you mess with family …..I remember we was mad as hell ...we had argue almost came to blows ….went outside to cool off when this girl start messing with me … and the girl start having words when out of nowhere my twin came through ….yelling u got a problem with my sister laughing …..smiling at the memory 

The top is call Isis Mini tee/diamond bralette-Christian (from Seul Store) 
and the pants are from Little fox ( Alexa Jeans) and her hair is from Doux 
Jenna she brought it at the Dubai Event …..she look like a Jennie …..even 
though she have a man wanting her to grant his wish laughing 

our theme song: No more Shopping Sprees by Ruff Ends click the link to hear the song

Friday, August 16, 2019

My Tennis career

My Serena Dream 

I woke up the other day with this bright idea that I wanted to play tennis … I went to the marketplace to find a cute tennis outfit ….they didn't have shit so I went to one of my favorite stores ….Scandalize found this cute outfit that I can rock on the tennis court ….now I had to find me a cute racket and headed to the tennis court now the first court this creepy guy keep looking trying to talk to I left didn't feel like being tied up in someone basement as a sexy slave this week ….any who I join this country club about a month ago just cause I like the pool but remember seeing a tennis court when they was giving me the tour ……  I went to the country club with my tennis balls and racket …….was hitting the ball by myself when a nice guy ask if I  wanted to play against him....I was like sure …..I was hitting the balls left and right even made the lil noise u know the grunts that Serena made when shes on the court …...I won the match from 5-1 I was so same sore the next day ….that's the end of that dam dream …..I don't know how the hell Serena do it

now lets talk about my outfit ……..well earlier I told you the outfit from Scandalize

Outfit: Scandalize -Emeri top and skirt in White ….the outfit was 500L  for the whole outfit
Shoes: Tetra Air Sneakers …..I have the fatback …...brought it for 700L 
Hair: Little bone: Lead in dark 329L 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Pizza Again

Omg Pizza 

 My best friend you know the one that tried to rob the guitar shop …..well we have a standing appt every Friday we get together and have a spa day, get our nails done or have a pajama party or just watch a movie and of course eat...we usually order on grubhub or something ..for the last 6 weeks she has been the one who order the food so we had pizza for 6wks now was hoping she would order something else but no its pizza  … I love pizza like the next person but not every week ….just look at her face she excited about the pizza like she haven't just had it last week ...can I say I'm tired of pizza but this heifer is excited look at that dam smile on her face make u want to smack it off 

Lets talk about the my outfit …..
Hair: Truth_ Jacica in black
Outfit: Pseudo- Xen Baseball Jersey in Yellow but they have in a variety of colors 
Pizza From Pizza Hut lol ….next time im ordering 

Brit Brat "Fashion Shout-Out"

A DAY AT THE OFFICE  Have you ever had a day that u can't start it without is that day .....I mean I tried to get focus ...